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Time Card Administration

Occasionally, Stanford payroll administrators, time and leave administrators, and supervisors need to make changes to correct incorrect and/or incomplete reporting of employee time and/or leave that impacted employee paychecks. These changes include reversing entries or making adjustments before or after payroll has been run or to adjust discrepancies in previous pay periods.

Stanford administrators and supervisors can review, adjust, and approve employee time cards in Axess Timecard.

For more information about using Axess Timecard as an administrator or supervisor, see the Learning and How To sections on the Axess Timecard System page.

When time and leave administrators and supervisors are absent, they can delegate authority to responsible staff members to approve timecards using Axess Timecard. The absent supervisor or administrator will still have access to employee time cards.

If an employee did not make a time and/or leave entry in the previous pay period or if an entry was incorrect, a time and leave administrator or supervisor has the ability to enter an Adjust Paid Time entry in Axess Timecard. If this change results in an over- or under-payment, then a subsequent action must occur, such as requesting a one-time retroactive payment or requesting an overpayment calculation so the employee can pay back the excess pay.

For more information about using Axess Timecard as an administrator or supervisor, see the Learning and How To sections on the Axess Timecard System page.

An off-cycle payment request is usually made when the regular salary or hours are missed on the previous payday, when an employee misses the time card deadline, or when an employee requests a pay advance. Payroll administrators can request advances.

Refer to How to: Request an Off-Cycle Payment for an Employee for more information.

Stanford payroll administrators need to verify employee pay after each pay period and after the payroll run is complete. This can be done by running the Gross Pay Report in Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI).

Last Updated: May 7, 2024