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Report Subprocess Sample Business Questions
S Salary, Fringe, and Indirect Costs by Employee

Payroll and Labor Management (PLM) dashboard

Review salary, fringe, and indirect cost expenditures and commitments by employee

  • What are the actual salary, fringe, and indirect costs attributable to each employee by month?
  • What are the commitments for salary, fringe, and indirect costs that are attributable to each employee by month?
  • What is the net vacation cost (i.e., vacation accrual less vacation credit received) by employee?
  • What do the charges look like contrasting EIPs with GL Periods to better visualize labor distribution adjustments?
S Scheduled v Actual

Payroll and Labor Management (PLM) dashboard

Review and compare scheduled earnings with actual earnings

  • What employees with work assignments in my org are being paid from PTAs outside my org? What other orgs are paying those employees?
  • Which employees have received or will receive non-base pay (based on earnings type/code) in a specific period of time?
  • From what PTAs and expenditure types were employees actually paid in a specific period of time?
  • What employees with work assignments outside my org are being paid from PTAs within my org? In what other orgs are those employees' work assignments?
  • What are the current balances of our Org Suspense PTAs? What transactions remained uncleared on our Org Suspense Account? What was the reason the payroll transaction went into OSA?
  • Which employees' actual pay hit an Org Suspense PTA (by Org or Suspense PTA)?
S Scheduled v Actual Details by Employee

Payroll and Labor Management (PLM) dashboard

Review and compare scheduled earnings with actual earnings by employee

  • What are the work assignment and position details of a specific employee?
  • Were planned employee schedules on target or is there a variance?
  • What is my employee’s labor schedule over a period of time?
S Sponsor Awards' Actual Expenditures - by MTDC, Exclusions, Indirect Costs

Consolidated Expenditure Reporting (CER) dashboard

Review expenditures summarized by modified total direct costs, exclusions, and indirect costs

  • What was the modified total direct costs, exclusions and indirect expenses associated with sponsored research last year?
S SU Credit Card Custodian

Expense Requests and SU Card Activity (ERR) dashboard

(formerly FIN_PCARD_257_Custodians)

Review Credit Card Profile Information (no transactional data) (Non-customizable)

  • Who has credit cards for my organization, and who are the verifiers for the cards?
  • What are the guarantee PTAs for the cards within my organization?
  • Do any former Stanford employees still have active credit cards linked to my organization?
  • Which credit cards have been suspended or closed?
  • Which cards do not have a verifier with active status?
S Summary

Payroll and Labor Management (PLM) dashboard

Review summary of Actual Earnings, charges on the organization suspense account (OSA), employees with incomplete labor schedules, and compare schedule against actuals by PTA

  • How were payroll transactions distributed for a particular period, for all employees in my organization (org)?
  • How much were my employees paid (e.g., by employee group, award type, pay type or pay category) in a specific period of time?
  • Is there a balance on our Org Suspense Account and which employees' pay should be cleared?
  • Which employees have labor schedules whose lines total less than 100 percent in a specific period of time?
  • Which employees have no labor schedule in a specific period of time?
  • How close did our planned labor schedules compare to actual?
  • From what PTAs did we plan to pay our employees and from what PTAs were they actually paid in a specific period of time?
  • What are the scheduled earnings amounts for employees in an assignment org?
S Supplier

Procure to Pay (P2P) dashboard

Review supplier and supplier site summary information

  • What is the status of the supplier in the supplier setup process?
  • What are the supplier sites?
  • Who are the suppliers by city and country?
  • What is the supplier contact information for active suppliers?