linear_scale How To

Bulk Upload Labor Distribution Adjustments

Bulk Upload Labor Distribution Adjustment transactions are used to correct payroll earnings that have been posted to an incorrect account, transfer salary earnings from/to multiple accounts (e.g. due to a department reorganization), or to clear an Organization Suspense Account. Use the Bulk Upload page to transfer salary expenses from/to multiple accounts for one or more employees at the same time. 
Only authorized users with the proper authority and training can create a bulk upload distribution adjustments using the Labor Distribution Adjustments system in Oracle Financials. Transactions are restricted to the user's Labor Distribution Adjuster authority granted in Authority Manager. Refer to Labor Distribution Adjustments/Access on Fingate.

Before You Start

  • You should be able to run OBI Financial Reporting by having Financial Reporting limits for subject area “Payroll and Labor Management” and data access limit of “Salary Data” for the PTA in which the existing salary earnings reside
  • You should have access, and authority to the Oracle Labor Distribution Adjustment system for the work assignment org associated with the employees you need to move

  1. Open OBI
  2. Pull down the Dashboards menu and select Finance/Payroll and Labor Management
  3. Click the link for the Prepare Bulk Upload Labor Distribution Adjustment Upload report
  4. Enter Selection Criteria and click Apply

To retrieve results, be sure to follow the Selection Criteria instructions near the top of the screen. Refer to Using Selection Criteria for OBI Reports for more guidance.

  1. Click the export button below the report and select export formatted/Excel. The report will open in Excel.

  1. Delete the Work Assignment Org Code column
  2. Delete rows that do not need adjustment
  3. In each remaining row, enter the destination account information in the To Project, To Task and To Award cells
  4. Leave To Expenditure Type Code cells blank or enter the 51190 (salary cap expenditure type) to override the original expenditure type
  5. Save your upload file as a .csv

The Actual Earnings Amount (column N) cannot be split to multiple accounts. To split an adjustment to multiple destination PTAs use individual distribution adjustments for each.

When adjusting vacation earnings, the Salary on Vacation (SOV) and offsetting Vacation Credit (VCR) entries must be transferred to the same PTA to ensure there are no over/under charges.

Date Ranges: Ensure that there are no overlapping date ranges for an employee’s earnings (e.g. you have entered lines for an employee for pay periods 8/1/2021 to 8/31/2021 and other lines for the same employee for pay period 8/01/2021 to 10/15/2021. This will cause the file to fail because of the overlap. Multiple lines must be grouped in the same pay period for each pay code.
To Expenditure Type Code entries other than 51190 will be ignored and the system will default to the proper expenditure type based on the employee’s job code or the type of pay code being adjusted.

Column order for Bulk Upload (.csv) file:

  1. Employee Name
  2. Job Assignment Number
  3. Project Number
  4. Task Number
  5. Award Number
  6. Expenditure Type Code
  7. To Project
  8. To Task
  9. To Award
  10. To Expenditure Type Code
  11. Earnings Type Code
  12. Pay Period Start Date
  13. Pay Period End Date
  14. Actual Earnings Amount 

  1. Enter in the browser
  2. Select Login
  3. As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password

  1. In the Navigator pane, Select SU LD Distribution Adjuster

To avoid locking an employee's record, do not click the browser back button or close the window while creating an adjustment.

  1. Click Browse, locate and upload your .csv file. 
  2. Click Next

  1. Review and fix or exclude any errors.
    • To fix errors, click the Edit icon for the line
    • To exclude a line, unselect it
  2. When you're ready, click Continue.

Justifications must provide enough detail to inform approvers about the action(s) taken and to adequately document the transaction for historical and auditing purposes. Just as for a cost transfer through an iJournal, the justification must include who, what, when, where, why and how the costs benefit the PTA to which it is ultimately charged. For cost transfers involving sponsored PTAs, refer to Research Policy Handbook15.8 Cost Transfer Policy for Sponsored Projects.

  1. Once you have entered a justification click Ok (a parent batch name will be generated for the bulk upload adjustment)

If an error message is displayed:

  • Click Cancel to close the Justification window and return to the Data File Validation page
  • Review and fix the errors
  • Click Continue to re-open the Justification window
  • Click Ok

The LDA must be submitted within 10 minutes.

  1. Review the adjustment details.
    •  If changes are needed to the adjustment or justification, click Cancel and re-create the adjustment. 
  2. Add approvers or FYIs (optional)
    • Default approvers are selected based on the approval limits granted in Authority Manager for Labor Distribution
    • Self Approvers: Originators with sufficient approval authority for the transfer-to PTA(s) may self approve the transaction unless the debit amount on the PTA is $10,000 or over. In this case, the system assigns a secondary approver
    • End Route Approvers are assigned based on business rules. The adjustment routes to central office staff (i.e., Fund Accounting, Office of Sponsored Research) for additional review and approval
  3. Submit the adjustment for approval, or click Cancel to void the adjustment (once an adjustment has been voided, it cannot be retrieved)

Add an Approver or FYI

  1. Click Add
  2. In the popup window, select Action type: Approver or FYI
  3. Search by name or SUNet ID, select the name from the result list
  4. Click Add 

If desired, modify the approver sequence number.

FYIs must be listed after the approvers.

Replace a Default Approver:

  1. Click the delete icon to delete the row
  2. Click Add 
  3. In the popup window, select Action type: Approver or FYI
    • Search by name or SUNet ID (If needed, use the Financial Approver Query under Resources to identify an authorized approver for the Project-Task.)
  4. Click Add 

Restore Default Approvers:

  1. Click the Reset button
What Happens Next?
  • A child batch name is generated for each employee in the Mass Adjustment.
  • The originator receives an Oracle Workflow FYI email notification.
  • The LDA is routed to approvers in the order assigned in the approver list. The approver has 30 days to approve. After 30 days, the LDA is automatically purged.
  • FYI recipients will receive an email notification with no action required.
  • Monitor the status of the LDA in the At A Glance page. Refer to How To: Manage and View Labor Distribution Adjustments
  • LDAs that are fully approved (including End Route approvals) by 5pm are posted overnight and appear on reports the next day.  Note that there is no LDA posting on Day 5 and Day 6 of Month End Close. Refer to the Month End Close Deadlines for monthly deadlines.
  • Subscribe to the LD Adjuster distribution list to stay informed about changes and updates to Labor Distribution.
Last Updated: Dec 2, 2024


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