Expenditure type codes are used to track how money is spent (i.e., salaries, materials, travel). Object codes are used to track assets, liabilities, fund balances, revenue and expenditure categories. There are approximately 2,000 active expenditure type and object codes. In the event that current expenditure type or object codes do not meet the needs of a department or business unit, new or updated codes may be requested. Requests must include a compelling business justification.
Requests will be processed within 4 to 6 weeks from the receipt of the request. Requests will not be processed during the period beginning Aug. 2 and ending Oct. 31 of each year because of fiscal year-end accounting close requirements.
Prior to requesting a new or updated expenditure type or object code, department requestors should follow the process outlined below.
Requests may include a new code, a change to an existing code or the activation of an inactive code. Prior to making a request, review lists of active and inactive codes to confirm that an existing code does not meet the department's needs. Updated expenditure type and object code lists are published monthly and time stamped with the last updated date.
- Review online request forms to understand information required to complete a request.
- As appropriate, requestors should consult with their manager, principal investigator, budget officer and/or local accounting staff to review and finalize the need for the request, including business justification.
- Complete all required information in the online request form and submit.
- Save a copy of the acknowledgement page for future reference.
Requests are reviewed upon receipt by the Financial Analysis & Information Reporting (FAIR) department within the Controller’s Office of Financial Management Services (FMS). Requestors will be contacted if clarification or additional information is required.
- All requests are compiled on a monthly basis (at the end of the first week of each month for the 4 weeks prior).
- The second week of each month, the Central Office Chart of Accounts Committee meets to review and discuss open requests and agree on disposition.
- As needed, committee members will contact individual requestors for clarification, to discuss alternate solutions and to come to a mutual agreement on next steps.
- The last week of each month, requestors with approved requests will receive an email notification confirming that their request has been implemented.
- On a monthly basis, the Chart of Accounts Committee publishes Expenditure Type and Object Code Updates.