linear_scale How To

Reassign Gift Transmittal to Other Award Owning Org

A gift transmittal that has been initiated but not completed (i.e., status is “Incomplete”) can be reassigned to a new award owning org in the Gift Transmittals system.

Reassign Gift Transmittal to Other Award Owning Org

  • The gift transmittal must be initiated in the Gift Transmittals system and have a status of Incomplete before it can be reassigned. 
  • Reassignment will not be allowed if the transmittal status is In Review.

  1. Enter in the browser
  2. Select Login
  3. As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password

  1. Select SU Gift User
  2. Select Gift Processing
  3. Read the Gift Transmittals Confidentiality Agreement
  4. Select Proceed

From Gifts Home Page
  1. Under the Gifts Requiring Your Action section, find the gift transmittal record
    • Select Next to page through the records, if needed
  2. Select the Transmittal Id link that requires your action
Using Gift Inquiry
  1. Select Gift Inquiry from top left menu
  2. Enter information about the gift at the top of the page as search criteria 
  3. Select Search 
  4. From the Gift Transmittal Form column, select the Gift Transmittal ID number

  1. Under Deposit Gift in New or Existing Account, select Existing Fund or New Fund from the drop-down list
  2. Select Reassign next to Award Owning Org
  3. Enter four-letter code for New Award Owning Org
  4. Enter Comments
  5. Select I will complete the Gift Transmittal Form or I will not be completing the Gift Transmittal Form
    If you do not have authority to complete the Gift Transmittal Form, I will complete the Gift Transmittal Form is disabled, and I will not be completing the Gift Transmittal Form is pre-selected. Once you select Submit, you will no longer have access to view this gift transmittal. 
  6. Select Submit
  7. Select OK
What Happens Next?

The gift is reassigned to the department indicated, and the new department’s gift users are notified by email to complete their required tasks for this gift transmittal.

Last Updated: Jul 3, 2020


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