Here are the step-by-step instructions for finally closing a purchase order using the Oracle Requisition and Purchase Order Query tool.
Finally Close a Purchase Order (PO)
Before You Start
- The Finally Close feature is permanent and can be used by any iProcurement user. If the Finally Close action was taken in error, a new PO will need to be created to replace the Finally Closed PO.
- Only one PO can be closed at a time.
- Review Topic Overview: Purchase Order Process.
- Enter in the browser
- Select Login
- As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password
- Select SU Inquiry Tools and Forms
- Select Requisition and Purchase Orders Query
- Enter eight-digit Purchase Order number in the Purchase Order Number field
- Alternatively, enter a seven-digit Requisition number in the Requisition Number field to then select the Purchase Order number from that page
Be sure there are no spaces before the number
- Select Search
- Confirm that this is the correct Purchase Order for which you wish to change PTA(s)
On the top right hand side of the screen under the PO Details row, at least one of three options may appear:
- Initiate Finally Close Process or Review Ineligibility to Finally Close.
For more information, see How To: Finally Close a Purchase Order (PO) - Change PTA or Review Ineligibility to Change PTA
- Cancel a PO or Review Ineligibility to Cancel PO.
For more information, see How To: Cancel a Purchase Requisition or Purchase Order (PO)
Select an option below based on what appears on the top right hand side of your screen to continue the process.
If no Finally Close text shows up in the top right hand side of the screen, this PO may be ineligible to Finally Close. Refer to the table below for suggested options:
Ineligibility Issues | Reason | Suggested Options |
PO Cancelled or Finally Closed | PO already cancelled or Finally Closed | No further actions can be taken. |
Unused PO | No invoices received for PO | How To: Cancel a Purchase Requisition/Purchase Order (PO) |
- Select Initiate Finally Close Process
- Review Purchase Order details and confirm this is the correct Purchase Order to Finally Close
- Select Add Additional FYI Viewer to add a Stanford person not listed in the FYI Viewers' list
- Enter SUNet ID or Last Name, First Name (e.g., smith, john)
- Select Search
- Select the correct name/SUNet ID
- Select Add
- Check boxes next to the name(s)
- Optionally, add Notes that will appear on the Finally Closed Purchase Order and will be sent to FYI Viewers
- Select Finally Close in the upper right corner
- Select Finally Close in the Alert popup "Are you sure you want to Finally Close PO 6XXXXXXX? Once Finally Closed, no further actions can be taken" to submit
~ OR ~ Select Return to PO Details to cancel the process
- Original PO Details page will reload and if Finally Close action is taken, a green pop-up window will temporarily appear, showing, "Successfully submitted PO to Finally Close"
Purchase Order status shows as CLOSE INITIATED and will change to FINALLY CLOSED shortly.
- Select Review Ineligibility to Finally Close
The reason(s) the PO cannot be Finally Closed is indicated in the columns shown on the PO Finally Close Details page.
PO Authorization or PO Line Type Category will show in red.
Unprocessed Invoices, Invoice Hold, Unpaid Invoices, Uncashed Checks are interactive. Select the number to view the details. - Select the number to view the details
- Refer to the table below for suggested options based on the ineligibility stated:
Ineligibility Issues | Reason | Suggested Options |
PO Authorization Not Approved | PO Authorization is anything other than "Approved" |
Subaward PO | Subaward POs cannot be Finally Closed |
Unprocessed Invoices | Invoice(s) have been uploaded to the PO but AP has not yet reviewed them |
Invoice Holds | Invoice(s) are matched to the PO and are On Hold |
Unpaid Invoices | Invoice(s) are matched to the PO and pending payment |
Uncashed Checks | Check payment(s) have not been cashed by the supplier |
- If a Purchase Order is Finally Closed and an invoice is received for that PO, Accounts Payable will send a hold notification to the preparer of the Purchase Order. They will be requested to create a new Non-Standard Requisition/Purchase Order with which to pay the invoice.