Product / Service | Expenditure Type | Best Purchasing Method | |
A | |||
A |
Aid/Support to Non-Stanford Student/Postdocs see also: Postdoctoral Scholars, Medical Residents and Clinical Fellows |
A |
Aid/Support to Stanford Students/Postdocs see also: postdoc fellowship pay |
Graduates – Graduate Financial Support System (GFS) Undergraduates – Contact Financial Aid Office |
A |
Airfare see: Travel (domestic) , Travel (international) |
A | Alcohol (tax-free research use) |
SmartMart |
A | Alcoholic Beverages/Alcohol with Business Meal |
Local purchase - Purchasing Card Non-local purchase - Travel Card Expense report reimbursement - Expense Requests |
A |
Animals (Live) |
Animal Requisition via AnimalTrax |
A |
Architectural and Engineering Services see also: Topic Overview: Contracts |
Non-Catalog Requisition (Standard) |
B | |||
B |
Books |
SmartMart Purchasing Card Non-Catalog Requisition (Standard) |
B | Buildings and Grounds Maintenance |
B |
Bulk Mailing |
Mailing Services |
B |
Bus Advertising (Marguerite) |
B |
Bus Charter Services |
B |
Business Cards |
B |
Business Meals (during travel)
see: Travel (domestic) , Travel (international) , Alcoholic Beverages/Alcohol with Business Meal |
B |
Business Meals (local)
see: Alcoholic Beverages/Alcohol with Business Meal |
Local meals - Purchasing Card Expense report reimbursement or Non-PO Payment - Expense Requests |
C | |||
C |
Capital Equipment see also: Purchase Capital Equipment |
SmartMart (if available) Non-Catalog Requisition (Standard Capital Equipment) |
C | Capital Project |
Contact: Capital Project Accounting |
C |
Car Rental
see: Travel (domestic) , Travel (international) |
C |
CardinalTemps |
C |
Catering (Stanford or outside providers) |
SmartMart Purchasing Card Non-Catalog Requisition (Standard) Expense Requests (Non-PO Payment) |
C |
Catering Rental |
Purchasing Card Non-Catalog Requisition (Standard) |
C |
Cell Phone/PDA/Tablet (device) |
C |
Cell Phone/PDA/Tablet (service plan) |
C |
Chemicals and Controlled Substances |
SmartMart |
C | Cleaning, Trash, and Recycling Services |
C | Cloud Services |
53123 SU CAPITAL EXTERNALLY HOSTED SOFTWARE SERVICES - Includes externally hosted computer software services delivered over the Internet and accessed via a web browser, or desktop/mobile application where the cost is more than $1 million. Also referred to as Software as a Service (Saas, or cloud based software) 55430 EXTERNALLY HOSTED SOFTWARE SERVICE - for SaaS, cloud based software costing less than $1 million On-Premises Software
C |
Compostable Break Room Supplies |
SmartMart |
C |
Compressed Gas |
SmartMart |
C |
Computer / Laptop Hardware (Stanford owned) |
SmartMart Catalog Suppliers For guidance on purchasing hardware, including desktop computers, laptops, printers, or mobile devices, visit Topic Overview: Purchase Goods. |
C |
Computer Software Licenses |
For guidance on purchasing software, including software licensing and cloud services, visit Topic Overview: Purchase Services. |
C |
Computer Supplies (printers / peripherals) |
According to Stanford University Print Policy, personal printers are discouraged. After obtaining the appropriate approval, a personal print device may be ordered via SmartMart Catalog Suppliers or Amazon Business. |
C |
Computer/Laptop Hardware (non-Stanford owned) |
Stanford University Hardware Program May not be reimbursed unless owned by Stanford |
C |
Conference Registration |
Non-local - Travel Card Local - Purchasing Card Expense Requests (Expense Report – reimbursement to attendee, or Non-PO Payment – direct payment to provider) |
C |
Conference Room Rental (campus) |
iJournals |
C |
Construction (with contractor) see also: Topic Overview: Contracts |
SmartMart Contracts If contract required, must go through SmartMart Contracts, Create in SmartMart Contracts, refer to Submit a Contract Request. |
C |
Consultants/Professional Services see also: Topic Overview: Contracts , Topic Overview: Purchase Services |
SmartMart Contract
C |
Contract, Bilateral see also: Topic Overview: Contracts |
SmartMart Contracts If contract required, must go through SmartMart Contracts, Create in SmartMart Contracts, refer to Submit a Contract Request. |
C |
Controlled Substance |
Non-Catalog Requisition (Standard) |
C |
Copier / Printer (lease) see also: Printers (If leased, see Lease Equipment) see: Computer Supplies (printers / peripherals) |
(If leased, see Lease Equipment) |
C |
Copier/Printer (purchase) see: Printers (If leased, see Lease Equipment) |
C | Custodial Services |
C |
Customs Broker Fees |
Non-Catalog Requisition (Standard) |
D | |||
D | Data Destruction |
Department IT Contact |
D | Data Storage |
Department IT Contact |
D | DPA (Department Property Administrator) |
D |
Dry Ice |
Non-Catalog Requisition (Standard) |
D |
Dues and Subscriptions |
Purchasing Card |
E | |||
E |
Employee Gift Cards see also: Categories of Purchases , Topic Overview: Employee Gifts |
May be purchased using PCard or Expense Requests. Purchase Orders are not recommended for purchasing employee gifts.
E |
Employee Gifts see also: Categories of Purchases , Topic Overview: Employee Gifts |
Purchases of Stanford-branded merchandise or other tangible items is recommended by the university. No Petty Cash |
E |
Employee Recruitment |
Local - Purchasing Card |
E |
Employee Relocation see: Temporary Living Expenses , Mailing Services , Moving Services (on campus) |
E |
Entertainers |
Non-Catalog Requisition (Standard) Expense Requests (Non-PO Payment) Entertainers are not honoraria |
E |
Entertainment (business entertainment) |
Non-local - Travel Card |
E | Equipment Fabrication |
See Property Management Manual, 2.6, Fabrication
, |
E |
Equipment Lease see also: Administrative Guide Policy 5.2.2: Equipment Leases |
SmartMart Contracts Create in SmartMart Contracts, refer to Submit a Contract Request. |
E |
Equipment Rental see also: Administrative Guide Policy 5.2.2: Equipment Leases |
Non-Catalog Requisition (Standard Goods) If contract required, must go through SmartMart Contracts, Create in SmartMart Contracts, refer to Submit a Contract Request. |
E |
Equipment Repair |
Non-Catalog Requisition (Standard) |
E | Ergonomic Products |
SmartMart |
E |
Event Services |
E |
Exam Books |
SmartMart (Stanford Logo - Office Depot) |
F | |||
F | Fabrication |
Non-Catalog Requisition (Standard) Petty Cash (for small fabricated parts) |
F |
Facility Rental (training rooms) |
F |
Faculty Club |
Purchasing Card |
F |
FedEx (new account setup) see also: Shipping dangerous goods |
F |
Fees & Penalties (government) |
Expense Requests (Non-PO Payment) |
F |
Fellowship, Stanford |
See payments to postdoctoral scholars, medical residents & clinical fellows |
F |
Food and Beverage see: Business Meals (local) , Business Meals (during travel) , Travel (domestic) , Travel (international) , Catering (Stanford or outside providers) |
F |
Foreign Shipments see: Customs Broker Fees |
F |
Foreign Visitors (Travel expenses) see also: Inviting and Paying Foreign Visitors |
Travel Card Expense Requests (Expense Report – Non-SU Payee/Visitor Reimbursement) |
F |
Forms (Stanford) |
SmartMart (Office Depot) |
F |
Freezers (laboratory) |
SmartMart Capital Equipment |
F |
Freight and Shipping Services see also: See capital equipment When buying capital equipment from foreign country |
Non-Catalog Requisition (Standard) |
F |
Fundraising Travel |
F |
Furniture < $5,000 |
SmartMart (if available) Non-Catalog Requisition (Standard) |
F |
Furniture > $5,000 (capital equipment) |
SmartMart (if available) Non-Catalog Requisition (Standard Capital Equipment) |
G | |||
G |
Gases see: Compressed Gas |
G |
Gasoline (for university vehicle) see also: See Administrative Guide Policy 8.4.1: Vehicle Acquisition, Ownership and Disposition |
G |
Gifts Non-Employee see also: Categories of Purchases |
All gift cards (including those to businesses like Starbucks, Safeway) for any amount are taxable from the first dollar, even when given as employee gifts. Purchases of Stanford-branded merchandise or other tangible items is recommended by the university. |
G |
Graduate Students/Post Docs, Aid/Support see also: Administering Postdoc Fellowship Pay |
G | Ground Services |
H | |||
H |
Hazardous Materials see also: Research and Laboratory Safety see: Radioactives |
SmartMart (if available) No Petty Cash or Purchasing Cards |
H |
Honoraria to Non-Stanford Employees see also: Paying Honoraria |
Expense Requests (Non-PO Payment) |
H |
Honoraria to Stanford Employees see also: Paying Honoraria |
H |
Hotel (deposits and lodging for travel) see: Travel (domestic) , Travel (international) |
H |
Hotel (local for visitor) see: Travel (domestic) |
Travel Card Expense Requests (Non-PO Payment – Hotel Expenses expense type) if no Travel Card |
H |
Human Subjects see also: Paying Human Subjects |
See Overview: Paying Human Subjects for payment methods by payee and incentive types |
i | |||
i | iPad Service |
L | |||
L |
Lab Coats and Laundering |
Non-Catalog Requisition (Standard Blanket) |
L |
Laboratory Non-Capital Equipment |
SmartMart |
L |
Laboratory Supplies |
SmartMart |
L |
Laptop see: Computer / Laptop Hardware (Stanford owned) , Technology (Hardware, Software) |
L |
Lease Equipment see also: Administrative Guide Policy 5.2.2: Equipment Leases |
SmartMart Contracts Create in SmartMart Contracts, refer to Submit a Contract Request. |
L |
Lease Late Charges |
Late charges on a lease contract should NOT be charged to an ET used for lease costs. |
L |
Lease Real Estate see also: Administrative Guide Policy 5.2.5: Real Estate Leases , Lease or Rental Real Estate |
SmartMart Contracts Create in SmartMart Contracts, refer to Submit a Contract Request. |
L |
Leased Space see: Lease Real Estate |
L |
Legal Fees |
Non-Catalog Requisition (Standard) |
L |
Life Sciences |
SmartMart |
L |
Locksmith Services |
L |
Lodging see: Travel (domestic) , Travel (international) |
L |
Logo Items (Stanford branded items) |
See Stanford Identity Guide, for |
M | |||
M |
Mailing Services
see: Bulk Mailing |
Purchasing Card |
M |
Meals see: Business Meals (local) , Business Meals (during travel) |
M |
Memberships and Dues see: Dues and Subscriptions |
M | Moving Services (off campus) |
Purchasing Card Non-Catalog Requisition (Standard) |
M | Moving Services (on campus) |
N | |||
N |
Newspaper Subscription |
Purchasing Card |
O | |||
O | Office Equipment (Under $5,000) |
Commonly Used Expenditure Types - Non-capital equipment (less than $5,000) and furnishings purchase should be coordinated with the department’s facilities manager SUPPLIES
O |
Office Supplies |
SmartMart |
O |
Optical |
SmartMart |
P | |||
P |
Parking Permit |
Purchasing Card No Petty Cash |
P |
Performers see: Entertainers |
P |
Pest Control |
P |
Photocopies (non-Stanford provider) |
Purchasing Card |
P |
Postage |
Purchasing Card Expense Requests (Non-PO Payment) |
P |
Postdoc/Non-Stanford Student Aid or Support see: Aid/Support to Non-Stanford Student/Postdocs |
P |
Postdocs/Graduate Students see: Aid/Support to Stanford Students/Postdocs |
P |
Printers (If leased, see Lease Equipment) see: Computer Supplies (printers / peripherals) |
SmartMart Contracts |
P |
Printing Publications |
Purchasing Card Non-Catalog Requisition (Standard) |
P |
Professional Services/Consultants see: Consultants/Professional Services |
R | |||
R |
Radioactives see also: Research & Laboratory Safety (* Requires CRA number) |
SmartMart (if available) Non-Catalog Requisition (Standard Radioactive) • See How To |
R |
Real Estate Lease see: Lease Real Estate |
R |
Recycled Paper |
SmartMart |
R |
Recycling |
R |
Registration (conferences) see: Conference Registration |
R |
Rent Equipment see: Equipment Rental |
R |
Reprints |
Expense Requests (Non-PO Payment) |
R |
Royalties, Licenses |
Expense Requests (Non-PO Payment) |
S | |||
S |
Server see also: UIT Hardware Recommendations |
SmartMart Capital Equipment • See How To |
S |
Shipping and Handling see: Customs Broker Fees , Postage |
S |
Single / Sole Source Justification Form
see also: Updated Single/Sole Source Justification (SSJ) Form Announcement , Topic Overview: Selecting a Supplier |
This form, Single / Sole Source Justification Form is required for Requisitions of $50,000 or greater after taxes and fees. |
S | Software (media & licenses) |
For guidance on purchasing software, including software licensing and cloud services, visit Topic Overview: Purchase Services. |
S |
Software Maintenance Agreements |
Non-Catalog Requisition (Standard) |
S | Speakers (speakers for hire – not honoraria) |
Non-Catalog Requisition (Standard) |
S |
Staffing Services see: Temporary Labor |
S | STAP |
Purchasing Card Expense Requests (Expense Report) Expense Requests (Non-PO Payment) |
S |
Subaward Contracts |
Non-Catalog Requisition (Standard Subaward) View a PowerPoint step-by-step presentation. |
S |
Subscriptions |
SmartMart Purchasing Card |
T | |||
T | Tables and Chairs (rental) |
T |
Tablets (Galaxy, iPad, Xoom) < $5,000 |
SmartMart |
T |
Technical Services |
Non-Catalog Requisition (Standard) |
T |
Technology (Hardware, Software) |
T |
Telecommunication Services see: Cell Phone/PDA/Tablet (device) , Cell Phone/PDA/Tablet (service plan) |
T | Temporary Labor |
T |
Temporary Living Expenses see also: See Administrative Guide Policy 2.1.19: Relocation of Faculty and Staff |
Non-Catalog Requisition (Standard) Expense Requests (Expense Report – Relocation) |
T |
Toner |
SmartMart |
T |
Training and Seminars |
Non-local - Travel Card Local - Purchasing Card Expense Requests (Expense Report – reimbursement to employee, or Non-PO Payment – direct payment to provider) |
T |
Transportation see: Parking Permit |
T | Travel (domestic) |
No Purchasing Cards for any travel-related expenditures |
T |
Travel (fundraising) |
Travel Card Expense Requests (Expense Report) No Purchasing Cards for any travel-related expenditures |
T | Travel (international) |
T |
Travel (non-Stanford employee) |
Travel Card Expense Requests (Expense Report – Non-SU Payee / Visitor Reimbursement) Expense Requests (Digital Payment) Expense Requests (Non-PO Payment) No Purchasing Cards for any travel-related expenditures |
T |
Travel-related Charges (phone calls, faxes, parking, Internet) |
U | |||
U |
Undergraduate Students, Aid/Support see also: Administering Postdoc Fellowship Pay |
V | |||
V |
Vehicle Repair and Maintenance |
Non-Catalog Requisition (Standard) |
V | Video Equipment and Services |
iJournals |
W | |||
W |
Water (bottled) Services |
Provide PTA – Contact Steve Lee for new account setup. |