Report | Subprocess | Sample Business Questions | |
F | |||
F | Fiscal to Date Fund Statement
Revenue and Fund Management Reporting (RFM) dashboard (formerly FIN_FUND_153_Fund_Statement) |
Review summary and GL transactions details (Non-customizable) |
F | Fiscal to Date Fund Statement (Current and prior year only)
Revenue and Fund Management Reporting (RFM) dashboard (formerly FIN_FUND_153_Fund_Statement) |
Review summary and GL transaction details for current or prior fiscal year (Non-customizable) |
F | Force Clear Summary by Task Org
Force Clear Metrics (FCM) dashboard |
Review count and amount of SU credit card transactions and advances that were force cleared |
F | Fund Authorization Report (Real-time)
Reference Data and Inquiry (INQ) dashboard (formerly FIN_REF_225) |
Review fund authorization report (Non-customizable) |
F | Fund Statement
Revenue and Fund Management Reporting (RFM) dashboard |
Review SU and EN ledger summary and transactions details |
F | Fund Trend
Revenue and Fund Management Reporting (RFM) dashboard |
Review SU and EN ledger fund trend summary |
F | Fund Variance
Revenue and Fund Management Reporting (RFM) dashboard |
Review and compare SU and EN ledger summary between two sets of period ranges |