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Report Subprocess Sample Business Questions
P Payments by Supplier

Procure to Pay (P2P) dashboard

Review AP invoice payment information

  • Which supplier invoice(s) was a payment remitted?
  • What is the payment information by supplier and payment date?
  • What are the payment request transaction details, including multiple payees, beneficiaries, total counts and amounts for my organization?
P PCard Detail by Employee

PCard Efficacy Dashboard (PCE) dashboard

Review PCard transaction count by card holder, verifier, and approver

  • How is the workload of PCard processing distributed throughout my organization?
  • Which cardholder has the highest dollar amount of PCard transactions over a period of time?
  • Where should I focus on training when it comes to minimizing PCard returns and reducing resubmissions?
P PCard Detail by Expenditure Type

PCard Efficacy Dashboard (PCE) dashboard

Review PCard transaction count by expenditure type and merchant MCC description

  • For my organization, what is the PCard activity by merchant category code (MCC) description?
  • How much are we spending by expenditure type and what is our distribution of spending across expenditure types?
P PCard Processing Stats

PCard Efficacy Dashboard (PCE) dashboard

Review PCard transaction count and average time for approval and verification

  • How long has it taken by organization to fully process (submit and approve) a PCard transaction?
  • How long on average are the verifiers in my organization taking to submit a PCard transaction for approval? How long are the approvers taking to approve a PCard transaction?
  • What are the trends for processing time within my organization?
  • What is the average time, by cardholder, to process and approve a PCard transaction?
P PCard Returned by Org

PCard Efficacy Dashboard (PCE) dashboard

Review count of returned PCard transactions by task organization

  • By organization, how many PCard transactions have been returned by an approver?
  • By organization, what percentage of total PCard transactions have been returned?
P PCard Transactions in Range

PCard Efficacy Dashboard (PCE) dashboard

Review summary of PCard transactions for a specific amount and date range

  • How can I focus on and analyze those transactions based on specific transaction amount ranges?
P PCard Verifier Stats

PCard Efficacy Dashboard (PCE) dashboard

Shows data on PCard transactions that were returned to the verifier or withdrawn prior to final approval. Displays graphical and tabular views of returned and withdrawn transactions by verifier.

  • By verifier, what is the number and percentage of PCard transactions that have been returned to the verifier by an approver?
  • By verifier, what is the number and percentage of PCard transactions that have been withdrawn by the verifier?
  • In my organization, who could benefit from more training?
  • Who is the verifier's supervisor for these transactions?
P PCard Withdrawn by Org

PCard Efficacy Dashboard (PCE) dashboard

Review count of withdrawn PCard transactions by task organization

  • How many PCard transactions within my organization have been withdrawn by the verifier?
  • By organization, what percentage of total PCard transactions have been withdrawn?
P Petty Cash Replenishment Transaction Detail

Expense Requests and SU Card Activity (ERR) dashboard

Review Petty Cash Transactions

  • Who is the custodian for the petty cash account for my organization?
  • What reimbursements are being processed using petty cash?
P Pledge Report

Revenue and Fund Management Reporting (RFM) dashboard

Review pledge summary information and pledge schedule details

  • What pledges have been made to my award(s)?
  • What is the scheduled receipt of pledges made to my award(s)?
  • What is the pledge paid amount for my award(s)?
P Posted Journals by Object Code (Real-time)

Revenue and Fund Management Reporting (RFM) dashboard

(formerly FIN_GL_161_Post_Jrnl_By_Obj_Code & FIN_GL_162_Central_Jrnls_By_Obj)

Review journal transactions by PFOO for a GL Period (Non-customizable)

  • For a given GL Period and Object Code and PTA perspective, what journals have posted to the live Oracle system (i.e., as of this minute)?
P Prepare Bulk Labor Distribution Adjustment Upload

Payroll and Labor Management (PLM) dashboard

Review earnings details in a format that aids with doing bulk labor distribution adjustments (LDA)

  • How do I export from OBI the source data needed for creating a bulk upload labor distribution adjustment?
P Procure to Pay at a Glance

Procure to Pay (P2P) dashboard

Review summary of procurement transactions that require action including purchase requisitions pending approval, purchase orders (POs) with a balance, AP invoices that are on hold, and AP invoice aging

  • What is holding up my PO? Is there a problem with my PO and what is the issue?
  • What are my requisitions that still need action?
  • What are my invoices that are aging?
  • Are any of my invoices on hold and what kind of holds?
  • What is my PO outstanding commitment amount?
  • What suppliers have activity for a set of PTAs for a specific time period?
P Procure to Pay Efficacy Dashboard

Procure to Pay (P2P) dashboard

Review count of rejected purchase requisitions by task organization or preparer

  • What are my purchase requisition approval and rejection rates by preparer?
  • What are my purchase requisition approval and rejection counts by preparer?
  • What are my purchase requisition approval and rejection rates by org?
  • What are my purchase requisition approval and rejection counts by org?
  • Who are the purchase requisition preparers?
P Procure to Pay Inquiry

Procure to Pay (P2P) dashboard

Review summary or details information for a single purchase requisition, purchase order (PO), AP Invoice, or payment

  • What are the requisition details by requisition number including the invoice and payment matched to the associated PO line(s)?
  • If I know a PR, PO, AP invoice or payment issue number, how can I query the detailed information for the related transaction numbers?
  • What is outstanding on my PO and what lines have been paid, with details on payment and what changes have been made (including PTA information and transfers)?
  • How could I find the payment details for my invoices?
P Projected Budget Variance

Revenue and Fund Management Reporting (RFM) dashboard

Review receipts, transfers, expenditure amounts, along with commitments and anticipated endowment payout amounts against the budget.

  • What is my projected budget variance when accounting for actuals, commitments, and endowment payouts?
  • What is the difference between the budget picture seen from the perspective of Consolidated Budget chart of accounts vs OBI groupings?
  • What is the month-by-month details of actual performance vs annual budget?
  • What is my variance between year-to-date actuals and year to date budget?
P PTA Inquiry

Reference Data and Inquiry (INQ) dashboard

Review project, task and award setup details

  • What PTAs should I use when coding expenditure and revenue information for purchase and journal entries?
  • What are all the active PTAs, by award type, owned by the faculty in my organization?
P Purchase Order and Related AP Invoices

Procure to Pay (P2P) dashboard

Review PO and related AP invoices

  • For my purchase orders, which invoices have been matched, what is their payment status , and what is the balance remaining on the purchase orders?
  • Are there any invoices on hold for my POs, and what kind of holds?
  • Are there any invoices that are missing?
  • Which POs are closed and should be finally closed or suppressed?
P Purchase Order Approval History

Procure to Pay (P2P) dashboard

Review purchase order approver history

  • Where are POs in the processing cycle?
  • How can I find all the POs for which I am one of the approvers?
P Purchase Order Trend Analysis

Procure to Pay (P2P) dashboard

Review summarized purchase order (PO) information including top X purchased orders

  • How can I find the top 10 suppliers that my organization (org) purchased from for a specific PO submitted date range and view by month, calendar quarter or calendar year?
  • For PTA how can I find the top 10 suppliers with the highest PO total amount for a specific PO submitted date range?
  • For my org, which projects, tasks or expenditure types have the top spendings?
P Purchase Orders

Procure to Pay (P2P) dashboard

Review purchase order (PO) details

  • What is my PO outstanding commitment amount?
  • What are the PO details by PO number and/or supplier for my PTA and/or organization including the associated requisitions, invoices and payment numbers?
  • What POs are open for my PTA and/or organization and what is the remaining balance on each of the open POs?
  • Have any unallowable charges been incurred on sponsored PTAs within my organization?
  • How can I find POs by requester or buyer plus related transactions (requisitions, invoices, payments) for a specific reporting period (submitted, creation or GL Period)?
  • Which suppliers exist with cancelled orders?
  • What suppliers have activity for a set of PTAs for a specific time period?
P Purchase Requisition Approval History

Procure to Pay (P2P) dashboard

Review purchase requisition approver history

  • Where are purchase requisitions in the approval process?
  • How can I find all the requisitions for which I am one of the approvers?
P Purchase Requisitions

Procure to Pay (P2P) dashboard

Review purchase requisition details

  • What are the requisition details for multiple requisition numbers including the invoice and payment matched to the associated PO numbers?
  • What requisitions were created for a specific date range?
  • What are the PR details for a PTA, org or supplier?
  • How can I find requisitions by requester or preparer plus related transactions (order, invoices, payments) for a submitted or creation reporting period?
  • What suppliers have activity for a set of PTAs for a specific time period?