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L Labor Distribution Adjustments (Real-time)

Payroll and Labor Management (PLM) dashboard

(formerly FIN_LABOR_247)

Review Labor Distribution Adjustment (LDA) details (Non-customizable)

  • What labor distribution adjustments were made over a period of time by org, originator or PTA?
L Labor Schedule

Payroll and Labor Management (PLM) dashboard

Review Labor Schedule details

  • What lines or PTAs in an employee's current labor schedule are ending or will become invalid within a given time frame?
  • At a glance, how many full time employees are within an org and how many employees have multiple assignments?
L Labor Schedule Details by Employee

Payroll and Labor Management (PLM) dashboard

Review Labor Schedule details by employee

  • What are the labor schedule details for a single employee?
L Labor Schedule Trend

Payroll and Labor Management (PLM) dashboard

Review labor schedule details including schedule percentage and amount by employee and pay period

  • Which employees do not have a 100 percent labor schedule entered and need their entries updated to avoid suspense account charges?
  • Does each hired employee’s labor schedules not match my planning documentation by PTA and percentage?
  • Which of my employees are paid by another org’s PTA? Conversely, which employees employed by another org is my org paying for?
  • What are the FTEs of all of the employees for my org?
  • Who created or last updated an employee’s labor schedule?
  • For a given SPO Number, which employee’s salaries are being charged to it?
L Leave Details

Payroll and Labor Management (PLM) dashboard

Review employee accrual and leave details

  • What dates did my employee earn and take leave? What type of leave? What is their running balance?
L Leave Summary

Payroll and Labor Management (PLM) dashboard

Review employee leave balance and leave accrual summary

  • How much vacation have employees in my org taken this fiscal year, compared to the amount they have accrued? What is the current monetary value of the vacation balances for employees in my organization?
  • What are our employees' vacation balances and are they near or above the applicable vacation cap?
  • What is the leave balance accrual and usage history for my employees and/or org?
  • What paid leave did my employee take during a specific period of time?