linear_scale How To

Create Digital Payment Request for Non-SU Payees (Visitors)

The Digital Payments request form in the Expense Requests System (ERS) is used to reimburse domestic visitor expenses that meet the appropriate criteria. To support proper stewardship of Stanford’s resources, the preparer of a Digital Payment may not be the payee. These reimbursements are paid by J. P. Morgan Chase Bank through Zelle, a secure nationwide digital payment network, or Automated Clearing House (ACH) bank transfers. Each transaction should be related to the same trip or travel.  Follow these instructions to enter a Digital Payment request in the ERS.

Create Digital Payment Request for Non-SU Payees (Visitors)

  1. Enter in the browser
  2. Select Login
  3. As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password

  1. Select SU Expense Requests

  1. Select Non-SU Payee under Digital Payments  in the Create New Transaction column

* Indicates required fields.

  1. *Payment Category defaults to Domestic Visitor Travel
  2. *Preparer defaults to logged in preparer name
  3. *Requester's Name defaults to logged in preparer name (Requester can be any Stanford employee who is requesting the payment). Enter last name, first name and validate SU name.
  4. *Requesting Budget Unit defaults to preparer’s budget unit
  5. *Enter Business Purpose
  6. Select Event Name from the drop-down menu or, If a new event is needed, select Create New Event (refer to How To: Create New Event for details).
    • To display the selected event details below the Event Name field, select Show Event

Entering Multiple Payees on one transaction is allowed if the Business Purpose is the same for all payees and if the total expense per person is $5,000 or less. It is possible to use the Enter Payee Information for all payees being paid under this Business Purpose to create multiple transactions.

  1. Select Add Line to display the payee, expense and allocation fields

Copy Line may be used to copy a line already entered in this transaction. Select the line to copy by checking the box to the left of the line to copy. Click Copy Line.
Delete Line may be used to delete a line in the transaction. Select the line to delete by checking the box to the left of the line. Click Delete Line

PAYEE NAME: If the payee name is the same as the preparer name, the system may not allow the transaction to be entered. If notified, either have another preparer with a different name enter the Digital Payment transaction or Create Expense Report for Non-SU Payees (Visitor Reimbursement).

  1. Enter Payee Information
Payee Already Set Up in the Payee Database

Enter the Payee's name (last name, first name)

  • Or search and select the payee by clicking the search icon (magnifying glass)
    • If Digital Payments option says, Yes, this payee has used Digital Payments before
      • To modify the address for this payee, select New Address under action and enter new information
      • To modify Email address or Cell Phone (associated with banking information), just type over these fields. Do not mix address or cell phone information for other individuals even if related to payee. All information must pertain to the named payee. If Email Address is modified, a new account will be created. 
    • If Payee Address matches payee, this payee can be used for Digital Payments
      • Enter the Email address and Cell Phone associated with the payee's U.S. bank account. All address information must pertain to one payee.
    • If Email address and Cell Phone are blank and/or the Digital Payments option says, No, then this payee can be used for Digital Payment
      • Enter the Email address and Cell Phone associated with the payee's U.S. bank account. All address information must pertain to one payee.
  • Select or Quick Select Payee name
Payee Not Yet Set Up in the Payee Database

*Select Add Payee to enter payee information (All information should be associated with the payee's Zelle or bank account.)

Do not mix address or cell phone information for other individuals even if related to payee. All information must pertain to the named payee.

  1. *Enter the Payee's name (last name, first name)
  2. *Select Search and Select the payee by clicking the search icon (magnifying glass)
  3. *Enter First Name and Last Name (Legal name associated with the Zelle or bank account, Middle Name is optional)
  4. *Enter Email Address of the payee. (Associated with Zelle or bank account). All address information must pertain to the payee.
  5. *Enter Cell Phone of the payee (Used for Zelle payment or bank account). All address information must pertain to the payee.
  6. *Select Citizenship/Residence option
    • Resident Alien
    • US Citizen (default)
  7. *Enter Address Line 1 (Address Line 2 is optional)
  8. *Enter City
  9. *Select State
  10. *Select Country (Default/only  option is United States)
  11. *Enter Zip Code

Once data is entered, choose one of the following options

  • Click Apply to save new payee data
  • Click Clear to delete all entered payee data
  • Click Close to close the page without saving data

Note: Retrieving the existing Payee Name or entering a new payee via Add Payee will complete the Payee Name, Email, Cell phone, Address information.

  1. Enter Expense Date (for when the travel expense was made) using the calendar icon
  2. Select Expense Type from the drop down
    • Airfare
      • If Airfare Expense Type is selected, the Airfare Ticket Number field is activated and the Ticket Number can be entered for reference purposes in OBI reporting.
    • Ancillary Airline Fee
    • Car Rental
    • Conference Registration
    • Lodging
    • Other Transportation
    • Travel Meal - Single Meal
    • Travel Meal - Single Meal with Alcohol
    • Travel Meals - Daily Total
    • Travel Meals - Daily Total with Alcohol
  3. Enter Amount to be reimbursed for that Expense Type (must be $5,000 or less per payee transaction)

NOTE: After entering the amount, the “Save and Finish Later” option at the bottom of the page can be selected to save the transaction. A brief confirmation that the transaction has been saved will appear in the upper right hand portion of the screen and the transaction number will appear at the top of the page.

  1. Enter the PTA - Project, Task, Award using any combination of the following three options:

To select from the list of My Allocations, the transaction must be saved first.

Manually Enter PTAEs
  1. Enter Project, Task, Award information in each field, validating the information for each entry
  2. Select Expenditure Type
Apply My Allocations Preferences
  1. Check the box to the left for one, multiple or all expense lines
  2. Select one of the pre-set expense allocations from My Allocation drop-down list
  3. Refer to How To: Set My Allocation Preferences for more information.
  4. Select Preview, Cancel  or Apply
  5. Verify that the desired expenditure type has been applied to each expense line before submitting the transaction – correct as needed using the drop-down list
Update/Split Allocations

To enter a split PTA allocation and allocate to one, multiple or all expense lines

  1. Check the box to the left to select expense lines to be allocated
  2. Select Update Allocation
  3. Select an Allocation Method
    • Equal Split
    • Percentage Split
    • Mass Allocation to Single PTA
  4. Select the plus sign on table to add a new row for each PTA for a split allocation
  5. Enter the Project, Task, Award information (PTAs)
  6. Enter Amount or Percentage of split for each PTA, if necessary
  7. Enter Allocation Reason to describe the reason for allocation to multiple PTAs (optional)
  8. Save Allocation in My Allocation Preferences
Note: You may save this allocation in your My Allocation Preferences for use again.

Designate approver(s) in  Approver Routing List  using any combination of these 3 options:

Populate Default Approver(s)
  1. Select Populate/Refresh to add default PTA approver(s)
  2. Approvers that display when Populate/Refresh is selected will have the appropriate approval authority for the PTAs. If expense lines have been allocated to more than one PTA, there could be more than one approver showing in the approver routing list.
  3. Enter the approver's sequence or send in parallel (enter 1, 2, 3 for sequence; assign all approver's "1" for in parallel routing)
  4. Enter Notes to each approver (if needed)


Apply My Approvers Preferences
  1. Select one of the pre-set approvers from My Approvers drop-down list
  2. Select Apply
  3. Enter the approver's sequence or send in parallel (enter 1, 2, 3 for sequence; assign all approver's "1" for in parallel routing)
  4. Enter Notes to each approver (if needed)


Manually Add Approver(s)/FYI Recipient(s)/Pre-Approvers
  1. Select the plus sign on table to add an approver
  2. Select the magnifying glass icon
  3. Enter the approver's name (Last name, First name)
  4. Select Go
  5. Select Quick Select icon next to the approver's name
  6. Select Approver, FYI or Pre-Approver from Approver/FYI drop-down list
  7. Enter the Approval Sequence number (enter 1, 2, 3 for sequence; assign all approver's “1” for in parallel routing, assign Pre-Approvers 1).
  8. Enter Notes to each approver (if needed)
  • FYI Recipients do not "approve" the expense report.
  • If an approver has been deleted by mistake, select Populate/Refresh to return to original default approver.
  • If an approver is incorrect for a PTA, please have that approver submit a Support Request to have the authority updated.

The Upload Lines template is used to upload expense lines for Digital Payments for a single Payee/Visitor or multiple Payees/Visitors. By utilizing this template, you can easily copy and paste lines to automatically generate transaction lines, resulting in significant time savings when creating Digital Payments transactions.

Follow these steps to upload transaction lines:

  1.  After adding a new Payee Line, select Upload Lines and complete the payee information until the amount has been entered before selecting Save and finish later (above or below the text on the screen)

  2. Once partial Payee/Allocation information is saved, select Upload Lines and save the Excel spreadsheet  to your computer.

(Optional) Add any remarks, which are limited to 240 characters.

  1. Adding additional Expense Lines for the same payee
    To continue adding lines for this payee using the spreadsheet, repeat steps after, Enter Payee details (be sure to enter the same payee information to keep this as one payee transaction).
  2. Adding additional payees with the same Business Purpose using the spreadsheet
    To add additional Payees using the spreadsheet, change the payee details and repeat steps after the expense date. 

  3. Once the spreadsheet is complete, name it and save it to your computer.
  4. To upload the spreadsheet to Digital Payments:
    1. Select the file by clicking on Browse, then select the Load button.
    2. The data from the spreadsheet will be validated.
      • If there are no validation failures, the Import button will be displayed. Select this button to upload the data.
      • If the validation fails, correct the errors in the spreadsheet and upload it again.
    3. If the upload is successful, the transaction lines will be created under the Payee, Expense Allocation, and Approvers section.




Attach Receipts/Backup Documents
All expense reports must include receipts for expenses of $75 or more. If an expense has been pre-approved, supporting documentation must be obtained from the Pre-Approver and attached to the expense line or to the transaction.

Keyboard Shortcuts: Press the following keys for shortcuts to the buttons to CancelAttach/View ReceiptsSave and finish later, and Submit:
- Firefox: press shift+alt+key
- Chrome: press alt+key
- Internet Explorer: press alt+key

Upload Attachments Directly to a Line (Required for Multiple Payee Digital Payment transactions)
  1. Scan or use a smartphone to photograph required receipts and documents to be attached to the transaction into a file
  2. Name each file with a unique name and save on the computer
  3. Allowed file formats include .pdf, .jpg, .png, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx.
  4. Select green plus sign (if available)
  5. Select Browse to navigate to file
  6. Select file
  7. Select Open
  8. Repeat until all files for the line are in Files ready to upload
  9. Select Upload file(s)
  10. File(s) will appear in View Attachments.
  11. Select Close
    • Green plus sign changes to paper clip to indicate file(s) attach
Upload Attachments to the Transaction Using Attach/View Receipts
  1. Scan or use a smartphone to photograph required receipts and documents to be attached to the transaction into a file
  2. Name each file with a unique name and save on the computer
  3. Allowed file formats include .pdf, .jpg, .png, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx.
  4. Select Attach/View Receipts button to open the Attachments window
  5. Do Not select a line
  6. Select Browse to navigate to file
  7. Select file
  8. Select Open
  9. Repeat until all files are in Files ready to upload
  10. Select Upload file(s)
  11. File(s) will appear in View Attachments.
  12. Files attached to the transaction display N/A in the Expense Source and For Transaction Line(s) columns
  13. Select Close to close the Attachments window
  14. Reassign Attachments to a Line (if required)
    1. Click Attach/View Receipts button to open the Attachments window
    2. Scroll down and select the Reassign icon for the attachment
    3. Select the Document Type
    4. Select the line to which the attachment is to be reassigned
    5. Click Save
    6. Repeat for all uploaded attachments that must be reassigned to a line

Demo: Attach/View Receipts

Fax Attachments
  1. Select Attach/View Receipts on the Transaction Review screen
  2. Select Bar Code Cover Page on the Attach/View Receipts window and print
  3. Faxed receipts and documents must include the Barcode Cover Sheet to attach to the transaction.
  4. The fax number (650-721-3072) is on the Barcode Cover Sheet page.
  5. Close the Bar Code Cover Page window
  6. Send an individual fax for each line that requires an attachment
  7. Send a fax containing all other receipts and documents
  8. The Bar Code Cover Page should be the first page of the Fax so that it attaches to the correct transaction.
  9. Select Attach/View Receipts to open the Attachments window
  10. Faxes will display in the View Attachments section, attached at the transaction level.
  11. Select Close to close the Attachments window
  12. Reassign Attachments to a Line (if required)
    1. Click Attach/View Receipts button to open the Attachments window
    2. Scroll down and select the Reassign icon for the attachment
    3. Select the Document Type
    4. Select the line to which the attachment is to be reassigned
    5. Click Save
    6. Repeat for all uploaded attachments that must be reassigned to a line

Demo: Fax Attachments

  1. Review the transaction carefully for completeness, accuracy and policy compliance.
    • Check the box that states: “By submitting the Digital Payment, you are attesting that receipts for $75.00 or more are attached (or lower if required by your department), payment complies with Stanford Business Expense Policies and expenses are submitted within 60 days of the expense incurred date.”
  2. Attach all receipts and backup documentation by selecting Attach View Receipts or the Attach icon for a specific expense line

    Note: You must attach receipts to the line item when more than one payee is being paid. If there is only one payee, you can attach receipts to the entire transaction by clicking the Attach/View Receipts option at the bottom of the page..

  3. Select Submit to submit the transaction once all receipts and backup documents have been attached
What Happens Next?

Note: The Digital Payment payee will be available for future Digital Payments. If the payee needs to be used for a Non-SU Payee Expense Report (VR) or for a Non-PO Payment (PR) in Expense Requests, the preparer will need to go to the Supplier Query and Request tool to request an update to the payee. A secure portal invitation will then be sent to the payee to create a full visitor profile in Stanford's supplier/payee database.


Last Updated: Sep 30, 2024