An authorized gift approver can use the Gift Transmittals system to review, approve, return or reject a gift transmittal to the gift initiator. For approval requirements, refer to Resource: Authorized Authority Grantors for Gift Transmittals System and Topic Overview: Record Gifts.
Tab Title
Before You Start
- You must complete the Gift Transmittal Form.
- If you received an email notification about taking action on a gift transmittal, but there is nothing in your queue, it is likely that someone else has acted on the gift transmittal. Use Gift Inquiry (refer to Step 2) to check on the current status and queue for the gift transmittal.
- If you select to return the Form to the gift initiator, the approval process will need to be restarted.
- Enter in the browser
- Select Login
- As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password
- Select SU Gift User
- Select Gift Processing
- Read the Gift Transmittals Confidentiality Agreement
- Select Proceed
- Under the Gifts Requiring Your Action section, find the gift transmittal record
- Select Next to page through the records, if needed
- Select the Transmittal Id link that requires your action
- Select Gift Inquiry from top left menu
- Enter information about the gift at the top of the page as search criteria
- Select Search
- From the Gift Transmittal Form column, select the Gift Transmittal ID number
- Review the information
- If changes are needed, refer to Step 5 - Returning the Transmittal to the Gift Initiator/User
- Select Workflow
- Add, remove or reassign approvers, if needed.
- Change Action status from In Progress to Approved, using the drop-down list in the Action column
- Enter Comments, if applicable
- Select Apply Changes
You can return a form to the gift initiator at any stage when the form is entered in the workflow, even after an approval has been submitted.
- Select Workflow
- Change Action status from In Progress to Return to Initiator/User, using the drop-down list in the Action column
- Select gift initiator from drop-down list
- Enter Comments
- Select Select
- Select Apply Changes
Please consult with Development Services at @email before making this selection. Once the Rejected option is selected and submitted, the entire transmittal will be canceled, and no more actions can be taken.
In most cases, if the approver does not approve of the transaction, they should return the transaction to the gift user/initiator to make the necessary changes outlined in the Comments. Refer to the preceding step: Returning the Transmittal to the Gift Initiator/User.
- Select Workflow
- Add, remove or reassign approvers, if needed.
- To reject the gift transmittal, change Action status from In Progress to Rejected, using the drop-down list in the Action column
- Enter rejection reasons in the Comments box, so the gift initiator can make corrections
If this gift transmittal is a duplicate, include the number of the duplicate gift transmittal. - Select Apply Changes
- Approved gift transmittals move to the next approver in the workflow. Refer to How to: View Gift Transmittal Workflow and Status.
- If the transmittal is returned, the gift initiator/user must edit and resubmit it for approval.
- For rejected (canceled) gift transmittals, no further action can be taken relative to that gift transmittal number. If the gift transmittal needs to be recreated, it can be found via Gift Inquiry and copied (refer to How to: Copy a Gift Transmittal). The copy will be assigned a new transmittal ID number.