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OBI Dashboard: Payroll and Labor Management Reports (PLM)

The Payroll and Labor Management Dashboard displays information about payroll, labor schedules, labor adjustments, timecard and leave information. You can compare scheduled earnings to actual pay and find incomplete labor schedules at a glance by person.

Launch OBI Payroll and Labor Management Dashboard


Select this link... ...for reports about
Summary At a glance reporting for payroll and labor management including: Actual Earnings Summary, Incomplete Labor Schedules, Charges Remaining on Suspense Account (formerly the RM3 FIN_LABOR_173 report) and PTA Scheduled vs Actual Comparison report).
Salary, Fringe, and Indirect Costs by Employee Actual or Projected earnings with associated fringe and indirect costs by employee for whom the expenditure is incurred. This report is based on Expenditure Details from CER, and uses CER authority. The whole person view in PLM is not supported.
Actual Pay Labor Distribution Adjustments Batches – All Statuses    Details of actual earnings by pay period with organization, person and PTA views (equivalent to the Gross Pay Report and FIN_LABOR_173 and formerly the RM3 FIN_LABOR_168, FIN_LABOR_169 and FIN_LABOR_170 reports).
Actual Pay Details By Employee Details of actual earnings, views paycheck and employment information as well as labor schedule and labor distribution (LD) adjustments for an employee.
Note: You only get the paycheck details and employment info if you have AA00 authority.
Prepare Bulk Labor Distribution Adjustment Upload Details of actual earnings formatted to aid building Bulk Upload Labor Distribution Adjustment files.
Labor Distribution Adjustments (real-time) Non-customizable BI Publisher report details LD adjustments including journal details, comments and approval history (formerly the RM3 FIN_LABOR_247 report).
Labor Schedule Detailed listing of scheduled pay and labor schedules by employee (formerly the RM3 FIN_LABOR_167 and FIN_LABOR_172 reports).
Labor Schedule Details by Employee Details of employee labor schedule by pay period and employee details.
Labor Schedule Trend Labor schedule details by employee by payroll period with schedule percentage, full-time equivalent (FTE) employee and scheduled salary.
Scheduled vs. Actual Compares (labor schedule) planned earnings to actual earnings by PTA and expenditure type. Lists all earnings posted to the organizational suspense account and the related clearing transactions.
Scheduled vs. Actual Details by Employee Compares (labor schedule) planned earnings to actual earnings by PTA and expenditure type for specific employee(s). Displays employee details and labor schedule percentages per pay period.
Timecard Detailed listing of timecard punch and reported hours by date.
Timecard Approvals Approvals by employee, manager and department.
Leave Summary Summary of employee leave balance and vacation liability with drill down to leave accrual history.
Leave Details Details of leave accrual.

The Summary Report includes analyses of gross pay, incomplete labor schedules, uncleared Org Suspense PTA balances and Scheduled vs. Actual Earnings.

Launch OBI Summary

  • How were payroll transactions distributed for a particular period, for all employees in my organization (org)?
  • How much were my employees paid (e.g., by employee group, award type, pay type or pay category) in a specific period of time?
  • Is there a balance on our Org Suspense Account and which employees' pay should be cleared?
  • Which employees have labor schedules whose lines total less than 100 percent in a specific period of time?
  • Which employees have no labor schedule in a specific period of time?
  • How close did our planned labor schedules compare to actual? 
  • From what PTAs did we plan to pay our employees and from what PTAs were they actually paid in a specific period of time?
  • What are the scheduled earnings amounts for employees in an assignment org?

To retrieve results, be sure to follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen. Refer to Using Selection Criteria for OBI Reports for more guidance.

If you select Next, it displays the selection criteria to search by project owner or manager, task owner or manager or award owner or manager. 

The Summary Report displays four report sections that can be used for monitoring payroll data and labor schedules for review or to take action. Refer to the following screenshots.

 Actual Pay Overview

Actual Pay Overview shows the total pay, including type of earnings, by org for a range of pay periods.

Charges Remaining

By organization perspective, displays payroll charges that have posted to the Org Suspense Account and should be moved to the appropriate PTAs. Choose to view by either PTA summary or  Prepare Labor Distribution Adjustment.

Shows by organization, whether or not there is a balance on the organization suspense account.

Displays employees who have missing or incomplete labor schedules for the upcoming open pay period, and provides the details needed to prepare labor distribution adjustments.

 Employee Assignments with Currently Incomplete Labor Schedules

Displays those employees who have missing or incomplete labor schedules for the upcoming open pay period. By drilling into View Details, you can determine the details of the incomplete schedules.

  Scheduled v Actual Labor Expenditure

Displays a comparison of scheduled labor charges vs actual charges posted.

*These sections display the current status and are unaffected by pay period end dates entered in the selection criteria.

For a list of fields available to include in report customizations, refer to Data Fields Available in PLM Dashboard.

The Salary, Fringe, and Indirect Costs by Employee report provides information on charges for employee salary–both actual and committed–fringe, and indirect costs allocated by employee. This supports managing, reporting, and forecasting total salary charges.

The report has two subtabs:

  • By GL Period displays the GL periods when salary, fringe, and indirect cost charges post to the PTA. This is useful for reconciliation with Consolidated Expenditure Reporting (CER) and answering questions about actual charges per person for salary and burden.
  • By Expenditure Item Period (EIP) supports user selected ranges of periods which map to the month when salary was originally earned. This is useful for answering questions about when salary is earned, which is important for sponsored projects where costs per person are strictly budgeted.

The data and fields available are the same in both subtabs but the report views focus on the different types of time periods.

The purpose of this report is for internal analysis and planning. Do not use for external reporting to third parties (e.g. sponsors and government entities). This report is also not intended for reconciling indirect cost for your organization. Please see How To Properly Review the F&A Rate on Monthly Expenditure Report in DoResearch.

Webinar: Salary, Fringe, and Indirect Costs by Person report video recording

Webinar: Salary, Fringe, and Indirect Costs by Person report presentation slides

Launch OBI Salary, Fringe, and Indirect Costs by Employee

  • What are the  actual salary, fringe, and indirect costs attributable to each employee by month?
  • What are the commitments for salary, fringe, and indirect costs that are attributable to each employee by month?
  • What is the net vacation cost (i.e., vacation accrual less vacation credit received) by employee?
  • What do the charges look like contrasting EIPs with GL Periods to better visualize labor distribution adjustments?

To retrieve results, be sure to follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen. Refer to Using Selection Criteria for OBI Reports for more guidance

The selection criteria is the same for both subtabs except for time period choices.

Subtab: By GL Period

  • By GL Period requires entry of fiscal year-to-date, project-to-date, or user-selected ranges of GL Periods to reflect when the amounts were posted or are projected.
  • Pulling one GL Period can return multiple EIPs from earlier periods due to labor distribution adjustments (LDA) on prior earnings.
  • Commitments are only returned when the current open GL Period is included (e.g., Fiscal Year-to-Date = CURRENT, or Last Period Name = CURRENT). 
  • Use Task Org perspective to reconcile with expenditure reports.
    • This is similar to pulling CER Expenditure reports with the addition of criteria for employee names and classified indicator (e.g., academic staff, casual, faculty)

When running this report (subtab) by employee name and using the project-to-date period selection, the results returned will display the fiscal year-to-date transactions for non-sponsored PTAs and project-to-date transactions for sponsored PTAs that this employee's salary has ever been charged to.

Subtab: By Expenditure Item Period

  • By Expenditure Item Period requires entry of  selected ranges of periods which correspond to the months when salary was or will be earned. 
  • Pulling one EIP can return multiple GL Periods into the future due to subsequent labor distribution adjustments (LDA). 
  • Commitments are only returned when the range of periods includes the current open or future periods. 
  • Use Work Assignment Org perspective to verify employee compensation data.
    • This is similar to pulling Payroll and Labor Management Dashboard -  Actual Pay reports. 

Using Fiscal to Date (FTD) vs Project to Date (PTD) 
  • Fiscal Year-to-Date (FTD) for sponsored projects pulls only fiscal year data.
  • Project Year-to-Date (PTD) for non-sponsored projects works like FTD, pulling data for only a single fiscal year.

Unlike other PLM reports this one requires authority granted for Funds and Expenditures Subject Areas. Without this grant an error will be displayed after entering Selection Criteria and clicking Apply.


Subtab: By GL Period

The By GL Period tab views align with CER reports and are more suited to reconciliations.

This view aggregates high level expenditures by employee.

This view contrasts charges by GL Period vs EIP to visualize labor distribution adjustments (LDAs).

Pulling one GL Period can return multiple EIPs from the past due to LDAs on prior earnings.

Subtab: By Expenditure Item Period

The By Expenditure Item Period tab views align with PLM and are more suited to reporting about effort, e.g. on sponsored projects, regardless of when the salary was charged or moved to a PTA.

This view displays details of actuals and commitments by EIP by employee.

This view contrasts charges by EIP vs GL Period to visualize labor distribution adjustments.

Pulling one EIP can return multiple GL Periods into the future due to subsequent labor distribution adjustments (LDA). 

Interpreting Cross Tab Reports (GL Period vs EIP) 

Both subtabs have a crosstab report view (second view) with columns across the top that match the time period of the subtab. These views are well-suited to visualizing labor distribution adjustments. 
The screenshot below, from the By GL Period subtab,  is an example of the Employee by GL Period vs Expenditure Item Period view.

Screenshot of Employee by GL Period vs EI Period view
  • If there are no labor adjustments (Expenditure Transaction Source Code = LD_DA) the report will be a uniform stair step with EIPs matching GL periods.
  • The columns displayed are the GL Period range specified in the selection criteria. The rows are the associated EIPs. 
  • A column represents a single GL posting period.  In the screenshot above, GL Period 2021-11 has two rows:
    • September earnings posted in the November GL period via distribution adjustment (LD-DA)
    • November earnings posted in the November GL period via initial distribution (LDACT)
  • A row represents a single EIP.  In the screenshot above, the row for 2021-12 has three values:
    • December earnings posted in December GL period via initial distribution (LDACT)
    • December earnings posted in February GL period via distribution adjustment (LD_DA)
    • December earnings posted in June GL period via distribution adjustment (LD_DA)
  • The column for the current open period 2022-06 displays the commitments for the future EIPs, as well as two labor distribution adjustments.  

Topic Overview: Burdening describes how some charges are allocated as a percentage of another charge. In this report burden refers to vacation accrual, fringe benefits (including tuition grant program (TGP)), indirect costs, and internal indirect costs. For a detailed example of how burden is calculated on salary, download Salary Total Cost Calculator and reference the Calculations section.

The total costs of salary plus burden can be computed using this formula:
Salary + Burden Cost = ((Salary-Vacation Used)*(1+vacation accrual rate)*(1+fringe rate +Converged Communications rate)*(1+indirect cost rate))

The specific situation determines which burdens will apply in each case, e.g., vacation accrual is not charged on faculty salary, TGP is not charged on federal research projects, and fringe is not charged on other Expenditure High Level Subgroup Description  where it is designated as Other Compensation.

There are two separate processes that behave like burdening but are not part of the Oracle Financials burden process, and therefore are not reflected in this report.  They are the School of Medicine's charges for converged communications fees (expenditure type 58290 INTERDEPT CONV COMM/TECHNOLOGY) and the supplemental fringe benefit on RA/TA salaries charged to non-sponsored awards (expenditure type 51785 FRINGE BENEFIT GRAD SUPPLEMENT). 

Expenditure High Level Subgroup Description groups salary charges on values like Organization Suspense Accounts, Other Compensation (includes bonus, house supplement, and cell phone supplement), regular salary by type of employee (which includes supplemental pay), and net vacation.

Expenditure Item Department Reference Text shows the job assignment number (emplid appended with job number) for salary, but for burden it shows the burden rate. This helps clarify how the actual amount was calculated.

Expenditure Transaction High Level Type Description has two possible values: actual and commitment. The current open GL Period can include both actuals and commitments since salary can post during the month while the future commitments also appear.

If Expenditure High Level Group Description is indicated as Salary, this includes:

  • direct salary charges (including supplemental pay)
  • other compensation (including bonus, housing, cell phone stipend, etc)
  • credits for vacation used
  •  vacation accrual (Note: vacation accrual is only calculated on direct salary less vacation credit)

Labor distribution adjustments can be visualized either by using cross tab report views or including  Expenditure Transaction Source Long Name where the value = LD_DA-Labor Distribution Adjustment. Any time the GL Period differs from the EIP means an adjustment took place, but an adjustment can also take place during the same month and that would not be revealed by the cross tab report.

Drilling on a charge which includes labor distribution adjustments opens a detail report where the Expenditure Comment Text for labor distribution adjustments is itself a drill. Drilling the text opens the adjustment details including the Adjustment Comments justification and all the charges on the adjustment, not just the amount of the drill line.

  • The Work Assignment Org perspective is based on the historical data rather than on the current org for a person, so pulling by this field will limit to people working in that org at the time they performed the work.
  • The Project, Task, and Award Org perspectives relate to the current org  values only and ignore any changes in org ownership over time.

  • Commitments, if including  Expenditure Transaction Source Long Name, are designated with  E_LD or E_BRDN.
  • Commitments are all reported on the current open GL Period, but their EIP reflects the future earnings periods when they will be earned.
  • Salary commitments are calculated until the end of the current fiscal year for non-sponsored awards, but sponsored awards are displayed out to the labor schedule end date. Refer to the section Salary Commitment Start and End Dates in Topic Overview: Commitment Management.
  • Because all commitments are stored on the current open GL Period, anytime that period is included in the selection criteria, commitment data will be returned for EIPs (when the salary will be earned) as far into the future as they can be calculated. Refer to the section Salary Commitment Start and End Dates in Topic Overview: Commitment Management.

  • GL Periods map to CER while EIP maps to PLM. EIPs aggregate an entire month of PLM payroll end dates, which directly match Expenditure Item Dates in this report.
  • PLM includes both salary and vacation credit but not the burdens on salary like vacation accrual.
  • CER includes all the same charges and credits, but the burdens are not attributable to individual employees.

  • Salary for graduate student assistantships (RA/TA) and postdoctoral scholars is displayed for both actuals and commitments, although salary commitments appear on a single expenditure item period (EIP)
  • Student aid and tuition allowance are not available in this report. The commitment data is available on the Salary section of the Commitment Details report on the Consolidated Expenditure Reporting (CER) Dashboard.

For a list of fields available to include in report customizations, refer to Data Fields Available in PLM Dashboard.

The Actual Pay report provides information on how much employees are being paid, earnings and from what PTAs. 

Launch OBI Actual Pay


  • What employees with work assignments in my org are being paid from PTAs outside my org? What other orgs are paying those employees?
  • Which employees have received or will receive non-base pay (based on earnings type/code) in a specific period of time?
  • From what PTAs and expenditure types were employees actually paid in a specific period of time?
  • What employees with work assignments outside my org are being paid from PTAs within my org? In what other orgs are those employees' work assignments?

To retrieve results, be sure to follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen. Refer to Using Selection Criteria for OBI Reports for more guidance.

If you select Next, it displays the selection criteria to search by project owner or manager, task owner or manager or award owner or manager. 

Displays actual pay by employees, work assignment org and earnings type or PTA for various payments. This report provides four views for actual pay:  by employee, PTA and organization. Refer to the following screenshots. 

 Displays actual pay by employee in a pivot table view. By selecting Employee Name, you can view either Employee Details or Timecard Details for that employee. 

Displays actual pay by employee in a table view, which removes the subtotals and can be exported into an Excel spreadsheet. This format is available in the other view-by options for the Actual Pay report. 

Displays actual pay by PTA in a pivot table view. This can also be displayed by table view.

Displays actual pay by organization in a pivot table view. This can also be displayed by table view.

This report can be used as source data to create a bulk upload file for Labor Distribution Adjustments.

  • By selecting an employee name, you can drill into either Employee Details or Timecard Details for that employee. 
  • By selecting the earnings dollar amount, you can drill into Actual Pay Details for that employee. 

For a list of fields available to include in report customizations, refer to Data Fields Available in PLM Dashboard

Displays actual earnings, views paycheck and employment information, as well as labor schedule and labor distribution adjustments for an employee.

Launch OBI Actual Pay Details By Employee

  • What check numbers are associated with an employee's earnings amounts? If paid by check have the checks been cashed?
  • What are the work assignment and position details of that employee? 
  • How much was an employee paid individually in a specific period of time and which PTAs and earning types were charged? 
  • What is my employee’s labor schedule over a period of time?

To retrieve results, be sure to follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen. Refer to Using Selection Criteria for OBI Reports for more guidance.

Actual Pay Details by Employee report has five sections that contain different reports for an employee. Refer to the following screenshots.

Displays employee paycheck details: pay period,check number, date, whether it was cashed or off cycle.
Due to database authority limitations only users with AA00 authority can see this data. Put in a Support Request if you need this information.

 Displays employee work assignment org and name, job assignment number, job description and position number, standard hours, FTE, annual salary and hourly rate.

 Displays employee payroll transactions by pay period, expenditure type and earnings description/code.

Displays employee labor schedule details by pay period, including percentage by PTA.

 Displays employee labor distribution adjustments that occurred during the specified pay periods.

For a list of fields available to include in report customizations, refer to Data Fields Available in PLM Dashboard.

The Prepare Bulk Labor Distribution Adjustment Upload report displays actual labor distribution data which can be downloaded in the format required for the Upload Template used for bulk upload labor distribution adjustments simplifying the creation of bulk upload files.

Launch Prepare Bulk Labor Distribution Adjustment Upload

  • How do I export from OBI the source data needed for creating a bulk upload labor distribution adjustment?

To retrieve results, be sure to follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen.  Refer to Using Selection Criteria for OBI Reports for more guidance.

  • To retrieve the source data for your bulk labor distribution adjustment, you can query by org, PTA, employee and/or earnings type code.

This report is designed to be downloaded into CSV or Excel format and then updated with additional data to create a bulk upload file for labor distribution adjustments.


For more information on using this report, refer to the How to: Bulk Upload Labor Distribution Adjustments.




Non-customizable, BI Publisher report that displays labor distribution adjustments.

Launch OBI Labor Distribution Adjustments (Real-time)

  • What labor distribution adjustments were made over a period of time by org, originator or PTA?

You may choose one of the options below to select data:

Option 1: Select either Employee ID, Employee Full Name, Adjustment Batch Name or Parent Adjustment Batch Name. Date prompts will narrow your search results, but are not required with this option.

Option 2: Select any one of the non-date prompts (except for Employee ID, Employee Full Name, Adjustment Batch Name or Parent Adjustment Batch Name) and one set of date prompts (First/Last Pay Period End Date or Adjustment Creation Start/End Date).

Non-customizable BI Publisher report that displays details of labor distribution adjustments including journal details, comments and approval history. For additional information, refer to BI Publisher Reports.  Refer to the following screenshots.

The data displayed is real-time.

Displays the summarized adjustments by employee adjustment batch name based on the selection criteria.

 Displays the employee, pay periods, PTAs, expenditure type, earnings type and debit/credit amounts.

For a list of fields available to include in report customizations, refer to Data Fields Available in PLM Dashboard.

The Labor Schedule report, displays a detailed listing of scheduled pay and labor schedules by employee. 

Launch OBI Labor Schedule

  • What lines or PTAs in an employee's current labor schedule are ending or will become invalid within a given time frame?
  • At a glance, how many full time employees are within an org and how many employees have multiple assignments?

To retrieve results, be sure to follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen. Refer to Using Selection Criteria for OBI Reports for more guidance.

If you select Next, it displays the selection criteria to search by project owner or manager, task owner or manager or award owner or manager.

 Labor Schedule Type Description allows you to select which labor schedules to display.  Assignment is for base pay; the other options are pay codes for additional pay. 

The Labor Schedule Summary section displays the scheduled base pay by pay period for each employee.  Refer to following screenshots.

  • If there is an issue with the labor schedule for a given pay period, there will be a description in the Suspense Reason Explanation
  • By selecting an employee name, you can drill into employee details for that employee.

The Labor Schedule Details - Base Pay section displays the scheduled base pay, PTAE and scheduled percentage for each employee.  

  • If there is an issue with the labor schedule for a given pay period, there will be a description in the Suspense Reason Explanation
  • By selecting an employee name, you can drill into employee details for that employee.

 The Labor Schedule Details - Additional Pay section displays the PTAE and scheduled percentage for each employee who has additional pay.

  • If there is an issue with the labor schedule for a given pay period, there will be a description in the Suspense Reason Explanation
  • By selecting an employee name, you can drill into employee details for that employee.

Labor Schedule Type Description indicates which labor schedule is distributing the pay:  Assignment is for base pay; the other pay codes are for additional pay.

For a list of fields available to include in report customizations, refer to Data Fields Available in PLM Dashboard.

Displays a detailed listing of labor schedule details for a single employee.

Launch OBI Labor Schedule Details by Employee

  • What are the labor schedule details for a single employee?

To retrieve results, be sure to follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen. Refer to Using Selection Criteria for OBI Reports for more guidance. 

 Labor Schedule Type Description allows you to select which labor schedules to display.  Assignment is for base pay; the other options are pay codes for additional pay. 

Labor Schedule Details by Employee has three sections that contain different labor schedule reports for an employee.  Refer to the following screenshots.

 This report shows details about the employee.

This report shows the labor schedule details for base wages in rows subtotaled by pay period.

This report shows the labor schedule details for additional pay in rows subtotaled by pay period. 

This report shows attributes affecting labor schedules' PTAs such as active status, chargeable and start/end date.

Labor Schedule Type Description indicates which labor schedule is distributing the pay:  Assignment is for base pay; the other pay codes are for additional pay.

For a list of fields available to include in report customizations, refer to Data Fields Available in PLM Dashboard.

The Labor Schedule Trend report displays labor schedules by employees by payroll period with schedule percentages and employee FTE and scheduled salary details. The Labor Schedule Trend visually highlights labor schedules that are incomplete.

Recording of Webinar Labor Schedule Trend

Presentation Slides

Launch OBI Labor Schedule Trend

  • Which employees do not have a 100 percent labor schedule entered and need their entries updated to avoid suspense account charges?
  • Does each hired employee’s labor schedules not match my planning documentation by PTA and percentage? 
  • Which of my employees are paid by another org’s PTA? Conversely, which employees employed by another org is my org paying for?
  • What are the FTEs of all of the employees for my org? 
  • Who created or last updated an employee’s labor schedule? 
  • For a given SPO Number, which employee’s salaries are being charged to it?

To retrieve results, be sure to follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen. Refer to Using Selection Criteria for OBI Reports for more guidance.

 Labor Schedule Type Description allows you to select which labor schedules to display.  Assignment is for base pay; the other options are pay codes for additional pay. 

The Labor Schedule Trend report provides a high-level review of labor schedules that identifies inconsistencies and gaps, which indicates the need for corrective action to prevent charges to suspense accounts. The report gives different perspectives of employees and the sources of their base and any additional pay. 

Labor Schedule Trend has eleven different views available. The table below provides guidance on how to pair a selection criteria and view-by option choice to display the desired information.  Refer to the screenshots following the table below.

Criteria View By Business Question Answered
Work Assignment Org Labor Schedule by Work Org Shows employees that do not have 100 percent labor schedule entered and need entries to avoid suspense account charges. Grouped by work org to facilitate determining who should enter the labor schedule.
Work Assignment Org Labor Schedule by Person Summary Shows employees that do not have 100 percent labor schedule entered and need entries to avoid suspense account charges. Lists by name, without org, to facilitate comparison with name lists.
Work Assignment Org Labor Schedule by Person PTA Displays employee's labor schedule to compare PTAs and percentages to your plan.
Work Assignment Org Labor Schedule by Person PTA Start/End Displays employees labor schedule start and end dates by PTA and percentages.
Work Assignment Org Labor Schedule by Award Org Displays employees who are hired by your org but paid by a different org, by noting where the award org is not in your org hierarchy.
Work Assignment Org Labor Schedule by Labor Schedule FTE Shows the total FTE of employees your org has hired regardless of who pays for them.
Award Org Labor Schedule by Work Org Determine employees who are paid by your org but hired by a different org by noting where the work org is not in your org hierarchy. Typically, only the other org can make labor schedule and distribution entries for these employees. This means it may be more difficult to get corrections entered.
Award Org Labor Schedule FTE Displays the total FTE of employees your org is paying for regardless of who hired them.
Award Org Labor Schedule by; Award, Project or PTA Verify labor schedules by award, project or task planning documentation.
  Labor Schedule  by Person Created/Changed By Shows who first entered or most recently changed a labor schedule entry and who may have information about why the entry was made.
Award SPO Number Labor Schedule by SPO Number Displays employees who are charging against a sponsored agreement.
Work Assignment Org and
Status Description = Incomplete
Labor Schedule by Work Org Displays which labor schedules are not complete. Used to create a short list of problems needing attention.

View by Work Org displays totals by person for the time range selected and allows you to see incomplete schedules at a glance. 

Refer to Understand the Data to determine what the cell colors indicate.

View by Award Org is not necessarily all the labor schedule rows for this person; it shows those orgs who are providing the awards for your organization's employees. 

Refer to Understand the Data to determine what the cell colors indicate.

View by Person Summary lists the employees by alphabetical order instead of by Classified Indicator Name.

Refer to Understand the Data to determine what the cell colors indicate.

View by Person PTA to see all employees PTA details at once. 

 View by Person PTA Start/End to see all employees PTAs and associated labor schedule start and end dates.

Displays who originally created the labor schedule and who most recently updated the labor schedule for that employee, as well as when those changes occurred. 

View by Award shows everyone being paid by a particular award; also displays the award’s end date.

View by Project shows everyone being paid by a particular project; also displays the project’s end date.

View by SPO number shows employees’ time being charged to a particular SPO.

View by Labor Schedule FTE displays effective employee FTE percentage. Effective FTE percentage is the labor schedule percentage multiplied by the employee FTE.  FTE reflects base pay only. 

View by Scheduled Salary by Person/PTA displays the scheduled base pay salary costs by PTA for each pay period.  Additional pay is not displayed in this report.

Labor Schedule Detail Drills

Within the Labor Schedule Trend Report, you can select an employee’s full name to get their labor schedule PTA breakdown by period for the specified time range. For this drill, you can also view the Labor Schedule by PTA, Labor Schedule Created/Changed By and Scheduled Salary.  Refer to the following screenshots.

Within the Labor Schedule Trend Report, you can drill the pay period percentage to see their labor schedule PTA breakdown and their scheduled earnings amount for that pay period. For this drill, you can also view the Labor Schedule Created/Changed By


Cell Colors Explained

Red Cell: Scheduled amount is less than 100 percent; labor schedule should be updated.
Blue Cell: Employee was not employed for that pay period.
Yellow Cell: Scheduled amount is more than 100 percent. This does not necessarily mean that someone was scheduled for more than 100 percent for a given pay period. This may be due to multiple labor schedules starting and ending in the middle of the pay period leading to double counting. Refer to the example below. 

Screenshot showing labor schedule trend for an employee with a highlighted yellow cell for a particular pay period

Drilling on the 196 percent shows that most of the labor schedule runs 1/1 to 1/14 totaling 100 percent but 96 percent ends on 1/14 and a new entry for 96 percent is made starting on 1/15 which covers just 1 day of the 1/15 ending pay period. Since the total of the report is for the entire pay period it totals to 100 percent plus 96 percent even though on no single day was the total other than 100 percent. There is no way to correct for this since the totals are by pay period rather than by day.

Screenshot showing the drill details for an employee’s labor schedule when the cell in labor schedule trend is highlighted yellow cell for a particular pay period.

Definitions of Values in Labor Schedule Trend Reports

Selection Criteria/Other Definition/Description List of Values or Examples
Work Assignment Org Code Org code associated with the human resources (HR) group that has hired an employee. This org code affects who can input labor schedules and labor distributions as well as where incomplete schedules will be charged to org suspense accounts. However, this does not determine the funding source of employee salary. That is set completely independently by the PTA assigned for charges in the labor schedule entry application. ABCD
Award Org Code The owning org (or parent) of the award segment of the PTA. This identifies where the funding comes from. The org is a higher level than award number itself and will typically be associated with many individual awards. ABCD
Award, Project or PTA Segments of the PTA or the full PTA itself identify where salary will be charged. 1234567-100-ABCDE
Award SPO Number Unique identifier for each sponsored project. 123456
Full Name Employee name (last, first middle initial) Smith, John A
EMPLID Unique numeric identifier for each employee. The job assignment number is the EMPLID appended with a tilde "~" and a number to identify multiple positions one employee may have at the university. The first position is ~0 and the next is ~1. EMPLID: 12345678
Position Number: 12345678~0 and 123456878~1
Classified Indicator Name Identifier for different types of employee groups like Staff & Faculty. Some departments do not assign labor schedules to temporary, student or casual employees and might therefore choose to exclude them from the Labor Schedule Report since they would all show 0 percent scheduled. Academic staff;
non-academic staff; 
other teaching; student; 
Labor Schedule Status With values like complete, incomplete and missing, this field can be used to exclude complete labor schedules and only look at exceptions. Complete;
Not applicable
Labor Schedule FTE view The total of positions FTE multiplied by labor schedule percentage. This is the effective FTE. For example a person who has a position at 50 percent FTE and who has a labor schedule of 50 percent on your account is effectively at .25 FTE (.5 x .5 = .25) .5 FTE at 80 percent schedule = .4 FTE

Labor Schedule Type Description indicates which labor schedule is distributing the pay:  Assignment is for base pay; the other pay codes are for additional pay.

For a list of fields available to include in report customizations, refer to Data Fields Available in PLM Dashboard.

List of Values for staff groupings available as include columns to customize report layout

Paygroup Code Paygroup Name Classified Indicator Code Classified Indicator Name STF HR Group Description
MON Monthly Stipends A Academic Staff Bargaining Unit - Police
BU1 Bargaining Unit Hourly C Casual Bargaining Unit - USW
BU2 SLAC - Bargaining Unit F Faculty Coach
CSL Casual Hourly N Non-Academic Staff Contingent Staff
CTS Contingent Salaried O Other Teaching Executive Staff
EX1 Exempt Salaried S Student Exempt
EX2 SLAC - Exempt Salaried T Temporary Faculty
F09 Faculty Paid over 9 Months     Hoover Fellow
F10 Faculty Paid over 10 Months     Librarian
F12 Faculty Paid over 12 Months     Non-Exempt
FA2 SLAC - Faculty     Non-Exempt Police
HR2 SLAC - Hourly     Non-Exempt Supervisory
NH2 SLAC - Casual Exempt     Other Teaching
NX1 Non-Exempt Salaried     Post Doctoral Fellow
NX2 SLAC - Non-Exempt Salaried     Research Associate
NXH Non-Exempt Hourly     Senior Staff
PEN Pension Retirees     Staff Physician
RET Retirees Unpaid Paygroup     Teaching Assistant
ST2 SLAC - Grad Student     University Officer
STU Student Employees      
TMP Temporary Hourly Employees      
VA Various Unpaid Employees      
XGS Global Salaried      


For a list of fields available to include in report customizations, refer to Data Fields Available in PLM Dashboard.

Compares (labor schedule) planned earnings to actual earnings by PTA and expenditure type. Lists all earnings posted to the organizational suspense account and the related clearing transactions.

Launch OBI Schedule vs. Actual

  • What employees with work assignments in my org are being paid from PTAs outside my org? What other orgs are paying those employees?
  • Which employees have received or will receive non-base pay (based on earnings type/code) in a specific period of time?
  • From what PTAs and expenditure types were employees actually paid in a specific period of time?
  • What employees with work assignments outside my org are being paid from PTAs within my org? In what other orgs are those employees' work assignments?
  • What are the current balances of our Org Suspense PTAs? What transactions remained uncleared on our Org Suspense Account? What was the reason the payroll transaction went into OSA?
  • Which employees' actual pay hit an Org Suspense PTA (by Org or Suspense PTA)?

To retrieve results, be sure to follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen. Refer to Using Selection Criteria for OBI Reports for more guidance.

If you select Next, it displays the selection criteria to search by project owner or manager, task owner or manager or award owner or manager.

The Scheduled vs. Actual report displays for each employee their scheduled pay and PTA to their actual pay and PTA for each pay period.  Refer to the screenshots below.

Displays the scheduled earnings vs. the actual earnings amount for each employee. 

Displays the payroll charges that have hit your Org Suspense Account for each pay period affected.

For a list of fields available to include in report customizations, refer to Data Fields Available in PLM Dashboard.

Displays actual earnings, views paycheck and employment information, as well as labor schedule and labor distribution adjustments for an employee.

Launch OBI Scheduled v Actual Details by Employee

  • What are the work assignment and position details of a specific employee? 
  • Were planned employee schedules on target or is there a variance? 
  • What is my employee’s labor schedule over a period of time?

To retrieve results, be sure to follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen. Refer to Using Selection Criteria for OBI Reports for more guidance.

Scheduled vs. Actual Details by Employee has three sections that contain different reports for an employee. Refer to the following screenshots.

 Displays employee details, such as job assignment number, work assignment org, job classification, job assignment expenditure type code, hourly/salaried and standard weekly work hours.

 By pay period, displays employee scheduled and actual including PTA and expenditure type code.

 By period displays, displays employee labor schedule percentage split between PTAs, along with project, task and award end dates. 

For a list of fields available to include in report customizations, refer to Data Fields Available in PLM Dashboard.

The Timecard Report displays detailed listings of timecard punch data and reported hours by date.

Launch OBI Timecard

  • Which employees have not recorded paid leave for a specified number of pay periods?
  • Which employee timecards include premium pay or out-of-class adjustments in a specific period of time?
  • Which timecard entries will result in earnings being debited to my org suspense account in a specific period of time?
  • Which non-exempt or hourly employee timecards are missing out-punches in a specific period of time?
  • Which of my non-exempt or hourly employees have blank timecards in a specific period of time?

To retrieve results, be sure to follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen. Refer to Using Selection Criteria for OBI Reports for more guidance.

The Timecard Report displays three report sections that can be used for monitoring timecard data for review. This report applies to non-exempt, hourly and those exempt employees who are eligible for paid leave. Refer to the following screenshots.

The Timecard Detail Report - Reported Hours displays the timecard hours and punch details entered for specific days for each employee.

The Timecard Detail Report - Payable Hours displays the timecard hours and punch details per employee per pay period end date. 

For each timecard submission and approval, displays who and when it was submitted or approved.

For a list of fields available to include in report customizations, refer to Data Fields Available in PLM Dashboard.

The Timecard Approval Report displays employee timecard approvals for all employees by org.

Launch OBI Timecard Approvals

  • Which non-exempt or hourly employee timecards are missing out-punches in a specific period of time?
  • Which of my non-exempt or hourly employees have blank timecards in a specific period of time
  • Which non-exempt or hourly employees do not have their timecards approved?

To retrieve results, be sure to follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen. Refer to Using Selection Criteria for OBI Reports for more guidance.

The Timecard Approvals Report displays submission and approval data for employees and their supervisors or their time and leave administrator (TLA). There are three report sections, refer to the following screenshots.

 By timecard period/approval date, displays summarized counts and statistics for approvals for an organization.

By manager and pay period, displays summarized counts and statistics of time card approvals. 

  By employee and pay period, displays approvals by manager, employee indicator and department time leave administrator.

For a list of fields available to include in report customizations, refer to Data Fields Available in PLM Dashboard.

The Leave Summary Report details leave accrual liability and balance.

Launch OBI Leave Summary

  • How much vacation have employees in my org taken this fiscal year, compared to the amount they have accrued? What is the current monetary value of the vacation balances for employees in my organization?
  • What are our employees' vacation balances and are they near or above the applicable vacation cap?
  • What is the leave balance accrual and usage history for my employees and/or org?
  • What paid leave did my employee take during a specific period of time?

The Leave Summary report has two sections that display leave and vacation balance and vacation accrual rates. It displays details on all leave types: vacation, sick, floating and paid time off (PTO).  Refer to the following screenshots.

Leave Balances displays the leave balances, vacation accrual rate and vacation balance liability for each employee.

The Leave Accrual Summary Report displays for each employee the starting balance, earned, taken and remaining balance for each type of leave for a fiscal period. Displays the payroll charges that have hit your Org Suspense Account and will need to be cleared. You can drill on Leave Details to view the Leave History for that employee.

For a list of fields available to include in report customizations, refer to Data Fields Available in PLM Dashboard.

The Leave Details report provides leave history details as to which date the employee has taken leave or has accrued leave.

Launch OBI Leave Details

  • What dates did my employee earn and take leave? What type of leave? What is their running balance?

To retrieve results, be sure to follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen. Refer to Using Selection Criteria for OBI Reports for more guidance.

The Leave Accrual Details report displays a running total of leave by leave type as it is used and earned for successive pay periods.

For a list of fields available to include in report customizations, refer to Data Fields Available in PLM Dashboard.

Last Updated: Aug 31, 2024