linear_scale How To

Initiate New Gift Transmittal

Monetary gifts arriving at or transferred to any part of the university should be initiated using the Gift Transmittals system by a trained, authorized user, and the payments and supporting documentation should be delivered to Development Services the day it is received. For exceptions, refer to Topic Overview: Record Gifts.

Initiate New Gift Transmittal

  • Do not initiate a gift transmittal (GT) until you have physical possession of the gift.
  • Gifts from Highly Anonymous Donors: If the donor(s) does not wish to have their name(s) recorded anywhere in the system, email Development Services at @email and do not initiate a gift transmittal.
  • Donor Documentation: Prepare and scan the following documents and save them on your local computer as a consolidated pdf file.
    • Original donor letter and/or pledge documentation for pledge payments
    • Original, postmarked envelope (required at all times of the year)
    • Payment type documentation: check, evidence of wire transfer, securities, credit card payment, cash or pledge

  1. Enter in the browser
  2. Select Login
  3. As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password

  1. Select SU Gift User
  2. Select Gift Processing
  3. Read the Gift Transmittals Confidentiality Agreement
  4. Select Proceed

  1. Select New Gift from top-left menu
  2. Your Gift Transmittal ID is generated
    Put the Gift Transmittal ID number on all documentation associated with the gift, including the check, before sending it to Development Services.
  3. Gift Type will be pre-selected for Gift Users and Gift Approvers. If you are a member of the Office of Development (OOD), select Gift or Pledge as the Gift Type from the drop-down menu.
  4. Enter the four-letter Award Owning Org code
    • If you do not know the org code or organization name, enter at least three characters to initiate a search. You may use “%” as a wildcard for up to two of the three characters.
    • You must select the award from the drop-down once it appears.
  5. Enter Transmittal Total
  6. Enter Postmarked Date or select the calendar icon to select the date
    • If the gift arrived via the United States Postal Service (USPS), enter the postmarked date. 
    • If the gift was hand-delivered, shipped (other than USPS) or contains a foreign postmark, enter the date it was received at Stanford.
  7. Enter Date Received at Stanford or select the calendar icon to select the date
  8. Enter Comments (optional)
  9. Enter Donor Name
    • If you are a member of OOD, select Validate Donor, and enter the donor’s SUID number. If the donor does not have an SUID number, email Development Services at @email with “SUID needed for new GT” in the subject.
  10. Select Primary Donor from the Donor Type drop-down list
  11. For multiple donors, select Add Another Donor
    • Enter Donor’s name in the new Donor Name box
    • Select Donor Type
      • Joint Donor – Donation made by primary donor and spouse
      • Linked – Donation made by a third party on behalf of the donors (e.g., from a foundation)
      • In Memory Of – Donation made by primary donor in memory of deceased individual
      • In Honor Of – Donations made by primary donor in honor of an individual
  12. Select level of Anonymity
    • No – the gift is not anonymous (policies regarding confidentiality still apply)
    • Yes – the donor’s name should not appear in honor rolls, recognition listings, etc., and should not be shared with development volunteers

  1. Consolidate all documents into one electronic file
    • The file names cannot contain special characters or blank space.
    • The only acceptable file type is pdf.
  2. Select the checkbox next to each donor document to be uploaded
    Follow specific instructions for each payment type.
  3. Select Payment Type 
    • If Check, enter the Check Number
  4. Select View & Upload Attachments
  5. Select Browse
  6. Find your document and select Open
  7. Select Upload
  8. Select Close
  9. Select one of the following:
    • I will complete the Gift Transmittal Form (disabled if you are not authorized) 
    • I will not be completing the Gift Transmittal Form (pre-selected if you are not authorized) - Select this option if you do not have the details to complete the gift transmittal form (e.g., new or existing fund, non-gift portion, donor requirements, non-profit organizational status and approvers). Once you complete the initiation, you will no longer have access to view this gift transmittal. An email will be sent to users with authority to complete the transmittal.
  10. Select Create Gift Transmittal

  1. For cash gifts, complete the Cash Receipt Certification form
  2. Deliver the form and cash in person to Development Services at the Stanford Redwood City campus.  Note: Make sure a customer services representative from Development Services collects the form and cash from you. Do not leave it at the reception desk. It is advisable to call ahead to Development Services at 650-725-4360 to inform them of the cash drop-off, and they will provide a name to ask for upon arrival.

Per university policy, all gifts should be initiated and delivered to Development Services the same day they are received. Refer to Administrative Guide Policy 4.2.1: Receiving and Processing Gifts.

  1. Deliver the payment(s) (checks, credit card information or pledge documents) to:

~ OR ~

Departments Deliver to...
  • School of Business
The local development offices in the school or unit
  • Doerr School of Sustainability
  • School of Education
  • School of Engineering
  • School of Humanities & Sciences
  • School of Law
  • Hoover Institution
  • Department of Athletics
  • School of Medicine
OOD drop box at the Edwards Building (300 Pasteur Dr.)

Cash and credit card information should never be sent through the interdepartmental mail service. Gifts should never be sent to the Controller’s office, Fund Accounting or the University Payments office.

What Happens Next?
  • If you selected not to complete the Gift Transmittal Form, the person with appropriate authority for the Award Owning Org selected will be notified to complete the form.
  • If you chose to complete the Gift Transmittal Form, you will be routed to the Gift Transmittal Form screen. Refer to How To: Complete a Gift Transmittal for instructions. The status for this gift can be tracked on your “Gifts” Home page.
  • If needed, Development Services will make changes to donor and date information (e.g.,  postmarked, received) to the initiated gift transmittals. Please email Development Services at @email with the Gift Transmittal ID number and correction. Other changes can be done by approvers, before completing the transmittal, by returning the transmittal to the gift initiator for updates and re-submission. Once a transmittal is completed, no changes can be made.
  • Only the person who has the gift transmittal in his/her queue can attach additional documents. If you need to attach another document to a gift that is currently being processed in the Gift Transmittals system, forward the documents to that individual or contact them to return the gift transmittal to your queue. If it is in Development Services’ queue, email Development Services at @email.
Last Updated: May 31, 2023


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