Gift Transmittals is an online, easy-to-use tool that enables schools and departments to enter, approve and track gifts made to the university.
Gift Transmittals provides the following benefits:
Automated Workflow Routing
Routes gift transmittals through each step of the process, collecting approvals and notifying each person in the workflow of required actions
Provides visibility into the status of each gift transmittal, and the individuals participating in each review and approval phase
Uses system controls to ensure data entered by central and distributed users is accurate
Documentation Repository
Maintains uploaded donor documents that can be accessed easily for review
Shorter Process Time
Expedites the approval process by automatically routing and tracking electronic signatures
Getting Started in Gift Transmittals
Training is required before access is granted to Gift Transmittals. Visit the Learning and Access sections to learn more.
Visit the Newsroom for recent announcements, and subscribe to receive future Gift Transmittals updates and enhancements.
Gaining Access to Gift Transmittals
Before you can process gift transmittals online:
- You must complete required training. Refer to Learning section.
- Your school/department must grant you Gift Transmittals authority using the Authority Manager application. Refer to Resource: Authorized Authority Grantors.
Authority for Oracle applications is updated daily. Once you complete your training and/or new authority is granted, you should have access to your new authority within 24 hours.
Gift Transmittals Authority
The role and associated privileges assigned to you in Authority Manager determine the tasks you can perform in Gift Transmittals.
Gift User
If you are responsible for initiating and/or completing gift transmittals, you will need Gift User authority. This authority allows you to upload documents, request new funds, designate approval routings and track gift processing progress.
Gift Approver
If you are responsible for reviewing and approving gift transmittals, you will need Gift Approver authority. This authority allows the same capabilities as Gift User authority plus the ability to electronically approve or reject the transmittals.
OOD Fundraiser
If you are a member of the Office of Development (OOD) and are responsible for initiating and/or completing gift transmittals, you will need OOD Fundraiser authority. This authority allows the same capabilities as Gift User authority plus the ability to initiate transmittals for pledges and to validate the donor(s) against CARD/PostGrads using their SUID(s).
Obtaining Authority in Gift Transmittals
- In Gift Transmittals, you will have access to accounts (PTAs) as defined in your Oracle Financials reporting authority.
- Departments are responsible for granting and updating authority privileges.
- If you are responsible for managing a portfolio of accounts (PTAs), you may need to request authority from additional departments.
The following table explains the training required for new users of Gift Transmittals.
Course Number and Name | Description |
FIN-0190: Initiating Gift Transmittals | This course is designed for users who process monetary gifts using Stanford’s Gift Transmittals system, including gift initiators and gift approvers. You’ll learn the basics of the Gift Transmittals process, how to initiate a new gift and how to track the processing of a gift using the Gift Transmittals workflow. |
FIN-0191: Approving Gift Transmittals | This course is designed for users who are responsible for approving monetary gifts using Stanford’s Gift Transmittals system. You’ll learn how to approve a new gift, return a gift transmittal to its initiator and track the processing of a gift using the Gift Transmittals workflow. You must complete FIN-190: Initiating Gift Transmittals before starting this course. |
Once you have completed the required training and your school/department grants you the Gift Approver authority, you will receive access to Gift Transmittals. Refer to Resource: Authorized Authority Grantors
How tos
Oracle Financials Basics
For more information on how to use Oracle Financials, refer to the Oracle Basics Guide
Gift Users
Gift users can perform the following tasks:
- Initiate New Gift Transmittal
- Complete a Gift Transmittal
- Link/Unlink Gift Transmittals
- View Gift Transmittal Workflow and Status
- Add, Reassign or Remove an Approver
- Reassign Gift Transmittal to Other Award Owning Org
- Copy Gift Transmittal
- Complete the Conflict of Interest Task
- Export Gift Transmittal Data to Excel
- Process a Pledge and Initial Payment for the Same New Fund
- Process Gifts from Different Sources for the Same New Fund
Gift Approvers
Gift Approvers can perform all Gift User tasks plus:
- To obtain the purpose (fund authorization) of an award, get the award number and use Oracle Financials > Fund Title Query.
- To research fund authorization to determine the award to which to deposit a gift, use OBI Reference Data and Inquiry Dashboard > PTA Inquiry Report.
- To verify where prior gifts were deposited, use OBI Revenue and Fund Management Dashboard > Fund Statement Report.
For information about OBI, see OBI Financial Reporting.