linear_scale How To

Order Capital Equipment through SmartMart Catalog Suppliers

The steps are provided for ordering capital equipment in SmartMart Catalog Suppliers.

Order Capital Equipment through SmartMart Catalog Suppliers

  • Obtain the correct capital equipment expenditure type and the name of the department property administrator (DPA).
    While the DPA Screening Attestation is still required on all capital acquisitions, no backup documentation or attachments (i.e., quotes) are needed for SmartMart Catalog Suppliers capital equipment orders. SmartMart Catalog Suppliers pricing has been approved by Procurement – Purchasing Services.
  • If capital equipment is not available in SmartMart Catalog Suppliers then:
    1. Request a price quote from a minimum of two companies
    2. Create a non-catalog purchase requisition
    3. Non-catalog purchase requisitions require backup documentation (price quotes and justification) to be attached to the requisition. 

    4. A Procurement – Purchasing Services buyer completes the transaction on behalf of the university

  1. Enter in the browser
  2. Select Login
  3. As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password

  1. Select SU Internet Procurement
  2. Select SmartMart Catalog Suppliers

  1. Search for the appropriate equipment and customize as needed
  2. Add your item to the SmartMart Catalog Suppliers shopping cart

For more information, refer to Capital Equipment definition.

  1. Select Create iProcurement Requisition
    • Or assign the requisition/cart to another Stanford user in iProcurement from any of the shopping applications within iProcurement: Amazon Business, Non-Catalog Requisition, CardinalTemps and SmartMart Catalog Suppliers. Refer to How To: Assign a Cart in iProcurement for more information.
  2. Select View Cart and Checkout
    When a SmartMart Catalog Suppliers shopping cart is returned to iProcurement it recognizes capital equipment items by price (at least $4,587.16 + 9% tax = $5,000) and United Nations Standard Products and Services (UNSPSC) code. A CWA Capital Equipment category is assigned to any line that satisfies both price and UNSPSC code. A capital equipment expenditure type is required for the line with the Capital Equipment category.
  3. Select Checkout

You may assign the requisition/cart to another Stanford user in iProcurement from any of the shopping applications within iProcurement: Amazon Business, Non-Catalog Requisition, CardinalTemps and SmartMart Catalog Suppliers. For more information, refer to How To: Assign a Cart in iProcurement.

  1. Review and edit information in the Description field (if necessary) Requisition Description defaults to the first line item on the requisition to provide a clear explanation of the business purpose for purchase.
  2. Add justification information in the Note to Approver field

A single shopping cart cannot have multiple delivery locations within Stanford. You can enter all the information for delivery in your Preferences to pre-populate these fields.

  1. Review/update delivery information:

In Preferences, enter all the information for billing to pre-populate these fields. You can enter several PTAs under My Allocations to allow choices from the drop-down menu.

Charge to One PTA/Expenditure Type
  1. Review/update billing information:

Alternatively, select pre-set billing information from the My Favorite drop-down menu and select Apply

Charge to Multiple PTAs

You may:

  • Change the allocation percentage
  • Add multiple PTAs to one line
  • Change the Expenditure Type for one line
  1. Scroll down to the product table below the Delivery and Billing sections
  2. Select the lines and select the Update button to change multiple lines at one time, or select the pencil icon under Update Line on the far right to make a change to an individual line
  3. Update Line Screen: Change the Description, Quantity, Unit of Measure, Unit Price or Supplier in the Update Line screen
  4. To change the allocation, select the plus sign to add a new line
  5. Replace the pre-populated PTAE information in the new line with the PTAE desired
  6. Enter the Percent, Quantity or Amount information to total 100% for lines selected Only the Percent, Quantity or Amount field needs to be entered. The other fields will populate automatically when you TAB out of the field you used. Entering percent amounts in decimal quantities is permitted, but the total percent must equal 100% before proceeding.
  7. Select the box next to Apply this Cost Allocation information to apply the allocation to all requisition lines in the shopping cart
  8. Select Apply to complete and return to the Edit and Submit Requisition page

  1. Review the requisition details in each line
  2. Select the box(es) of the line you want to edit
  3. Select the Update button to change the single PTA to another single PTA for all the lines selected (you can modify Need-By-Date, the Project, Task, Award or Expenditure Type).
  4. Select Copy to make exact copies of the selected lines
  5. Select Delete to delete selected lines
  6. Select the Update button or the pencil icon in the Update Line column at the far right to view the PTA information for the selected line If the Favorite you selected did not have an Expenditure Type, use the pencil icon in the Update Line column to add the Expenditure Type to a single line.
  7. If tax should not be applied to a particular line or if the Research Tax Credit should be applied, override by selecting the appropriate tax category from the Tax Category drop-down menu (for more information, refer to the Common Sales Tax Exempt Categories)
  8. Select the Guidance for Ensuring Price Reasonableness link to read the policy
  9. Select the box to acknowledge your compliance with Stanford's Price Reasonableness policy

Add the Department Property Administrator (DPA) as the first approver in the routing list if using the Standard Capital Equipment category.

Verify approvers

  1. Select the Manage Approvals button at the far right to update approvers if necessary
  2. Select the Manage FYI Viewers button at the far right to add viewers if necessary

FYI Viewers cannot approve, reject or comment on requisitions routed to them.

For orders $50,000 or greater after taxes and fees (includes additional funds added through this Change Order):

Purchasing will reject requisitions submitted without the necessary attachments. The most current version of the Single/Sole Source Justification form must be attached using the link above. Under $50,000

Buyers see attachments to requisitions that are over $50,000 but Accounts Payable cannot see these attachments to the Requisition and these invoices will not be processed and paid. Invoices including Rush Payment requests and Will Call Check requests, can only be viewed by Accounts Payable when the invoice is uploaded via Requisition and PO Query and when needed, the correct queue is designated for the invoice to be processed as a Rush or Will Call request.

The "To Supplier" attachment category should be used to let a supplier know that an "Order will be placed online; do not duplicate." This applies if an online website requires you to provide a purchase order number when using a company's website to place an order (excludes all SmartMart Catalog Suppliers punchout sites).

  1. Select attachment type (File, URL or text)
  2. Enter a Title of the attachment (e.g., single/sole source justification form or a justification, competitive bids, confirmation of foreign shipment or proposal)
  3. Select Category for attachment from drop-down list (Buyer, Rush Payment, To Supplier or Will Call Check)
  4. Add next attachment or select Apply 

Once Apply has been selected, you will receive a confirmation: Attachment XXX has been added successfully but not committed. It will be committed when you submit the current transaction.

When Pricing Information is Fragmented Across Multiple Pages: If the requisition was created from a contract request and the pricing information (e.g., price per hour, total number of hours, price per deliverable, or lump sum pricing for the total amount of work) is fragmented across multiple pages of the proposal and/or Statement of Work, ensure all documents containing pricing information are also attached to the requisition.


  1. Select the Save, Submit or Return to Shopping button at the bottom or top right of the page
  2. Select Save to store requisition with an Incomplete status for a later submittal
What Happens Next?
  • The requisition is routed to the department property administrator and then to the designated financial approver(s) before the order is placed.
  • After the requisition is approved, an email is sent from the supplier confirming the order and providing the estimated time of arrival.
Last Updated: Aug 17, 2023