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Report Subprocess Sample Business Questions
A Actual Pay

Payroll and Labor Management (PLM) dashboard

Review earnings details

  • What employees with work assignments in my org are being paid from PTAs outside my org? What other orgs are paying those employees?
  • Which employees have received or will receive non-base pay (based on earnings type/code) in a specific period of time?
  • From what PTAs and expenditure types were employees actually paid in a specific period of time?
  • What employees with work assignments outside my org are being paid from PTAs within my org? In what other orgs are those employees' work assignments?
A Actual Pay Details By Employee

Payroll and Labor Management (PLM) dashboard

Review labor schedule, earnings details, and paycheck information by employee

  • What check numbers are associated with an employee's earnings amounts? If paid by check have the checks been cashed?
  • What are the work assignment and position details of that employee?
  • How much was an employee paid individually in a specific period of time and which PTAs and earning types were charged?
  • What is my employee’s labor schedule over a period of time?
A Advance Metrics by Employee

Force Clear Metrics (FCM) dashboard

Review count and amount of advances that were force cleared by supplier, preparer, and award manager

  • How many force cleared advances are there for my organization, and what is the amount cleared?
  • For my organization's force cleared advances, who was the preparer, the supplier/traveler, and award manager?
  • What was the total force cleared amount for advances?
A Advances

Expense Requests and SU Card Activity (ERR) dashboard

Review advances that have a balance or have been cleared

  • For a particular advance, which expense requests has it been applied to, and is there an outstanding unapplied balance to be used before another advance for that employee is created?
  • Do any of the employees in my organization have a balance on one of their advances that should be refunded?
  • Have any of the advances been force cleared and need to be journaled to their proper PTAE?
A Advances - Aging

Expense Requests and SU Card Activity (ERR) dashboard

Review advances with a balance

  • Which advances are uncleared?
  • Which advance balances are in jeopardy of exceeding 60 days?
  • Which advances have exceeded 60 days, to whom and for how much?
  • Which advances have a preparer or a supplier (person who received the advance) that is no longer in their role at Stanford?
A Advances - Force Cleared

Expense Requests and SU Card Activity (ERR) dashboard

Review advances that were force cleared

  • What are the advances that have been force cleared and may need to be journaled to their proper PTAE?
  • How much was charged to force clear advances?
  • How many advances were force cleared?
A AP Invoices

Procure to Pay (P2P) dashboard

Review AP invoice details

  • What are the supplier invoice details by invoice number including PTA distributions?
  • For those transactions I originated, where are they in the process of being fully paid with the associated transaction status including holds details?
  • What is the invoice activity, including volume and dollars by source and transaction type, for a budget unit or organization?
  • What transactions are on hold by hold reason, including batch name and AP's internal notes?
  • Have any unallowable charges been paid on sponsored PTAs within my organization?
  • How can I find AP invoice details and related transaction numbers for an AP Invoice Hold Code for a specific reporting period (invoice, creation or GL Period)?
  • How can I find the payment details for my invoices?
  • What suppliers have activity for a set of PTAs for a specific time period?
A Award at a Glance

Revenue and Fund Management Reporting (RFM) dashboard

Review award summary for SU and EN ledgers, merge pool payout, and endowment shares.

  • What are the awards in my organization (org), their purposes, general status and totals across my org of balances and high level inflows and outflows?
  • For specific award(s) what is their financial situation, projected payout for endowment, balances, high-level inflows and outflows?
  • Looking at the stats of an award, what numbers look unusual and what are their details when I drill into them?
A Award Attributes

Revenue and Fund Management Reporting (RFM) dashboard

Review award attributes including org, name, status, type, purpose, owner, manager and relevant dates.

  • Who is the award owner and award manager and what are the award start and end dates?
  • For an award, what is the award name, award type and purpose codes, award org code and award funding source?
A Award Configuration Report (Real-time)

Reference Data and Inquiry (INQ) dashboard

(formerly FIN_REF_216)

Review award setup details (Non-Customizable)

  • What is my award's funded amount, award funding source, award terms and conditions and award personnel?
A Award Status Fund Statement

Revenue and Fund Management Reporting (RFM) dashboard

(formerly FIN_FUND_253_YTD_Award_Status)

Review account summary report including budgets, receipts, transfers, expenses and commitments (Non-customizable)

  • What are my account balances, especially those in overdraft?
  • What are my variances between budget and actual?
  • What are my actual transaction totals and commitments year to date?
  • What are my balances and transaction totals for a range of GL Periods?