format_list_bulleted Topic Overview

Purchase Orders

A non-catalog purchase requisition, also called a non-catalog request, is a purchasing method through iProcurement that is used to purchase goods and services that are:

  • Not covered by a contract
  • Typically not available through the catalog purchasing methods (e.g., Amazon Business or SmartMart Catalog Suppliers). Before creating a new non-catalog purchase requisition, Stanford purchasers should review goods available through catalog purchasing methods, which offer a streamlined and efficient ordering process.

All purchase requisitions must be in compliance with Stanford’s purchasing policies and guidelines. The purchase requisition process facilitates appropriate financial approval and the creation of a purchase order, which serves as the legal document for the transaction between Stanford and the supplier of the goods or services.

When the purchase involves a signed agreement negotiated by two or more parties, such as when a business unit, school, or department hires a non-Stanford, outside company or individual to perform a service for Stanford, the purchase must begin with and follow the contract process. This process facilitates the appropriate review and signature of the contract by the Procurement Services Contracts team and possibly also the supplier.

Certain categories of purchases, such as Capital Purchases or Special Goods, require additional actions in the procurement process.

The lifecycle of a Purchase Order (PO) typically includes the following five stages: 

All purchase requisitions begin with a discussion among stakeholders to analyze the need for a good or service. This includes obtaining competitive quotes from suppliers with pricing for the desired goods or services for the non-catalog purchase requisition. 

In order to create and complete a non-catalog purchase requisition, schools and units will need to select a new supplier and ensure they have an active record in the university’s database:

When the purchase requires a Stanford signature and therefore a contract, schools and units must begin the contract process by submitting a contract request in the SmartMart Contracts system. Then, if the contract requires funding, a purchase requisition is automatically generated in iProcurement. 

A purchase order begins with a purchase requisition in iProcurement. The requisition preparer will create the requisition by completing the requisition. Refer to the Resource: Non-Catalog Request Types for definitions and best practices when selecting a requisition type:

  • Financial Information and Approval: After adding the project, task, award and expenditure type (PTAE) information in the billing information section, a financial approver is auto-populated in the requisition based on the PTAE and dollar amount being requested. All Stanford purchase requisitions must be approved by individuals within the school or unit with the appropriate financial authority. Financial approvers are designated and managed by the department. Users can look up financial approvers by project and task using the Financial Approval Authority Query tool and can select another approver with adequate authority and remove the pre-generated approver if appropriate. Refer to Resource: PTAEO and PFOO Defined for more details on the PTAEO account structure used to record university expenditures and the PFOO account structure used to record assets, liabilities, revenue, and fund transfers. 
  • Requisition Attachments: If the purchase is $50,000 or greater after taxes and fees, attach the supplier’s quote as well as attestation of price reasonableness (competitive quotes, proposals, or bids from other suppliers or a single or sole source justification form) to the purchase requisition. For more details on the documentation needed for the competitive supplier selection process, refer to Topic Overview: Selecting a Supplier. If the requisition was created from a contract request and the pricing information (e.g., price per hour, total number of hours, price per deliverable, or lump sum pricing for the total amount of work) is fragmented across multiple pages of the proposal and/or Statement of Work, ensure all documents containing pricing information are also attached to the requisition.

The preparer can submit the purchase requisition for financial approval after completing all of the required fields in the purchase requisition.

Canceling a purchase requisition

The process to cancel a purchase requisition depends on the status of the requisition and whether it is an Amazon Business, SmartMart Catalog Suppliers, or non-catalog requisition. If the purchase requisition is associated with a contract, the preparer must contact the Contracts team to request cancellation of the contract request and the purchase requisition. 

After accepting or changing the designated financial approver(s) within the school or unit, the purchase requisition moves to the review and approval stage.

Approved non-catalog purchase orders (PO) are delivered to the supplier directly via email. To review any aspects of the PO, users may access the Requisition and Purchase Order Query tool, which is one of the SU Inquiry Tools and Forms in Oracle Financials. 

There are several activities that can occur when a PO becomes active: 

Change Orders are not recommended for catalog (e.g., Amazon or SmartMart Catalog Suppliers) purchase orders because they are fulfilled and completed quickly. 

ActivityProcess and Guidance
Add funds

In most cases, schools and units should not add funds to an active PO. A new purchase requisition should be created for any new transactions. Funds should typically only be added to pay the final associated invoice by:

The updated PO is not sent to the supplier, unless specifically requested, to avoid possible duplicate shipments. 

Please note: After adding funds, if the total amount  exceeds $50,000 or greater after taxes and fees, preparers must comply with the university’s competitive supplier selection process

Change a PTA

Departments may need to change a PTA because it has an end date or the original PTA is incorrect. 

The PTA should be changed before any invoices are submitted by the supplier. PTA changes can be made on eligible and active POs using self-service functionality that is available in the Requisition and Purchase Order Query tool. A Review Ineligibility to Change PTA button will display if the PO is ineligible to use the self-service functionality, but a change order may be applicable. 

If there is only one remaining invoice on the PO or the invoice is already paid, use iJournals to transfer the expense to the correct PTA.

Change an Expenditure TypeIf the invoice is already paid, use iJournals to transfer the expense to the correct PTA and/or Expenditure Type Code. If the invoice is not already paid, submit a change order.
Manage potential issues or disputesRefer to the Topic Overview: Managing the Supplier Relationship and Record for more information on how to manage disputes with suppliers when the delivered product or service is not meeting expectations. In some situations, schools and units can request that the Accounts Payable (AP) team place a hold on an invoice, allowing additional time to communicate with the supplier and reach a reasonable resolution. 
Submit and process an invoiceAccounts Payable processes an invoice and schedules payment per the terms specified on the purchase order (e.g. net 30 days from date on the invoice). Learn more: Topic Overview: Purchase Order Invoice Processing.
Finally Close PO

POs that have not received an invoice cannot be Finally Closed and must be canceled instead.

If the PO has had  invoice activity, it is eligible to be Finally Closed when:

  • All goods and services have been fulfilled
  • All invoices have been processed and paid 
  • No further transactions or changes will occur on the PO

It is a good practice to Finally Close eligible purchase orders to reduce risk and support accurate financial reporting. When a PO is Finally Closed, all outstanding commitments are  relieved.

A PO can be Finally Closed in two ways:

  • Departments can Finally Close a Purchase Order (PO); or
  • A PO is automatically Finally Closed when:
    • The PO has not had any activity (including invoices or change orders) for over three years; and
    • There are no outstanding commitments.

The Finally Close action is permanent and cannot be reversed. If the Finally Close action was taken in error, a new PO must be created to replace the Finally Closed PO. 

Cancel PO (for when the PO has no invoice activity)

When an active PO has no invoice activity, for example because  the goods or services will no longer be fulfilled by the supplier or are no longer needed by the department, the PO can be canceled using self-service functionality. Prior to canceling a PO in Stanford’s financial systems, departments should notify the supplier.

When orders are canceled by Amazon Business that cannot be fulfilled, the PO line (or entire PO) will automatically be canceled.

Please note: Effective February 10, 2025, PO suppression functionality is only available for subaward POs. All previously suppressed commitments will continue to be hidden on Oracle Financial reports. Departments can Finally Close or cancel POs with previously suppressed PO lines. Learn more.

The following tables provide the statuses that display for purchase requisitions and purchase orders in iProcurement, Requisition and Purchase Orders Query tool and Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI). The tables also include any suggested actions or guidance as appropriate.

Purchase requisition statuses

The table below provides the purchase requisition status and a description of the status with potential actions that can be taken.  

System and field name where status displaysStatus description and possible actions to be taken 
  • iProcurement: Refer to the Status field in the My Requisitions section
  • Requisition and Purchase Orders Query: Approval Status
  • Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI): Purchase Requisition Status
  • Incomplete: The purchase requisition was started, but not completed. Users can complete or delete the requisition from the worklist.
  • In Process or Pre-Approval: A status that temporarily displays to indicate that the purchase requisition was submitted and in the process of obtaining approval. 
  • Rejected: The purchase requisition was rejected. The user can address the rejection reason and resubmit. Refer to (Stage 5) The Active Purchase Order Is Managed by the Department for several activities that can occur when a PO becomes active. 
  • Approved: The purchase requisition was approved and is now an active purchase order. Refer to the (Stage 5) The Active Purchase Order Is Managed by the Department section above for several activities that can occur when a PO becomes active
  • Canceled: The purchase requisition was canceled and no further action can be taken. 

Purchase Order (PO) statuses

The first consideration for understanding the PO status is determining whether the PO is active. When a PO has been Finally Closed or Canceled it is no longer active and no further actions can be taken on the PO. If the PO is active, refer to (Stage 5)The Active Purchase Order Is Managed by the Department for several activities that can occur when a PO becomes active. Refer to the table below for details:  

System and field name where status displaysStatuses that display in the fields and description
  • Requisition and Purchase Orders Query: Canceled
  • OBI: Purchase Order Canceled Indicator
  • No: The PO is active. 
  • Yes: The PO is not active. The PO has been canceled and no actions can be taken on the PO.
  • Requisition and Purchase Orders Query: PO Status
  • OBI: Purchase Order Closed Status Description
  • Open: The PO is active.
  • Closed: The PO is active. The goods or services have been received and invoiced for all lines on the PO.
  • Finally Closed: The PO is not active. The PO has been Finally Closed and no actions can be taken on the PO.

If the PO has not been canceled or Finally Closed, the next consideration is the PO Authorization status, which indicates possible stages of the approval status of the PO. After the PO has been approved, it becomes active. Refer to the below table for details:

System and field name where status displaysStatuses that display in the fields and description
  • Requisition and Purchase Orders Query: PO Authorization
  • OBI: Purchase Order Status Description
  • Approved: The purchase requisition was approved and Stanford has issued an active PO to the supplier. 
  • Incomplete: A status that temporarily displays to indicate that the purchase order is pending further action by central procurement (likely due to a contract requiring a signature). 
  • Requires Reapproval: The user initiated a change order requisition or contract amendment and will be notified when the PO has been approved.

After the PO is approved, the department can make PTA changes on the PO. The following statuses display related to a PTA change. Refer to the (Stage 5)The Active Purchase Order Is Managed by the Department section above to learn more about how to change a PTA and other activities that can occur on an approved PO. 

System and field name where status displaysStatuses that display in the fields and description
  • Requisition and Purchase Orders Query: Refer to the Status field in the Change PTA History section
  • Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI): Purchase Order PTA Change Status Description
  • Pending: A PTA change was initiated by the user and is pending financial approval.
  • Rejected: The PTA change was initiated by the users but was rejected by the approver. 
  • Completed: The PTA change was approved.
Last Updated: Feb 18, 2025