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Labor Distribution Adjustments

Labor Distribution Adjustments is a system within Oracle Financials that allows authorized users to distribute payroll earnings, which are paid by the PeopleSoft Payroll system, to the appropriate charge accounts (PTAs). For more information, refer to Labor Schedules and Pay Allocations and Labor Distribution Adjustments (LDAs).

New LDA enhancements implemented May 18, 2024 add organization suspense account (OSA) rejection details to the OSA Transactions section of the At-A-Glance page.

The Labor Distribution Adjustments system is specifically designed to allow users to create and manage labor distribution adjustments (LDAs).

  • LDAs are used when payroll earnings post to an incorrect PTA or to an Organization Suspense Account. A correcting entry is made to move the payroll charges to an appropriate PTA. 
  • LDAs require approval based on the PTA charged. Approvers must have Labor Distribution approval authority granted in the Authority Manager application over the Task Owning Org of the PTA being charged.

Visit the Newsroom for recent announcements and subscribe to receive future LDA updates and enhancements.

You must satisfy three requirements before getting access to originate LDA transactions using the Labor Distribution Adjustments system.

StepAccess for Labor Distribution Adjusters 

Receive "SU LD Distribution Adjuster" self-service privilege in the Authority Manager application.

Note: Granted by department financial administrators

2Complete the online Financial Stewardship Expectations agreement in STARS (FIN-PROG-0020).
3Complete the online Labor Distribution Adjustments (FIN-0520) course in STARS.


Online training is available for new users in STARS. Click on the course link below to review course objectives and access an express link to enroll in STARS

FIN-0520: Labor Distribution Adjustments (Required for staff that will be correcting (adjusting) salary transactions)

Labor Distribution Adjustments Task Demonstrations include: Create an Individual Labor Distribution Adjustment, Mass Update Labor Distribution Adjustments, and Bulk Upload Labor Distribution Adjustments

For information to help monitor the distribution of employees' earnings, use:

Last Updated: Oct 23, 2024


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