format_list_bulleted Topic Overview

Close PTAs

Requests to close a PTA (project, task, award) should be directed to the central office or department responsible for administering the PTA set up and close process. This page includes contacts and requirements for closing various PTA types. 

Before submitting a request to close a PTA, preparers should confirm that:

  • All future invoices will be charged to a valid PTA, which will prevent any invoices from being placed on hold. Preparers can use the  OBI Procure to Pay Dashboard > Purchase Orders Tab with Purchase Order Outstanding Commitment set to “Y,” adding the PTA of interest to the PTA Number field. This report will show all POs with open commitments on a PTA the preparer intends to close so that the PO can be updated proactively. For more information on updating active POs with a valid PTA, refer to How To: Change a PTA on an Approved Purchase Order. If the invoice is placed on hold due to a closed PTA, the invoice will charge to the default PTA after seven (7) business days for the task-owning organization. Refer to Resource: Managing Invoice Holds for more information on releasing holds due to a closed or unavailable PTA. 
  • All commitments against the PTA (salary, requisition, purchase order and AP invoice) have been relieved. Preparers can use the OBI Consolidated Expenditure Reporting>Commitment Details to find all current commitments and take appropriate actions to relieve each commitment type. For more guidance on relieving commitments, refer to Topic Overview: Commitment Management

The table below includes common PTA types, requirements for closing, and contacts. Requirements and contacts for closing other PTA types can be found in Administrative Guide Policy 3.1.3: Expenditure Accounts (PTAs).

PTA Type Close Requirement Contacts
Capital Project  The in-service date is final and all outstanding commitments (open purchase orders and work orders) have been closed. Please see How To: Close or Cancel a Capital Project PTA. For questions, please email @email.
Sponsored Project Sponsor has notified Stanford of its acceptance and sign-off of all technical, financial, invention, and property reports as required by the terms and conditions of the award. Coordinate with School and Department Contacts for Sponsored Funding.
Service Center All remaining account balances have been cleared. Contact the Research Administration Policy and Compliance department of the Office of Research Administration.
Non-sponsored: Designated, Operating Budget, Auxiliary, and Expenditure Allocation

These PTAs may be closed at any time during the fiscal year as long as the following are met:

  • All outstanding commitments have been reconciled. This includes checking that any associated invoices, requisitions, active purchase orders, and outstanding salary commitments are processed, associated with a different PTA, canceled, or closed.
  • There are no outstanding revenue, expenses, and/or net investment activities in the award/fund.
  • The available balance of the award/fund is zero.

For guidance before submitting your request, please see Topic Overview: Manage Fund Balances and Topic Overview: Life Cycle of a Fund.

To close a non-sponsored account (PTA) or PTA segment (individual project, task, or award), please see How To: Close a Non-Sponsored PTA or PTA Segment.

To close a large number (more than 20) of non-sponsored PTAs or PTA segments, please see How To: Bulk Upload Non-Sponsored PTA Segments to Close.

For further questions, please see School/Department Contacts for Non-Sponsored Funding.

Non-sponsored: Expendable or Endowment Gifts Endowment gift funds and their related endowment income funds are very seldom closed.

To close a non-sponsored account (PTA) or individual project, task, or award, please see How To: Close a Non-Sponsored PTA or PTA Segment; expendable gift (GIF) and endowment (END) PTAs will automatically be routed in PTA Manager to Fund Accounting for checking donor documentation prior to closing.

For further questions, please see School/Department Contacts for Non-Sponsored Funding.

Non-sponsored: Miscellaneous Accounts Receivables All outstanding commitments have been reconciled.

Please submit a support request.

For further questions, please see School/Department Contacts for Non-Sponsored Funding.

Last Updated: May 22, 2024