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Report Subprocess Sample Business Questions
E Endowment and Donor

Revenue and Fund Management Reporting (RFM) dashboard

Review endowment investment activity and donor information

  • How many shares do my endowment awards have by pool and share type (pure vs quasi) and what is the market share value?
  • What is the book and market value of my endowment awards?
  • What has been the trend of market value over time?
  • What is the value of my "Specific Investments" now and over time?
  • What is the high level overview of my endowments for the Donor Endowment Financial Report?
E Endowment Award Summary and FTD Investment History

Revenue and Fund Management Reporting (RFM) dashboard

(formerly FIN_ENDOW_123_Endow_Display)

Review endowment investment summary and detail breakdown (Non-customizable)

  • What are the fiscal YTD details of my endowments?
E Endowment Investment Summary by Pool

Revenue and Fund Management Reporting (RFM) dashboard

(formerly FIN_ENDOW_128_Endow_Investment)

Review endowment investment summary by pool type (Non-customizable)

  • What are the share values of all the investment pools by pool type code for any GL Period?
  • For each  award, how many shares does it have and in which pools are they invested?
E ER Detail by Employee

Expense Requests Efficacy (ERE) dashboard

Review count of submitted transactions, count of rejected or returned transactions, and transaction amount by preparer, approver, and supplier

  • How is the workload of expense request processing distributed throughout my organization?
  • Which supplier/payee has the highest dollar amount of expense request submissions over a period of time? 
  • Where should I focus my training on when it comes to minimizing expense request rejections and reducing resubmissions?
E ER Escalation

Expense Requests Efficacy (ERE) dashboard

Review count of escalated expense request transactions

  • Which transactions were sent to the escalation designee?
  • Where are there needs for more policy discussion and training?
E ER Processing Stats

Expense Requests Efficacy (ERE) dashboard

Review expense request transaction count and average time for submission and approval

  • How long is it taking within an organization on average to submit and approve an expense request? What are the trends within my organization?
  • How long on average are the preparer’s in my organization taking to submit an expense request? How long is it taking on average for the expense requests for a supplier/payee to be submitted? 
  • How long is my organization taking to approve expense requests and which ones are taking longer to approve and why?
E ER Rejection Detail by Employee

Expense Requests Efficacy (ERE) dashboard

Review count of rejected or returned expense request transactions by preparer, approver, and supplier

  • By preparer what is the number and rate of expense requests that are rejected/returned? Who needs more guidance and training?
  • By approver what is the number and rate of expense requests that are rejected/returned?
  • By supplier/payee what is the number and rate of expense requests that are rejected/returned?
E ER Rejection Stats

Expense Requests Efficacy (ERE) dashboard

Review count of rejected or returned expense request transactions by task organization, rejection reason, and expense request transaction type.

  • What is the number of expense requests that have been rejected/returned prior to final approval? How many are rejected/returned by a departmental approver and how many by an auditor? 
  • To support training of our staff, what are the most common reasons for rejection/returns?
  • What is the high level assessment of our expense request processing throughput and the amount of expense request resubmissions?
E Expenditure Award to Date and Award Detail

Consolidated Expenditure Reporting (CER) dashboard

Review summarized budget, expenditures, commitments, prepaid expenses, and remaining balances

  • What are the actual to date expenses for a principal investigator’s (PI’s) portfolio of awards and what are the remaining balances with respect to their budgets?
  • When factoring hard commitments, what are the projected remaining balances?
E Expenditure Balance

Consolidated Expenditure Reporting (CER) dashboard

Review and compare budget to expenditures and hard commitments

  • Are actual to date expenses in alignment with the annual budget?
  • What is the projected remaining balance, with or without commitments?
  • What are the actual expenditures affecting large variances from budget?
E Expenditure Details

Consolidated Expenditure Reporting (CER) dashboard

Review expenditure details for posted transactions

  • What has been charged to my PTAs?
  • What are my total expenditures across organizations for a parent organization?
  • What are my actual expenditures by expenditure type or expenditure category? Award type? Award or SPO number?
  • What are my actual expenditures by task manager or task/award owner (PI)?
  • Which of my task managers has the largest expenditures in a high-risk expenditure category (e.g., travel/entertainment/food)?
  • What are the transactions that I need to reconcile by source system?
E Expenditure Details Download

Consolidated Expenditure Reporting (CER) dashboard

Review expenditure details for posted transactions in a format suitable for external analysis

  • What is my expenditure data in a format suitable for external analysis that I can also merge with external data?
E Expenditure Trend

Consolidated Expenditure Reporting (CER) dashboard

Review expenditure patterns over time

  • What was the spending pattern for my organization, award or PTA over the periods specified?
  • What are the patterns in my expenditures over time (e.g., trending up, trending down, erratic)? By Expenditure High Level Group? By Tasks within my Award?
  • Are there unusual expenditures in this period (e.g., fiscal quarter, fiscal year) compared to the same period last year and what are the sources?
  • What is my rate of spending for the period specified (e.g., burn rate)?
  • What are my PIs expenditures by year for the last 3 years?
E Expenditure Type and Object Code Search

Reference Data and Inquiry (INQ) dashboard

Review expenditure type or object code setup information

  • What expenditure types and object codes should I use when coding expenditure and revenue information for purchase and journal entries?
  • What are all expenditure types and object codes under an expenditure type category?
  • What are all the unallowable expenditure types and object codes in the university?
E Expenditure Variance

Consolidated Expenditure Reporting (CER) dashboard

Review and compare expenditures between two sets of period ranges

  • What are my actual expenditures in this quarter compared to the same quarter last year?
  • What are my actual expenditures in this time period (e.g., fiscal month, fiscal quarter, fiscal year) compared to another time period?
  • How do my expenditure totals to date compare to the previous year's totals?
  • What are the largest sources of variances that require further analysis (for example, for high-risk expenditure categories)?
E Expense Requests

Expense Requests and SU Card Activity (ERR) dashboard

Review Expense Requests transactions submitted, rejected, paid or in progress related to business and travel expenses including reimbursements to Stanford affiliates and non-affiliates

  • What is the status of an expense request for a particular traveler?
  • Which expense requests were submitted for a particular event, and to what PTAs were they charged?
  • Which advance was used against a particular expense request, and how much of the advance was applied?
  • Which non-PO payments are charging my PTA?
E Expense Requests - Aging

Expense Requests and SU Card Activity (ERR) dashboard

Review non-posted Expense Requests transactions related to business and travel expenses including reimbursements to Stanford affiliates and non-affiliates

  • Which transactions are aging and need action?
  • Which transactions are outstanding (approved locally but pending other actions)?
  • Are any expense requests stalled in their workflow progression and need resolution?
  • Who is the approver or preparer to follow-up with, based on the transaction status?
E Expense Requests in Range

Expense Requests Efficacy (ERE) dashboard

Review summary of expense request transactions for a specific amount and date range

  • How can I focus on and analyze those transactions within a higher expense range?