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OBI Dashboard: Procure to Pay Dashboard and Reports (P2P)

The P2P dashboard displays information about active and completed purchase requisitions and approvals; purchase orders and AP invoices; and how these documents relate to each other. The dashboard also displays information about suppliers and payments to those suppliers.

Launch OBI Procure to Pay Reporting Dashboard

Select this link... ...for reports about
Procure to Pay at a Glance Overview reports for P2P: Purchase Requisitions that Need Action, POs with remaining amounts, AP Invoices on Hold and AP Invoice Aging.
Procure to Pay Inquiry Details about a single purchase requisition, PO, AP invoice and vendor payment. Allows users to see related purchase requisitions, POs and AP invoices and payments.
Purchase Requisitions Summary and detailed reports for purchase requisitions.
Purchase Requisition Approval History For any given approvers, displays the full approval history for all the related purchase requisitions.
Purchase Orders Summary and detailed reports for POs (formerly the RM3 FIN_EXP_148_Purch_Order_Recon and FIN_PO_206_AP_Purch_Order_Detail reports).
Purchase Order Approval History For any given PO Number or PO approver full name, displays full approval history for all related POs.  
Purchase Order Trend Analysis PO trend analyses by various parameters (subtotal by, PO amount trend, PO amount percent of top 10) and time periods (view by month, calendar quarter and calendar year)
Purchase Order and Related AP Invoices Summary and detail reports for purchase orders (PO) along with any related AP invoice information, and is designed to review which AP invoices have been matched to the selected POs, their hold status and payment status.  This report does not include freight or other charges that are not included in the Purchase Order which are available in the AP Invoice details.
AP Invoices Summary and detail reports for AP invoices (formerly the RM3 FIN_LIB_174_Invoice_Exceptions, FIN_PO_201_AP_Invoice_Detail and FIN_PO_208_AP_Srvc_Ctr_Accrual reports)
Supplier Summary reports for supplier, supplier sites and supplier site contacts (formerly RM3 FIN_PO_209_AP_Supplier_Info report.
Payments by Supplier Detailed payment report for suppliers (formerly RM3 FIN_PO_205_AP_Remittance_Advice report).
Procure to Pay Efficacy Dashboard Purchase requisition approval rates.
Invalid PTAs Report of POs and purchase requisitions charging invalid PTAs; i.e., PTAs with chargeable indicators of No or PTAs with chargeable indicators of Yes but ending by a specified date.

Overview reports for Procure to Pay:   Purchase requisitions that need approval, purchase orders with remaining amounts, AP invoices on hold and aging AP invoices.

Demo of Procure to Pay at a Glance reports within the P2P Dashboard in OBI

Launch OBI Procure to Pay at a Glance

  • What is holding up my PO? Is there a problem with my PO and what is the issue?
  • What are my requisitions that still need action?
  • What are my invoices that are aging?
  • Are any of my invoices on hold and what kind of holds?
  • Based on their age and outstanding commitments, which POs are candidates to close or cancel. 
  • What suppliers have activity for a set of PTAs for a specific time period?
  • Which POs have a PTA change in progress?

To retrieve results, be sure to follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen. Refer to Using Selection Criteria for OBI Reports for more guidance.


For a list of the P2P common selection criteria, their associated list of values and when to use them, refer to P2P Selection Criteria List of Values.

All On Hold invoice transactions and purchase orders with a PTA Change in Progress are returned regardless of the selection criteria entered for first and last creation date. To only pull On Hold invoices or POs that are undergoing PTA changes, enter today's date for both the first and last creation date.

The Procure to Pay at a Glance report displays in-process transactions that may warrant attention or action. There are five report sections that allow you to monitor your procurement activity.  Refer to the following screenshots.

Purchase Requisitions that Need Action

Displays requisitions that have been submitted but not yet fully approved or are pre-approved. 

  • Drilling on the Purchase Requisition Amount will bring up the Purchase Requisition Summary and Details reports. 

For more details, include additional columns such as Supplier Name and Purchase Requisition Status Description.

Purchase Order with Outstanding Commitment Amount

Displays the remaining balance for open purchase orders.  Factoring in the age of the purchase order and the percentage of outstanding commitment, provides a list of eligible purchase orders to close or cancel. Item Category Description displays the type of purchase order (e.g. blanket, service). 

 AP Invoices on Hold Summary

Identifies the number of invoices on hold and the total of the invoice amounts.  The date prompts entered in the selection criteria do not apply to the results returned in this report, therefore all AP invoices on hold are displayed.  Refer to Managing Invoice Holds for information on the most common types of invoice holds, and the required action to release the hold or monitor the hold if no immediate action is needed.

By drilling on the AP Invoice Number Count, it will bring up the AP Invoice Hold Details report which displays the hold details for the affected invoices, including the AP Invoice Hold Description and the AP Invoice Hold Date for each invoice. 

  • In the AP Invoice Hold Details Drill, invoices that are linked to more than one PO, will display 'Multiple' in the PO column. 
  • View Resource: Managing Invoice Holds for more information regarding invoice holds and the actions required to release them.

Purchase Orders with PTA Change in Progress

Identifies purchase orders that have initiated a PTA change but the current Purchase Order PTA Change Status Description is equal to Pending.   

  • Drilling on the Purchase Order Number opens Requisition and Purchase Order Query in Oracle for that PO.  

AP Invoices with Temp Hold

Identifies invoices between $5,000 and $9,999 that are on a five business-day temporary hold for department review.  The date prompts entered in the selection criteria do not apply to the results returned in this report, therefore all AP invoices on hold are displayed.  

  • Invoices that departments request to extend a hold are no longer displayed here and are displayed on the other AP Invoices on Hold report sections. 
  • View Resource: Managing Invoice Holds for more information regarding invoice holds and the actions required to release them.

AP Invoices on Hold

Displays invoices that are currently on hold, allowing you to monitor and further investigate the nature of the hold. The date prompts entered in the selection criteria do not apply to the results returned in this report, therefore all AP invoices on hold are displayed. 

  • Drilling on the AP Invoice Amount will bring up AP Invoice Hold Details report (see screenshot under AP Invoices on Hold Summary) which displays AP Invoice Hold Description and the AP Invoice Hold Date
  • Drilling on the AP Invoice Number will bring up the full Procure to Pay Inquiry that displays the details of the purchase requisition, purchase order and invoice related to the invoice number.
  • View Resource: Managing Invoice Holds for more information regarding invoice holds and the actions required to release them.

For more clarity on the duration of the holds, include AP Invoice Creation Date to determine when an invoice record was created in Oracle AP (when the invoice was first matched to the PO).

AP Invoice Aging

Displays the invoice amount in the aging bucket based on the AP Invoice Date.

  • By drilling on the AP Invoice Amount, it will bring up AP Invoice Aging Details report which displays AP Invoice Date and the AP Invoice Days Past Due Quantity.

For more clarity on the duration of the holds, include AP Invoice Creation Date to determine when an invoice record was created in Oracle AP (when the invoice was first matched to the PO).  AP Invoice Date is the date printed on the supplier invoice.

For information about the more common AP invoice holds and what steps to clear them, refer to Topic Overview: Purchase Order Invoice Processing - Managing Invoice Holds.

For a list of fields available to include in report customizations, refer to Data Fields Available in P2P Dashboard.

Select and review details pertaining to a specific requisition number, PO, AP Invoice or payment issued. For a particular document, you can find its transaction details and all related documents’ transaction details. 

Demo of Procure to Pay Inquiry reports within the P2P Dashboard in OBI

Launch OBI Procure to Pay Inquiry

  • What are the requisition details by requisition number including the invoice and payment matched to the associated PO line(s)?
  • If I know a PR, PO, AP invoice or payment issue number, how can I query the detailed information for the related transaction numbers?
  • What is outstanding on my PO and what lines have been paid, with details on payment and what changes have been made (including PTA information and transfers)?
  • How could I find the payment details for my invoices?

To retrieve results, be sure to follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen. Refer to Using Selection Criteria for OBI Reports for more guidance.

  • In the first column, you must enter a specific purchase requisition, PO number, AP invoice number or payment issued number
  • For AP invoice number or payment issued number, you must also enter a supplier name, as those numbers may be common among different suppliers.
  • From the remaining three columns, select which reports you want to view that are related to your first column entry.

AP invoices and payment information for expense requests can be queried.  The invoice number is the same as the expense request number using the appropriate alpha characters (ER, VR, PR, ADV, PC).  The supplier name is required.

For a list of the P2P common selection criteria, their associated list of values and when to use them, refer to P2P Selection Criteria List of Values.

Based on the options you select, the P2Pay Inquiry will display summary, line details, approval information and attachment file names for associated requisitions, POs, invoices and payments.  Refer to the following screenshots.

Purchase Requisitions

By right-clicking on Purchase Requisition Number, you can drill into the Requisition and Purchase Orders Query within Oracle Financials. 

Purchase Orders

 By right-clicking on Purchase Order Number, you can drill into the Requisition and Purchase Orders Query within Oracle Financials. 

AP Invoices

Refer to Managing Invoice Holds for information on the most common types of invoice holds, and the required action to release the hold or monitor the hold if no immediate action is needed.

For a list of fields available to include in report customizations, refer to Data Fields Available in P2P Dashboard.

Displays summary and detailed reports for purchase requisitions.

Launch OBI Purchase Requisitions

  • What are the requisition details for multiple requisition numbers including the invoice and payment matched to the associated PO numbers?
  • What requisitions were created for a specific date range?
  • What are the PR details for a PTA, org or supplier?
  • How can I find requisitions by requester or preparer plus related transactions (order, invoices, payments) for a submitted or creation reporting period?
  • What suppliers have activity for a set of PTAs for a specific time period?

To retrieve results, be sure to follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen. Refer to Using Selection Criteria for OBI Reports for more guidance.

For a list of the P2P common selection criteria, their associated list of values and when to use them, refer to P2P Selection Criteria List of Values.

The Purchase Requisition report has three different sections.  Refer to the following screenshots.

Purchase Requisition Summary

Displays purchase requisition header information, including supplier, requisition descriptive text and dollar amount. 

Purchase Requisition Details

Displays line details for associated purchase requisitions, including items, quantities, unit prices, PTAs, and expenditure types.

Related Transactions

The Related Transactions report displays the associated POs for a purchase requisition, the associated AP invoices for the PO and the associated payments for an AP invoice. Each document number is drillable to P2P Inquiry Details for that document.

For a list of fields available to include in report customizations, refer to Data Fields Available in P2P Dashboard.

For any given approvers, displays the full approval history for related purchase requisitions.

Launch OBI Purchase Requisition Approval History

  • Where are purchase requisitions in the approval process?
  • How can I find all the requisitions for which I am one of the approvers?

To retrieve results, be sure to follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen. Refer to Using Selection Criteria for OBI Reports for more guidance.

For a list of the P2P common selection criteria, their associated list of values and when to use them, refer to P2P Selection Criteria List of Values

Displays the actions taken by individual approvers for a given requisition or actions taken by a given approver over a period of time.

For a list of fields available to include in report customizations, refer to Data Fields Available in P2P Dashboard

  • What is my PO outstanding commitment amount?
  • What are the PO details by PO number and/or supplier for my PTA and/or organization including the associated requisitions, invoices and payment numbers?
  • Have any unallowable charges been incurred on sponsored PTAs within my organization?
  • How can I find POs by requester or buyer plus related transactions (requisitions, invoices, payments) for a specific reporting period (submitted, creation or General Ledger (GL) Period)?
  • Which suppliers exist with cancelled orders?
  • What suppliers have activity for a set of PTAs for a specific time period?
  • Which POs have a PTA change pending, completed or rejected?
  • What are the outstanding balances on my blanket POs?

To retrieve results, be sure to follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen. Refer to Using Selection Criteria for OBI Reports for more guidance.

  • To query by type of purchase order (e.g. blanket, capital equipment, change orders), select the desired types from Item Category Description.

For a list of the P2P common selection criteria, their associated list of values and when to use them, refer to P2P Selection Criteria List of Values

The Purchase Orders report has three different sections.  Refer to the following screenshots. 

Purchase Order Summary

Displays purchase order header information, including supplier, business purpose and purchase order amount.

Purchase Order Details

Displays line details for associated purchase orders, including items and quantities being purchased, PTAs, expenditure type, line item price and commitment information.

In addition to Basic View details, Expanded View includes delivered, received, canceled and invoiced quantity.

Related Transaction Numbers

The Related Transactions report displays the associated purchase requisitions for the POs listed above, the associated AP invoices for the POs and the associated payments for the AP invoices. Each document number is drillable to P2P Inquiry details for that document.

Purchase Order Closed Status Description Definition
OPEN Most of the time, if a PO has not received all the goods and had them matched to a line on the PO, the PO is OPEN.
CLOSED If the product or services have been received for each line, the PO will be CLOSED.  (There may still be commitments with OPEN or CLOSED.)
FINALLY CLOSED If a PO is in OPEN or CLOSED status, it can be FINALLY CLOSED by someone using Req and PO Query.
Refer to How To: Finally Close a PO for more information.

 For a list of fields available to include in report customizations, refer to Data Fields Available in P2P Dashboard

For any given approvers, displays the full approval history for all the related POs.

Launch OBI Purchase Order Approval History

  • Where are POs in the processing cycle?
  • How can I find all the POs for which I am one of the approvers?

To retrieve results, be sure to follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen. Refer to Using Selection Criteria for OBI Reports for more guidance.


For a list of the P2P common selection criteria, their associated list of values and when to use them, refer to P2P Selection Criteria List of Values.

Displays the actions taken by individual approvers for a given PO or actions taken by a given approver over a period of time.

For a list of fields available to include in report customizations, refer to Data Fields Available in P2P Dashboard.

  • How can I find the top 10 suppliers that my organization (org) purchased from for a specific PO submitted date range and view by month, calendar quarter or calendar year?
  • For PTA how can I find the top 10 suppliers with the highest PO total amount for a specific PO submitted date range?
  • For my org, which projects, tasks or expenditure types have the top spendings?

To retrieve results, be sure to follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen. Refer to Using Selection Criteria for OBI Reports for more guidance.


For a list of the P2P common selection criteria, their associated list of values and when to use them, refer to P2P Selection Criteria List of Values.

Purchase Trend Analysis allows you to analyze PO activity over time by a variety of parameters, including supplier, expenditure category or expenditure type.

You can view the trend by month submitted, calendar quarter or calendar year. 

For a list of fields available to include in report customizations, refer to Data Fields Available in P2P Dashboard

This report displays purchase order (PO) details along with any related AP invoice information, and is designed to review which AP invoices have been matched to the selected POs, their hold status, and payment status. 

Launch Purchase Order and Related AP Invoices 

  • For my purchase orders, which invoices have been matched, what is their payment status, and what is the balance remaining on the purchase orders?
  • Are there any invoices on hold for my POs, and what kind of holds?
  • Are there any invoices that are missing?  
  • Which POs are closed and should be finally closed or suppressed?


For best results, be sure to follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen. Refer to Using Selection Criteria for OBI Reports for more guidance.

The prompts pertain to the purchase order and not the invoice. Recent invoice activity on older or blanket POs may not appear unless you enter a purchase order submitted/creation date range that includes that PO. (Dates are not required when querying by purchase order number.)

Retrieving certain types of purchase orders (e.g. blanket or capital equipment) is possible by specifying the appropriate Item Category Description in the selection criteria.  Also include the associated change order Item Category Description (if any exist) to see the full perspective on the purchase order.

For a list of the P2P common selection criteria, their associated list of values and when to use them, refer to P2P Selection Criteria List of Values.

The Purchase Order and Related AP Invoices Report displays purchase order and related purchase order line details, along with associated AP invoices and their payment information.

  • Purchase order closed statuses (open, closed, finally closed) are displayed along with any remaining balances on the POs. 
  • Invoices on hold are identified by the designation "On Hold" and the yellow highlighted cell under AP Invoice Hold Status. Drilling on this cell will provide more details about the hold.

These reports do not display freight or other charges that are not included in the purchase order. These are only displayed in the AP invoice details.

Drilling on the following hyperlinks in both the summary and detail reports brings up additional details:

  • Purchase Order Number displays both the Procure to Pay Inquiry Details report or Oracle Requisition and PO Query.
  • AP Invoice Number displays the Procure to Pay Inquiry Details report. If the PO has more than one invoice, all AP invoices for that PO will be displayed.  
  • Highlighted yellow "On Hold" for AP Invoice Hold Status Indicator displays the AP Invoice Hold Details for all invoices on hold for the same PO. Provides AP Invoice Hold Description and the AP Invoice Hold Date for the affected invoices. Refer to Managing Invoice Holds for information on the most common types of invoice holds, and the required action to release the hold or monitor the hold if no immediate action is needed.


Displays summary and detailed reports for AP invoices and payments to suppliers.

Demo of AP Invoice reports within the P2P Dashboard in OBI

Launch OBI AP Invoices

  • What are the supplier invoice details by invoice number including PTA distributions?
  • For those transactions I originated, where are they in the process of being fully paid with the associated transaction status including holds details?
  • What is the invoice activity, including volume and dollars by source and transaction type?
  • What transactions are on hold by hold reason, including batch name and AP's internal notes?
  • Have any unallowable charges been paid on sponsored PTAs within my organization?
  • How can I find AP invoice details and related transaction numbers for an AP Invoice Hold Code for a specific reporting period (invoice, creation or GL Period)?
  • How can I find the payment details for my invoices?
  • What suppliers have activity for a set of PTAs for a specific time period?

To retrieve results, be sure to follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen. Refer to Using Selection Criteria for OBI Reports for more guidance. If you are querying by AP invoice number or payment issued number, you must include a supplier name or supplier number.

  • AP invoices and payment information for expense requests can be queried.  The invoice number is the same as the expense request number using the appropriate alpha characters (ER, VR, PR, ADV, PC).  The supplier name is required. 
  • AP Invoice Date is the date the invoice was issued or recorded by the supplier. AP Invoice Creation Date is the date that an invoice record was created within Oracle AP. 

For a list of the P2P common selection criteria, their associated list of values and when to use them, refer to P2P Selection Criteria List of Values.

The AP Invoice report has four different sections.  Refer to the following screenshots.

AP Invoice Summary

Displays AP invoice information, including Invoice Date, status, posted GL period and invoice amount.

In addition to Basic View details, Expanded View includes payment terms and payment method.

AP Invoice Detail

Displays AP invoice line text, expenditure type and invoice line item amounts.

In addition to Basic View details, Expanded View includes PTA information.

AP Invoice Hold Details

Displays the hold history of AP invoices displayed in the summary and detail sections.  The report shows:

  • The current hold status, date the invoice was put on hold and the hold description.  
  • The date the hold was released, by whom and how long it was (or has been) on hold.

Refer to Managing Invoice Holds for information on the most common types of invoice holds, and the required action to release the hold or monitor the hold if no immediate action is needed.

Related Transactions

The Related Transactions report displays the associated purchase requisitions for the invoices listed above,the associated AP invoices for the POs and the associated payments for the AP invoices. Each document number is drillable to P2P Inquiry details for that document.

The AP invoices listed are not only for POs, but also for expense requests, non-PO Payments, advances and travel card (Tcard) payments.

An AP invoice is created in Oracle once an invoice from the supplier is successfully matched and validated. Below are the most common combinations of AP Invoice statuses and what they mean.

AP Invoice Status DescriptionAP Invoice Payment StatusAP Invoice Hold StatusSituation
ValidatedPaidNo Hold Supplier has been paid.
ValidatedPendingNo HoldPayment pending, waiting for specified days per PO terms.
Needs RevalidationPendingOn HoldAction required before payment processing can continue.

For more information about AP Invoices , refer to Topic Overview: Purchase Order Invoice Processing.

For a list of fields available to include in report customizations, refer to Data Fields Available in P2P Dashboard.

Displays information about suppliers, supplier sites and supplier contacts.

Launch OBI Supplier

  • What is the status of the supplier in the supplier setup process?
  • What are the supplier sites?
  • Who are the suppliers by city and country?
  • What is the supplier contact information for active suppliers?

To retrieve results, be sure to follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen. Refer to Using Selection Criteria for OBI Reports for more guidance.


For a list of the P2P common selection criteria, their associated list of values and when to use them, refer to P2P Selection Criteria List of Values.

The Supplier report has three sections and displays information about supplier,supplier status, supplier number, site and contact information. Refer to the following screenshots.

For a list of fields available to include in report customizations, refer to Data Fields Available in P2P Dashboard

Details payment information for suppliers.

Launch OBI Payments by Supplier

  • Which supplier invoice(s) was a payment remitted?
  • What is the payment information by supplier and payment date?
  • What are the payment request transaction details, including multiple payees, beneficiaries, total counts and amounts for my organization?

To get results, be sure to follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen. Refer to Using Selection Criteria for OBI Reports for more guidance.

If you enter Payment Issued Number or AP Invoice Number you will also have to specify a Supplier Name or Supplier Number. 
For a list of the P2P common selection criteria, their associated list of values and when to use them, refer to P2P Selection Criteria List of Values.

The Payments by Supplier report displays payment details by supplier within a date range , by specific payment numbers or AP invoice numbers.

For a list of fields available to include in report customizations, refer to Data Fields Available in P2P Dashboard.

Displays purchase requisition rejection rates during the approval process.

Launch OBI Procure to Pay Efficacy Dashboard

  • What are my purchase requisition approval and rejection rates by preparer?
  • What are my purchase requisition approval and rejection counts by preparer?
  • What are my purchase requisition approval and rejection rates by org?
  • What are my purchase requisition approval and rejection counts by org?
  • Who are the purchase requisition preparers?

To retrieve results, be sure to follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen. Refer to Using Selection Criteria for OBI Reports for more guidance.


For a list of the P2P common selection criteria, their associated list of values and when to use them, refer to P2P Selection Criteria List of Values

Displays the approval rate of approved and rejected purchase requisitions for an organization and by preparer.

 A purchase requisition is identified as rejected when that requisition has been rejected at some point along its history , but can currently be in an approved state.

For a list of fields available to include in report customizations, refer to Data Fields Available in P2P Dashboard.

Displays reports of POs, purchase requisitions and AP invoices that are charging invalid or expired PTAs.

Launch OBI Invalid PTAs

  • Which purchase requisitions, POs and AP Invoices are being paid with an invalid or expired PTA?
  • What are the supplier details and contact information associated with these transactions?

To retrieve results, be sure to follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen. Refer to Using Selection Criteria for OBI Reports for more guidance.

If PTA Chargeable Indicator is “Y”, then you must enter a date for the Earliest PTA End Date. This screens for PTAs that would expire before or on that date. 
For a list of the P2P common selection criteria, their associated list of values and when to use them, refer to P2P Selection Criteria List of Values

The Invalid PTAs report allows you to determine which of purchase requisitions, POs and invoices are associated with PTAs that will expire before a certain date. This allows you to pre-emptively avoid charges from hitting the suspended account.   Refer to the following screenshots.

For each perspective, you can include as columns the project, task and award end dates.

For a list of fields available to include in report customizations, refer to Data Fields Available in P2P Dashboard.

Last Updated: Oct 1, 2024