linear_scale How To

Create Expense Report for Non-SU Payees (Visitor Reimbursement)

Expense Reports are used to report business and travel expenses (including Travel Card and receipt-based expenses) for the purpose of expense approval, and the allocation of expenses to the appropriate Project, Task, Award, and Expenditure Type (PTAE). An expense report may also result in a reimbursement to the Payee for eligible out-of-pocket expenses.

Create Expense Report for Domestic Visitor Expense Reimbursement

  • All expenses for a trip or that pertain to a single business purpose should be included in one expense report.
  • Collect all receipts for a trip or that pertain to one business purpose, organize them by TCard or Cash and by expense type, then scan and save them by individual expense type on the computer desktop. Upload the files as soon as the expense report is ready to submit. Faxing receipts and supporting documents is available, if necessary.
    • Create individual files for all airfare, conference registration and lodging receipts, as these will need to be attached individually to the corresponding line in the expense report.
    • All other receipts and supporting documents can be scanned into a single file, if desired.
  • If an expense has been pre-approved, obtain supporting documentation from the Pre-Approver (which must be attached to the transaction), and add the Pre-Approver to the Approver Routing List.

  1. Enter in the browser
  2. Select Login
  3. As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password

  1. Select SU Expense Requests

  1. Select Non-SU Payee under Expense Report in the Create New Transaction column
  2. Select Expenses (Domestic) Non-SU from the Category drop-down list

Payee Already Set Up in the Payee Database
  1. Enter the Payee's name (last name, first name, or business name)
    • Or search and select the payee by clicking the search icon (magnifying glass)
Payee Not Yet Set Up in the Payee Database
  1. Select Add New Payee to enter payee information
  2. Select Supplier or Visitor
  3. Select the radio button next to the correct Citizenship/Residence status
  4. Enter First Name and Last Name (Middle Name is optional)
  5. Select Country of Address
  6. Enter Address Line 1 (Address Line 2 is optional)
  7. Enter City
  8. Select State/Province if required
  9. Enter Postal/Zip Code if required
  10. Select Default Payment Method
    • To request payment by check, wire or foreign draft, select Check or Wire
    • To request payment by ACH/direct deposit to US bank, select Electronic
  11. Enter Payee /Agent Email
    • Email address will auto-populate with the name of preparer if the Country of Address is outside of U.S.
    • Enter payee email address if payee is a domestic visitor
  12. Click Apply to save new payee data Click Clear to delete all entered payee data.

The Payment Method is auto-filled based upon what the Stanford payee has set up (Electronic or Check) with Payroll. If both Electronic and Check are available for a payee (as for some DAPER staff), select preferred method from the drop down.

  1. Select Yes or No in the Rush Processing drop-down menu 
    Will Call Check > Rush Processing

    Will Call check delivery option is handled via rush processing. Select Yes in the Rush Processing field. The Will Call locations will then display as the check delivery options. Select the Will Call location where the check will be picked up.  A $35 processing fee will apply.

    On the Allocations and Approvers page, supply a PTA to which the $35 processing fee will be charged. Some PTAs are restricted (sponsored projects) and will not allow a processing fee to be charged to them (Awards that begin with P, Q, R, S, R, U, V, W). Check with the PTA approver or the department Financial Analyst before requesting a rush processing fee.
  2. Select a Check Delivery Option (available when the payment method is Check)
    The Payment Method is auto-filled based upon what the payee has setup (Electronic or Check).

  1. Select Special Payment Type and Delivery Options (optional) if one of the following is desired:
    • Foreign Draft
    • Wire Domestic
    • Wire Foreign

    Refer to Select Special Payment Type and Delivery Option

  1. Enter Business Purpose
  2. Select Event Name from the drop-down menu or, If a new event is needed, select Create New Event (refer to How To: Create New Event for details). To display the selected event details below the Event Name field, select Show Event
  3. Select Next

On the Transaction Lines screen, note the three available tabs:

  1. Transaction Lines – use this tab to report cash and personal credit card expenses
  2. Per Diem Expenses – not allowed for Non-SU Payees
  3. Mileage Expenses – use this tab to report Mileage expenses

Be sure you are on the tab appropriate for the expenses being reported.

Select expense types that apply to your expenses to see customized instructions:

Transaction Lines
Adjusted Per Diem
  • Adjusted Per Diem is used to enter less than the standard Per Diem found in the Per Diem Tab. Adjusted Per Diem may be used for department mandated lower amount Per Diem or to calculate the reduced Per Diem for stays over 30 days.
  • The expense report Preparer must calculate the reduced rates for stays over 30 days (0.55 x listed rate) and enter the adjusted amount in the Expense Requests system via the Adjusted Per Diem expense type in transaction lines. The system will not calculate the reduced rate if over 30 days.
  • If both meals and lodging are being paid adjusted per diem, the adjusted amount should be entered on a single line with information in the Remarks field regarding how the calculations were made.

  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Adjusted Per Diem from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Enter the hotel/lodging and whether the amount includes meals in the Remarks field If using for 30 days in one location, ensure meals for the 30-day period are included.
  5. Missing Original Receipt
    Receipts are required for all expenses of $75 or more, or according to departmental guidelines (some departments require receipts for all expenses). If a required receipt is missing or lost, a copy must be requested from the merchant. If a copy cannot be obtained from the merchant, continue with the following steps:

    1. Select Details icon
    2. Select Original Receipt Missing checkbox
    3. Provide an explanation in Remarks field
    4. Select Return to List

  6. Select Next
  • If the expense is for baggage fees, change the expense type from Airline to Ancillary Airline Fee and refer to the Ancillary Airline Fee instructions.
  • Be sure to prepare an individual airfare receipt file to upload directly to this line before submitting the expense report.
  • Refer to Topic Overview: Airfare for details. 
  • For the airfare expense type, enter the last day of travel as the date of the expense.

Be sure to prepare an individual airfare receipt file to upload directly to this line before submitting the expense report.

  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Airfare from the Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Select the Details icon to open a new page
    • If no receipt is provided, please contact the airline for duplicate. Airfare receipts are always required at the line item level
  5. Select Traveler’s Name
  6. Enter the Airfare Ticket Number for reporting purposes in OBI reporting.
  7. Select the Travel Booking Method
  8. Select the Airline
  9. Select the Class of Ticket

    Business and First Class require an explanation in Remarks
    When the Airfare Class of Ticket is Business or First, the expense must be allocated to an unrestricted award and an unallowable expenditure type for the upgrade fee. In the event documentation of a Coach fare was unavailable, allocate one-third of the cost to an allowable expenditure type and the remaining two thirds to unallowable. For the university policy on international business class travel, refer to Fly America Act and Open Skies Exceptions.

  10. Enter the Departure and Destination Airport codes
  11. Indicate if the flight was round trip or one way
  12. If the airline expense is for a multi-leg trip, refer to the instructions below:

    Itemize a Multi-leg Trip

    A multi-leg trip is defined as a trip in which an overnight stay was required en route to the final destination.

    The total airfare amount should be listed as the first itemized expense line (e.g., Line 1-1) in the Itemized Business Expenses section, the rest of the lines should be 0.00 for the Itemized Receipt Amount. Note the departure and destination of each leg in the Itemized Remarks field.

    1. Select Itemize
    2. Select Add Another Row
    3. Select Airfare from the Expense Type drop-down list
    4. Expense Date defaults to original entry
    5. Enter portion of expense amount being itemized
    6. Select the Traveler’s Name
    7. Enter the Airfare Ticket Number for reference purposes in OBI reporting (Optional)
    8. Select the Travel Booking Method
    9. Select the Airline
    10. Select the Class of Ticket
    11. Enter Departure and Destination Airport codes of the first leg

    Repeat Steps 2 through 7 until all legs are listed

  13. If the airline expense contains another expense that needs to be itemized, refer to the instructions below:

     Itemize Expenses

    1.  Select Itemize
    2. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
    3. Enter description in the Remarks
    4. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense

    Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

    Demo: How to Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

  14. Select Return to List
  15. Select Next
Ancillary Airline Fee

The Ancillary Airline Fee is to be selected for charges that come in as Airfare, but are actually for some other fee charged by the airline, for example:

  • Upgrade from Coach to Economy Plus
  • Checked baggage
  • Reserved seat
  • Inflight meals
  • Wi-Fi
  • Curb-side check-in
  • Early boarding
  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Ancillary Airline Fee from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Enter a description of the fee in the Remarks field
  5. Missing Original Receipt
    Receipts are required for all expenses of $75 or more, or according to departmental guidelines (some departments require receipts for all expenses). If a required receipt is missing or lost, a copy must be requested from the merchant. If a copy cannot be obtained from the merchant, continue with the following steps:

    1. Select Details icon
    2. Select Original Receipt Missing checkbox
    3. Provide an explanation in Remarks field
    4. Select Return to List

  6. Select Next
Business Meal
  • Business Meal is defined as a meal at which faculty, staff, students and/or guests are present for the purpose of conducting university business. This applies to food brought into a meeting or a business meal that takes place at a restaurant.
  • Each business meal event should be entered individually as its own expense line.
  • Do not use the Business Meal expense type if alcohol was consumed with the meal. When alcohol is part of a Business Meal, use the Business Meal with Alcohol expense type. 
  • Any requests to exceed per-person meal expense guidelines must be pre-approved by the school or unit's dean's office. For more information, refer to Topic Overview: Business Meals.
  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Business Meal from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Select Details icon
  5. Enter the full business purpose (who, what, when, where and why) for the meal in the Remarks field, including the attendee names and Stanford Affiliation (employee or student) For groups of 10 or less, list attendees in Remarks. For 11 or more, attach an attendee list.
  6. Enter the Number of Attendees at the meal in the Additional Information section
  7. Select the Meal Type in the drop-down
    • Breakfast
    • Lunch
    • Dinner
  8. Enter the Meal Category (optional)

    Meal Category Definition
    Donor Event An event with the specific purpose of discussing existing and future gifts with a current or prospective donor.
    Employee Morale An event with the specific purpose of gathering colleagues together for team building activities.
    Faculty Recruit A meal with a potential faculty member where employment with the university is discussed.
    Invited Speaker A meal with an invited speaker, hosted by their campus sponsor, and may include six or more attendees.
  9. If no receipt will be submitted with the expense report: Missing Original Receipt
    Receipts are required for all expenses of $75 or more, or according to departmental guidelines (some departments require receipts for all expenses). If a required receipt is missing or lost, a copy must be requested from the merchant. If a copy cannot be obtained from the merchant, continue with the following steps:

    1. Select Original Receipt Missing checkbox
    2. Provide an explanation in Remarks field

  10. If the expense includes other business or personal expenses, itemize expenses:

    Itemize Expenses or Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

    1. Select Itemize
    2. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
    3. Enter description in the Remarks
    4. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense

    Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

    Demo: How to Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

  11. Select Return to List
  12. Select Next
Business Meal with Alcohol
  • The Business Meal with Alcohol Expense Type is used when reporting expenses for a group meal where alcoholic beverages were consumed and during which business was conducted. This applies to food brought into a meeting or a business meal that takes place at a restaurant.
  • Any Business Meal with Alcohol expense type must select an unallowable expenditure type at Allocation. 
  • Any requests to exceed per-person meal expense guidelines must be pre-approved by the school or unit's dean's office. Refer to Topic Overview: Business Meals for more information.
  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Business Meal with Alcohol from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Select Details icon
  5. Enter the full business purpose (who, what, when, where and why) for the meal in the Remarks field, including the attendee names and Stanford Affiliation (employee or student). For groups of 10 or less, list attendees in Remarks. For 11 or more, attach an attendee list.
  6. Enter the Number of Attendees at the meal in the Additional Information section
  7. Select the Meal Type in the drop-down
    • Breakfast
    • Lunch
    • Dinner
  8. Enter the Meal Category (optional)

    Meal Category Definition
    Donor Event An event with the specific purpose of discussing existing and future gifts with a current or prospective donor.
    Employee Morale An event with the specific purpose of gathering colleagues together for team building activities.
    Faculty Recruit A meal with a potential faculty member where employment with the university is discussed.
    Invited Speaker A meal with an invited speaker, hosted by their campus sponsor, and may include six or more attendees.
  9. If no receipt will be submitted with the expense report: Missing Original Receipt
    Receipts are required for all expenses of $75 or more, or according to departmental guidelines (some departments require receipts for all expenses). If a required receipt is missing or lost, a copy must be requested from the merchant. If a copy cannot be obtained from the merchant, continue with the following steps:

    1. Select Original Receipt Missing checkbox
    2. Provide an explanation in Remarks field

  10. If the expense includes other business or personal expenses, itemize expenses:

    Itemize Expenses or Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

    1. Select Itemize
    2. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
    3. Enter description in the Remarks
    4. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense

    Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

    Demo: How to Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

  11. Select Return to List
  12. Select Next
Car Rental
  • Stanford faculty, staff, and students over the age of 25 should not elect additional car rental insurance within the continental United States. Stanford students between the ages of 21-25 may elect additional car rental insurance within the continental United States. Stanford students, under the age of 21, should purchase all available insurance for car rentals.
  • All Stanford travelers should accept additional car rental insurance in foreign countries and Hawaii.
  • Use the first day of rental as the expense date. 

View the Topic Overview: Ground Transportation for more information.

The expense date and expense type will auto-fill for TCard car rental expenses. Car rental requires specific entries in Details:

  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Car Rental from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Select Details icon
  5. Enter Number of Days to reflect the length of the rental period in the Itemized Business Expenses section The daily rate will adjust accordingly. Based on a 24-hour day, round to the nearest whole day count.
  6. If no receipt will be submitted with the expense report: Missing Original Receipt
    Receipts are required for all expenses of $75 or more, or according to departmental guidelines (some departments require receipts for all expenses). If a required receipt is missing or lost, a copy must be requested from the merchant. If a copy cannot be obtained from the merchant, continue with the following steps:

    1. Select Original Receipt Missing checkbox
    2. Provide an explanation in Remarks field

  7. If car rental insurance is purchased, itemize the charge as a personal expense:

    Itemize Expenses or Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

    1. Select Itemize
    2. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
    3. Enter description in the Remarks
    4. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense

    Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

    Demo: How to Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

  8. Select Return to list
  9. Select Next
Conference Registration
  • Be sure to prepare an individual conference registration receipt file and a conference agenda file to upload directly to this line before submitting the expense report. For details, refer to Topic Overview:  Other Business ExpensesReimbursable Expenses section.
  • If a student is presenting at a meeting or conference, a program noting the student's name is acceptable documentation. Refer to Topic Overview: Student Travel Expenses for more information. 
  • If an individual is reimbursed prior to the conference, the conference registration’s expense date would be the date the payment was actually made. If the conference registration is reimbursed as part of a reimbursement after travel is completed, the conference registration’s expense date would be the first day of travel
  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Conference Registration from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Enter all conference attendees and the amount of the payment applicable to each in Remarks field If no receipt is provided, please contact the conference facilitator for duplicate copy. Conference Registration receipts are always required.
  5. If there are multiple conferences registered and/or the expenses included other business or personal expenses, itemize expenses:

    Itemize Expenses or Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

    1. Select Details
    2. Select Itemize
    3. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
    4. Enter description in the Remarks
    5. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense
    6. Select Return to List 

    Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

    Demo: How to Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

  6. Select Next
Ground Transportation
  • The Ground Transportation expense type is for transportation expenses such as taxi, limousine, Uber, and car service, etc. Use other transportation expense types for  airfare, car rental or truck rental, fuel for car or truck rental.
  • Refer to Topic Overview: Ground Transportation for more information.

  1. Select Ground Transportation from Expense Type drop-down list
  2. Optionally, enter a description of transportation in the Remarks field
  3. If no receipt will be submitted with the expense report: 

Missing Original Receipt
Receipts are required for all expenses of $75 or more, or according to departmental guidelines (some departments require receipts for all expenses). If a required receipt is missing or lost, a copy must be requested from the merchant. If a copy cannot be obtained from the merchant, continue with the following steps:

1. Select Details icon
2. Select Original Receipt Missing checkbox
3. Provide an explanation in Remarks field
4. Select Return to List

Group Travel Meal
  • Use Group Travel Meal expense type when a group of Stanford personnel share an ordinary and necessary travel meal.
  • When alcohol is part of a group travel meal, use the Group Travel Meal with Alcohol expense types. 
  • For more information, refer to Topic Overview: Travel Meals.
  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Group Travel Meal from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Select Details icon
  5. Enter remarks with details about the meal If less than 5 attendees, enter names in Remarks. If more, attach a list to backup.
  6. If no receipt will be submitted with the expense report: Missing Original Receipt
    Receipts are required for all expenses of $75 or more, or according to departmental guidelines (some departments require receipts for all expenses). If a required receipt is missing or lost, a copy must be requested from the merchant. If a copy cannot be obtained from the merchant, continue with the following steps:

    1. Select Original Receipt Missing checkbox
    2. Provide an explanation in Remarks field

  7. Enter the Number of Attendees under Additional Information
  8. Select Meal Type from the drop-down
    • Breakfast
    • Lunch
    • Dinner
  9. Select Return to List
  10. Select Next
Group Travel Meal with Alcohol
  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Group Travel Meal with Alcohol from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Select Details icon
  5. Enter remarks with details about the meal If less than 5 attendees, enter names in Remarks. If more, attach a list to backup.
  6. If no receipt will be submitted with the expense report: Missing Original Receipt
    Receipts are required for all expenses of $75 or more, or according to departmental guidelines (some departments require receipts for all expenses). If a required receipt is missing or lost, a copy must be requested from the merchant. If a copy cannot be obtained from the merchant, continue with the following steps:

    1. Select Original Receipt Missing checkbox
    2. Provide an explanation in Remarks field

  7. Enter the Number of Attendees under Additional Information
  8. Enter the Meal Type in the drop-down
    • Breakfast
    • Lunch
    • Dinner
  9. Select Return to List
  10. Select Next
  • Be sure to prepare an individual lodging receipt file to upload directly to this line before submitting the expense report.
  • Refer to Policy: Lodging for more information.
  • For lodging, the expense date should always be the first day of travel.
  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Lodging from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Select Details icon
  5. If no receipt is provided, please contact the hotel for a duplicate copy Lodging receipts are always required.
  6. If the expense included other business or personal expenses, itemize expenses:

    Itemize Expenses or Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

    1. Select Itemize
    2. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
    3. Enter description in the Remarks
    4. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense

    Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

    Demo: How to Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

  7. Enter Number of Nights in the Itemized Business Expenses section to reflect the length of the stay The Daily Rate will adjust accordingly.
  8. Enter Location using the search function in the Additional Information section
    1. Type the name of the city in the field
    2. Select the magnifying glass
    3. Select the city from the pop-up window to verify the selection
    4. Use the percent (%) sign as a wildcard before and after the search criteria to broaden the results
  9. Enter the name of the Hotel
  10. Enter any additional relevant information in the Remarks field
  11. Select Return to List
  12. Select Next
  • The Miscellaneous expense type may be applied to supplies, postage, photocopies, publication printing, books, DSL charges, overseas faculty support and employee recruitment. For more information, refer to Topic Overview:  Other Business Expenses, Reimbursable Expenses section for more information.
  • Itemization is required if more than one item was purchased on the receipt.

Details are required for the Miscellaneous expense type.

  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Miscellaneous from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Select Details icon
  5. Enter a description of the items purchased in the Remarks field (required)
  6. If no receipt will be submitted with the expense report: Missing Original Receipt
    Receipts are required for all expenses of $75 or more, or according to departmental guidelines (some departments require receipts for all expenses). If a required receipt is missing or lost, a copy must be requested from the merchant. If a copy cannot be obtained from the merchant, continue with the following steps:

    1. Select Original Receipt Missing checkbox
    2. Provide an explanation in Remarks field

  7. Itemize Miscellaneous Expenses

    1. Select Itemize
    2. Enter/modify the item description in the Remarks of the first itemized line item
    3. Enter the dollar amount in the Itemized Receipt Amount field
    4. Select Add Another Row (if necessary)
    5. Select Miscellaneous from Expenditure Type drop-down list
    6. Enter the item description in the Remarks field
    7. Enter the dollar amount in the Itemized Receipt Amount field
    8. For additional itemization repeat steps

  8. Select Return to List
  9. Select Next
Other Transportation
  • The Other Transportation expense type is for transportation expenses such as train, ferry, carpooling, and fuel for car or truck rental, etc. Transportation methods such as airfare, car rental or truck rental, taxi, limousine, should be entered under another appropriate Expense Types (Airfare, Airfare Ancillary Fee, Ground Transportation or Car Rental).
  • Refer to Topic Overview: Ground Transportation for more information.
  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Other Transportation from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Enter a description of transportation in the Remarks field
  5. Missing Original Receipt
    Receipts are required for all expenses of $75 or more, or according to departmental guidelines (some departments require receipts for all expenses). If a required receipt is missing or lost, a copy must be requested from the merchant. If a copy cannot be obtained from the merchant, continue with the following steps:

    1. Select Details icon
    2. Select Original Receipt Missing checkbox
    3. Provide an explanation in Remarks field
    4. Select Return to List

  6. If the expense included other business or personal expenses, itemize expenses:

    Itemize Expenses or Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

    1. Select Details
    2. Select Itemize
    3. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
    4. Enter description in the Remarks
    5. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense
    6. Select Return to List 

    Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

    Demo: How to Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

  7. Select Next
Parking Fees
  • The Parking Fees Expense Type is used when a Stanford employee travels for business  and has expenses for parking. This does not include regular, employee, commute costs for parking at Stanford which are not reimbursable.
  1. Select Parking Fees from Expense Type drop-down list
  2. Optionally, enter a description of the parking fees in the Remarks field
  3. If no receipt will be submitted with the expense report: 

Missing Original Receipt
Receipts are required for all expenses of $75 or more, or according to departmental guidelines (some departments require receipts for all expenses). If a required receipt is missing or lost, a copy must be requested from the merchant. If a copy cannot be obtained from the merchant, continue with the following steps:

1. Select Details icon
2. Select Original Receipt Missing checkbox
3. Provide an explanation in Remarks field
4. Select Return to List

  1. If the expense included other business or personal expenses, itemize expenses: 

Itemize Expenses

1. Select Details
2. Select Itemize
3. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
4. Enter description in the Remarks
5. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense
6. Select Return to List

Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

Travel Meal - Single Meal
  • The Travel Meal – Single Meal expense type is used to enter a single meal (e.g., breakfast, lunch or dinner) that does not include alcohol, incurred while traveling.
  • When alcohol is part of a travel meal, use the Travel Meal – Single Meal with Alcohol or Travel Meals – Daily Total with Alcohol expense types. 
  • For more information, refer to Topic Overview: Travel Meals.
  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Travel Meal – Single Meal from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Enter the meal type in Remarks (optional)
    • Breakfast
    • Lunch
    • Dinner
    • Total
  5. If the expense included other business or personal expenses, itemize expenses:

    Itemize Expenses or Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

    1. Select Details
    2. Select Itemize
    3. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
    4. Enter description in the Remarks
    5. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense
    6. Select Return to List 

    Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

    Demo: How to Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

  6. Select Next
Travel Meal - Single Meal with Alcohol
  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Travel Meal – Single Meal with Alcohol from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Enter the meal type in Remarks (optional)
    • Breakfast
    • Lunch
    • Dinner
  5. If the expense included other business or personal expenses, itemize expenses:

    Itemize Expenses or Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

    1. Select Details
    2. Select Itemize
    3. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
    4. Enter description in the Remarks
    5. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense
    6. Select Return to List 

    Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

    Demo: How to Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

  6. Select Next
Travel Meal - Daily Total
  • The Travel Meal – Daily Total expense type is used to enter the total cost of all meals for a specific day, on one expense line. Use only if there was no alcohol the entire day.
  • Do not use in combination with any other Travel Meal expense type on a specific day (e.g., there cannot be a Daily Total and a Single Meal on the same day).
  • For more information, refer to Topic Overview: Travel Meals.
  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Travel Meals – Daily Total from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Enter the meal type in Remarks – Total (optional)
  5. If the expense included other business or personal expenses, itemize expenses:

    Itemize Expenses or Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

    1. Select Details
    2. Select Itemize
    3. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
    4. Enter description in the Remarks
    5. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense
    6. Select Return to List 

    Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

    Demo: How to Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

  6. Select Next
Travel Meal - Daily Total with Alcohol
  • The Travel Meals – Daily Total with Alcohol expense type is used to enter the total cost of all meals for a specific day, entered on one expense line, including food, alcohol, tax and tip. Use if there was alcohol at any meal that day.
  • Meals that include alcohol should be coded using unallowable expenditure types. Refer to Topic Overview: Purpose and Use of Expenditure Type Codes
  • Refer to Topic Overview: Travel Meals for more information.
  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Travel Meal – Daily Total with Alcohol from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Enter the meal type in Remarks – Total (optional)
  5. If the expense included other business or personal expenses, itemize expenses:

    Itemize Expenses or Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

    1. Select Details
    2. Select Itemize
    3. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
    4. Enter description in the Remarks
    5. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense
    6. Select Return to List 

    Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

    Demo: How to Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

  6. Select Next
Mileage Expenses

Mileage refers to miles travelled in a personal automobile. Refer to Mileage Reimbursement Rates for more information. 

  1. Select Mileage Expenses tab
  2. Enter Expense Date
  3. Select Mileage from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Enter From and To Locations in Remarks field
  5. Determine distance in miles using Google Maps
  6. Enter Miles
  7. Select Calculate
  8. Select Next

Designate PTAEs on Allocations and Approvers screen using any combination of these 3 options:

Manually Enter PTAEs
  1. Enter Project, Task, Award information for each line
  2. Select Expenditure Type for each line A commonly used expenditure type may appear. If the field is blank, select from the drop-down list.
Apply My Allocations Preferences
  1. Select the radio button to select one, multiple or all expense lines
  2. Select one of the pre-set expense allocations from My Allocation drop-down list Refer to How To: Set My Allocation Preferences for more information.
  3. Select Apply
  4. Verify that the desired expenditure type has been applied to each expense line before submitting the transaction – correct as needed using the drop-down list

Demo: PTAE Allocation Preferences

Update/Split Allocations
  • To enter a new PTA (not in My Allocations) and allocate to one, multiple or all expense lines and/or
  • To enter a split PTA allocation and allocate to one, multiple or all expense lines
  1. Select the radio button to select expense lines to be allocated
  2. Select Update Allocation
  3. Select an Allocation Method
    • Mass Allocation or Single PTA
    • Equal Split
    • Amount Split
    • Percentage Split
  4. Select the plus sign on table to add a new row for each PTA for a split allocation
  5. Enter the Project, Task, Award information (PTAs)
  6. Enter Amount or Percentage of split for each PTA, if necessary
  7. Enter Allocation Reason to describe the reason for allocation to multiple PTAs (optional) Save Allocation in My Allocation Preferences
    You may save this allocation in your My Allocation Preferences for use again. 

    1. Select Add Allocation Set to My Allocations checkbox
    2. Enter the Allocation Name
  8. Select Apply
  9. Select Expenditure Type for each line A commonly used expenditure type may appear. If the field is blank, select from the drop-down list.

 Demo: Split Allocation

Designate approver(s) on Allocations and Approvers screen using any combination of these 3 options:

Apply My Approvers Preferences
  1. Select one of the pre-set approvers from My Approvers drop-down list
  2. Select Apply
  3. Enter the approver's sequence or send in parallel (enter 1, 2, 3 for sequence; assign all approver's "1" for in parallel routing)
  4. Enter Notes to each approver (if needed)
  5. Select Next when the Approver Routing List is complete

FYI Recipients do not "approve" the expense report.

If an approver has been deleted by mistake, select Populate/Refresh to return to original default approver.

If an approver is incorrect for a PTA, please have that approver submit a Support Request to have the authority updated. 

Populate Default Approver(s)
  1. Select Populate/Refresh to add default PTA approver(s) 
    Approvers that display when Populate/Refresh is selected will have the appropriate approval authority for the PTAs. If expense lines have been allocated to more than one PTA, there could be more than one approver showing in the approver routing list.
  2. Enter the approver's sequence or send in parallel (enter 1, 2, 3 for sequence; assign all approver's "1" for in parallel routing)
  3. Enter Notes to each approver (if needed)
  4. Select Next when the Approver Routing List is complete

FYI Recipients do not "approve" the expense report.

If an approver has been deleted by mistake, select Populate/Refresh to return to original default approver.

If an approver is incorrect for a PTA, please have that approver submit a Support Request to have the authority updated. 

Manually Add Approver(s)/FYI Recipient(s)/Pre-Approvers
  1. Select the plus sign on table to add an approver
  2. Select the magnifying glass icon
  3. Enter the approver's name (Last name, First name)
  4. Select Go
  5. Select Quick Select icon next to the approver's name
  6. Select Approver, FYI or Pre-Approver from Approver/FYI drop-down list
  7. Enter the Approval Sequence number (enter 1, 2, 3 for sequence; assign all approver's “1” for in parallel routing, assign Pre-Approvers 1).
  8. Enter Notes to each approver (if needed)
  9. Select Next when the Approver Routing List is complete

FYI Recipients and Pre-Approvers do not "approve" the expense report, but will receive notifications regarding the transaction.

If an approver has been deleted by mistake, select Populate/Refresh to return to original default approver. There must be a "Yes" displaying in the default approver column for at least one approver per PTA.

If an approver is incorrect for a PTA, please have that approver submit a Support Request to have the authority updated. 

All expense reports must include receipts and other supporting documentation. If an expense has been pre-approved, supporting documentation must be obtained from the Pre-Approver and attached to the expense line or to the transaction.

An attachment for Expense Requests and PCard Transactions must be a legible copy of the entire receipt and clearly show: 

  • All text
  • Receipt Date
  • Location (when available)
  • Vendor/Business Name
  • Entire Receipt (Additional screenshots may be needed to include all of a lengthy receipt.
    Use the Event/Reason  to capture the reason and add pg. 1, pg. 2, etc. to clarify.)

You can upload an image directly to the transaction, add attachments via the eReceipts application or fax the document using a BarCode Cover Sheet.

Expense reports must have attachments uploaded to the individual transaction line for Airfare, Lodging and Conference Registration.

Demo: Attach/View Receipts

Upload Attachments Directly to a Line on the Review Page
  1. Scan or use a smartphone to photograph required receipts and documents to be attached to the transaction into a file

    Allowed file formats include: .heic, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .pdf, .txt, .doc, .docx, .html, .rtf, .xml, .xls, .xlsx.

  2. Select green plus sign (if available)
  3. Select Browse to navigate to file
  4. Select file  (or multiple files)
    • Allowable special characters to use in file names, includes:
      • parenthesis ()
      • dash/hyphen –
      • underscore _
      • dollar sign $
      • period .
      • comma ,
      • ampersand &
      • apostrophe '
      • plus sign + 
  5. Select Open
  6. Select Upload file(s) File(s) will appear in View Attachments.
  7. Select Close
    • Green plus sign changes to paper clip to indicate file(s) attached to that line
Upload Attachments to the Transaction Using Attach/View Receipts
  1. Scan or use a smartphone to photograph required receipts and documents to be attached to the transaction into a file
  2. Name each file with a unique name and save on the computer 

    Allowed file formats include, .heic, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .pdf, .txt, .doc, .docx, .html, .rtf, .xml, .xls, .xlsx.

  3. Select Attach/View Receipts button to open the Attachments window
  4. Do Not select a line
  5. Select Browse to navigate to file
  6. Select file (or multiple files)
    • Allowable special characters to use in file names, includes:
      1. parenthesis ()
      2. dash/hyphen –
      3. underscore _
      4. dollar sign $
      5. period .
      6. comma ,
      7. ampersand &
      8. apostrophe '
      9. plus sign +
  7. Select Open
  8. Select Upload file(s) File(s) will appear in View Attachments.
  9. Files attached to the transaction display N/A in the Expense Source and For Transaction Line(s) columns
  10. Select Close to close the Attachments window

    Reassign Attachments to a Line (if required)
    1. Click Attach/View Receipts button to open the Attachments window
    2. Scroll down and select the Reassign icon for the attachment
    3. Select the Document Type
    4. Select the line to which the attachment is to be reassigned
    5. Click Save
    6. Repeat for all uploaded attachments that must be reassigned to a line

Attach from eReceipts application
  1. Select Attach/View Receipts on the Transaction Review screen
  2. Select Add eReceipts to view all eReceipts shared with you for that Category (PCard or TCard/Personal Funds)
  3. Select the correct receipt(s) associated with the transaction 
  4. Click Add Receipt button at the bottom
Fax Attachments
  1. Select Attach/View Receipts on the Transaction Review screen
  2. Select Bar Code Cover Page on the Attach/View Receipts window and print

    Faxed receipts and documents must include the Barcode Cover Sheet to attach to the transaction. The fax number (650-721-3072) is on the Barcode Cover Sheet page.

  3. Close the Bar Code Cover Page window
  4. Send an individual fax for each line that requires an attachment
  5. Send a fax containing all other receipts and documents The Bar Code Cover Page should be the first page of the Fax so that it attaches to the correct transaction.
  6. Select Attach/View Receipts to open the Attachments window Faxes will display in the View Attachments section, attached at the transaction level.
  7. Select Close to close the Attachments window

    Reassign Attachments to a Line (if required)
    1. Click Attach/View Receipts button to open the Attachments window
    2. Scroll down and select the Reassign icon for the attachment
    3. Select the Document Type
    4. Select the line to which the attachment is to be reassigned
    5. Click Save
    6. Repeat for all uploaded attachments that must be reassigned to a line

Demo: Fax Attachments

  1. Review the transaction carefully for completeness, accuracy and policy compliance. 
    • Refer to the tabs marked Expense Lines, Expense Allocations, Approvers and Approval Notes for additional information.
    • Use the Back button, if necessary, to return to previous pages for corrections.
  2. If this expense report contains expenses that exceed 60 days, select the *Delay Reason from the drop down below for the late expense.
    • If Other is selected, please explain the reason for the late submission in the “Please Explain” field. 
      • If an exception to the 60 day taxable IRS rule is being requested, comments should also be entered in the transaction line Remarks field.
      • Preparers should notify/communicate with the payee if some part of their expenses are over 60 days old and may be tax reported. The payee may want to remove those expenses. 
  3. Check the box attesting that the Beneficiary Information is accurate and that supporting documentation will be attached. 
  4. Attach all receipts and backup documentation (Received of Petty Cash Form if required) by selecting Attach View Receipts or the Attach icon for a specific expense line
  5. Select Submit to submit the transaction once all receipts and backup documents have been attached
What Happens Next?
  • The expense report will be routed to the appropriate approver and if approved, then sent to Business Expense for approval and payment. 
  • Business Expense may audit the transaction and if necessary, reject or return the transaction to the preparer. For more information, see How To Handle Rejected or Returned Transactions and Request for More Info.
    • If there is a minor issue with a transaction, the auditor may approve the transaction and add a note about that issue. A notification email is sent to the preparer and the approver so both are aware of alterations/corrections that should be made on future transactions.
      • Review guidance in the Approval Notes.
      • Take appropriate action to revise your process for future transactions.
      • Submit a support request with any questions.
  • The expense report will be routed to the appropriate approver.
  • Retain hard copy receipts until the receipts have been verified as uploaded successfully and confirmed payment processing is complete. Refer to Administrative Guide Policy 3.1.5: Retention of Financial Records.

Create Expense Report for Human Subject Expense Reimbursement

Human Subjects Non-SU is to request reimbursement for domestic travel expenses for a human subject participant

  • All expenses for a trip or that pertain to a single business purpose should be included in one expense report.
  • Collect all receipts for a trip or that pertain to one business purpose, organize them by TCard or Cash and by expense type, then scan and save them by individual expense type on the computer desktop. Upload the files as soon as the expense report is ready to submit. Faxing receipts and supporting documents is available, if necessary.
    • Create individual files for all airfare, conference registration and lodging receipts, as these will need to be attached individually to the corresponding line in the expense report.
    • All other receipts and supporting documents can be scanned into a single file, if desired.
  • If an expense has been pre-approved, obtain supporting documentation from the Pre-Approver (which must be attached to the transaction), and add the Pre-Approver to the Approver Routing List.

  1. Enter in the browser
  2. Select Login
  3. As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password

  1. Select SU Expense Requests

  1. Select Non-SU Payee under Expense Report in the Create New Transaction column
  2. Select Human Subjects Non-SU from the Category drop-down list

Payee Already Set Up in the Payee Database
  1. Enter the Payee's name (last name, first name, or business name)
    • Or search and select the payee by clicking the search icon (magnifying glass)
Payee Not Yet Set Up in the Payee Database
  1. Select Add New Payee to enter payee information
  2. Select Supplier or Visitor
  3. Select the radio button next to the correct Citizenship/Residence status
  4. Enter First Name and Last Name (Middle Name is optional)
  5. Select Country of Address
  6. Enter Address Line 1 (Address Line 2 is optional)
  7. Enter City
  8. Select State/Province if required
  9. Enter Postal/Zip Code if required
  10. Select Default Payment Method
    • To request payment by check, wire or foreign draft, select Check or Wire
    • To request payment by ACH/direct deposit to US bank, select Electronic
  11. Enter Payee /Agent Email
    • Email address will auto-populate with the name of preparer if the Country of Address is outside of U.S.
    • Enter payee email address if payee is a domestic visitor
  12. Click Apply to save new payee data Click Clear to delete all entered payee data.

The Payment Method is auto-filled based upon what the Stanford payee has set up (Electronic or Check) with Payroll. If both Electronic and Check are available for a payee (as for some DAPER staff), select preferred method from the drop down.

  1. Select Yes or No in the Rush Processing drop-down menu 
    Will Call Check > Rush Processing

    Will Call check delivery option is handled via rush processing. Select Yes in the Rush Processing field. The Will Call locations will then display as the check delivery options. Select the Will Call location where the check will be picked up.  A $35 processing fee will apply.

    On the Allocations and Approvers page, supply a PTA to which the $35 processing fee will be charged. Some PTAs are restricted (sponsored projects) and will not allow a processing fee to be charged to them (Awards that begin with P, Q, R, S, R, U, V, W). Check with the PTA approver or the department Financial Analyst before requesting a rush processing fee.
  2. Select a Check Delivery Option (available when the payment method is Check)
    The Payment Method is auto-filled based upon what the payee has setup (Electronic or Check).

  1. Select Special Payment Type and Delivery Options (optional) if one of the following is desired:
    • Foreign Draft
    • Wire Domestic
    • Wire Foreign

    Refer to Select Special Payment Type and Delivery Option

  1. Enter Business Purpose
  2. Select Event Name from the drop-down menu or, If a new event is needed, select Create New Event (refer to How To: Create New Event for details). To display the selected event details below the Event Name field, select Show Event
  3. Select Next

On the Transaction Lines screen, note the three available tabs:

  1. Transaction Lines – use this tab to report cash and personal credit card expenses
  2. Per Diem Expenses – not allowed for Non-SU Payees
  3. Mileage Expenses – use this tab to report Mileage expenses

Be sure you are on the tab appropriate for the expenses being reported.

Select expense types that apply to your expenses to see customized instructions:

Transaction Lines
Adjusted Per Diem
  • Adjusted Per Diem is used to enter less than the standard Per Diem found in the Per Diem Tab. Adjusted Per Diem may be used for department mandated lower amount Per Diem or to calculate the reduced Per Diem for stays over 30 days.
  • The expense report Preparer must calculate the reduced rates for stays over 30 days (0.55 x listed rate) and enter the adjusted amount in the Expense Requests system via the Adjusted Per Diem expense type in transaction lines. The system will not calculate the reduced rate if over 30 days.
  • If both meals and lodging are being paid adjusted per diem, the adjusted amount should be entered on a single line with information in the Remarks field regarding how the calculations were made.

  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Adjusted Per Diem from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Enter the hotel/lodging and whether the amount includes meals in the Remarks field If using for 30 days in one location, ensure meals for the 30-day period are included.
  5. Missing Original Receipt
    Receipts are required for all expenses of $75 or more, or according to departmental guidelines (some departments require receipts for all expenses). If a required receipt is missing or lost, a copy must be requested from the merchant. If a copy cannot be obtained from the merchant, continue with the following steps:

    1. Select Details icon
    2. Select Original Receipt Missing checkbox
    3. Provide an explanation in Remarks field
    4. Select Return to List

  6. Select Next
  • If the expense is for baggage fees, change the expense type from Airline to Ancillary Airline Fee and refer to the Ancillary Airline Fee instructions.
  • Be sure to prepare an individual airfare receipt file to upload directly to this line before submitting the expense report.
  • Refer to Topic Overview: Airfare for details. 
  • For the airfare expense type, enter the last day of travel as the date of the expense.

Be sure to prepare an individual airfare receipt file to upload directly to this line before submitting the expense report.

  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Airfare from the Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Select the Details icon to open a new page
    • If no receipt is provided, please contact the airline for duplicate. Airfare receipts are always required at the line item level
  5. Select Traveler’s Name
  6. Enter the Airfare Ticket Number for reporting purposes in OBI reporting.
  7. Select the Travel Booking Method
  8. Select the Airline
  9. Select the Class of Ticket

    Business and First Class require an explanation in Remarks
    When the Airfare Class of Ticket is Business or First, the expense must be allocated to an unrestricted award and an unallowable expenditure type for the upgrade fee. In the event documentation of a Coach fare was unavailable, allocate one-third of the cost to an allowable expenditure type and the remaining two thirds to unallowable. For the university policy on international business class travel, refer to Fly America Act and Open Skies Exceptions.

  10. Enter the Departure and Destination Airport codes
  11. Indicate if the flight was round trip or one way
  12. If the airline expense is for a multi-leg trip, refer to the instructions below:

    Itemize a Multi-leg Trip

    A multi-leg trip is defined as a trip in which an overnight stay was required en route to the final destination.

    The total airfare amount should be listed as the first itemized expense line (e.g., Line 1-1) in the Itemized Business Expenses section, the rest of the lines should be 0.00 for the Itemized Receipt Amount. Note the departure and destination of each leg in the Itemized Remarks field.

    1. Select Itemize
    2. Select Add Another Row
    3. Select Airfare from the Expense Type drop-down list
    4. Expense Date defaults to original entry
    5. Enter portion of expense amount being itemized
    6. Select the Traveler’s Name
    7. Enter the Airfare Ticket Number for reference purposes in OBI reporting (Optional)
    8. Select the Travel Booking Method
    9. Select the Airline
    10. Select the Class of Ticket
    11. Enter Departure and Destination Airport codes of the first leg

    Repeat Steps 2 through 7 until all legs are listed

  13. If the airline expense contains another expense that needs to be itemized, refer to the instructions below:

     Itemize Expenses

    1.  Select Itemize
    2. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
    3. Enter description in the Remarks
    4. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense

    Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

    Demo: How to Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

  14. Select Return to List
  15. Select Next
Ancillary Airline Fee

The Ancillary Airline Fee is to be selected for charges that come in as Airfare, but are actually for some other fee charged by the airline, for example:

  • Upgrade from Coach to Economy Plus
  • Checked baggage
  • Reserved seat
  • Inflight meals
  • Wi-Fi
  • Curb-side check-in
  • Early boarding
  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Ancillary Airline Fee from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Enter a description of the fee in the Remarks field
  5. Missing Original Receipt
    Receipts are required for all expenses of $75 or more, or according to departmental guidelines (some departments require receipts for all expenses). If a required receipt is missing or lost, a copy must be requested from the merchant. If a copy cannot be obtained from the merchant, continue with the following steps:

    1. Select Details icon
    2. Select Original Receipt Missing checkbox
    3. Provide an explanation in Remarks field
    4. Select Return to List

  6. Select Next
Car Rental
  • Stanford faculty, staff, and students over the age of 25 should not elect additional car rental insurance within the continental United States. Stanford students between the ages of 21-25 may elect additional car rental insurance within the continental United States. Stanford students, under the age of 21, should purchase all available insurance for car rentals.
  • All Stanford travelers should accept additional car rental insurance in foreign countries and Hawaii.
  • Use the first day of rental as the expense date.

View the Topic Overview: Ground Transportation for more information.

The expense date and expense type will auto-fill for TCard car rental expenses. Car rental requires specific entries in Details:

  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Car Rental from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Select Details icon
  5. Enter Number of Days to reflect the length of the rental period in the Itemized Business Expenses section The daily rate will adjust accordingly. Based on a 24-hour day, round to the nearest whole day count.
  6. If no receipt will be submitted with the expense report: Missing Original Receipt
    Receipts are required for all expenses of $75 or more, or according to departmental guidelines (some departments require receipts for all expenses). If a required receipt is missing or lost, a copy must be requested from the merchant. If a copy cannot be obtained from the merchant, continue with the following steps:

    1. Select Original Receipt Missing checkbox
    2. Provide an explanation in Remarks field

  7. If car rental insurance is purchased, itemize the charge as a personal expense:

    Itemize Expenses or Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

    1. Select Itemize
    2. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
    3. Enter description in the Remarks
    4. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense

    Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

    Demo: How to Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

  8. Select Return to list
  9. Select Next
Ground Transportation
  • The Ground Transportation expense type is for transportation expenses such as taxi, limousine, Uber, and car service, etc. Use other transportation expense types for  airfare, car rental or truck rental, fuel for car or truck rental.
  • Refer to Topic Overview: Ground Transportation for more information.

  1. Select Ground Transportation from Expense Type drop-down list
  2. Optionally, enter a description of transportation in the Remarks field
  3. If no receipt will be submitted with the expense report: 

Missing Original Receipt
Receipts are required for all expenses of $75 or more, or according to departmental guidelines (some departments require receipts for all expenses). If a required receipt is missing or lost, a copy must be requested from the merchant. If a copy cannot be obtained from the merchant, continue with the following steps:

1. Select Details icon
2. Select Original Receipt Missing checkbox
3. Provide an explanation in Remarks field
4. Select Return to List

  • Be sure to prepare an individual lodging receipt file to upload directly to this line before submitting the expense report.
  • Refer to Policy: Lodging for more information. 
  • For lodging, the expense date should always be the first day of travel.
  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Lodging from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Select Details icon
  5. If no receipt is provided, please contact the hotel for a duplicate copy Lodging receipts are always required.
  6. If the expense included other business or personal expenses, itemize expenses:

    Itemize Expenses or Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

    1. Select Itemize
    2. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
    3. Enter description in the Remarks
    4. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense

    Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

    Demo: How to Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

  7. Enter Number of Nights in the Itemized Business Expenses section to reflect the length of the stay The Daily Rate will adjust accordingly.
  8. Enter Location using the search function in the Additional Information section
    1. Type the name of the city in the field
    2. Select the magnifying glass
    3. Select the city from the pop-up window to verify the selection
    4. Use the percent (%) sign as a wildcard before and after the search criteria to broaden the results
  9. Enter the name of the Hotel
  10. Enter any additional relevant information in the Remarks field
  11. Select Return to List
  12. Select Next
  • The Miscellaneous expense type may be applied to supplies, postage, photocopies, publication printing, books, DSL charges, overseas faculty support and employee recruitment. For more information, refer to Topic Overview:  Other Business Expenses, Reimbursable Expenses section for more information.
  • Itemization is required if more than one item was purchased on the receipt.

Details are required for the Miscellaneous expense type.

  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Miscellaneous from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Select Details icon
  5. Enter a description of the items purchased in the Remarks field (required)
  6. If no receipt will be submitted with the expense report: Missing Original Receipt
    Receipts are required for all expenses of $75 or more, or according to departmental guidelines (some departments require receipts for all expenses). If a required receipt is missing or lost, a copy must be requested from the merchant. If a copy cannot be obtained from the merchant, continue with the following steps:

    1. Select Original Receipt Missing checkbox
    2. Provide an explanation in Remarks field

  7. Itemize Miscellaneous Expenses

    1. Select Itemize
    2. Enter/modify the item description in the Remarks of the first itemized line item
    3. Enter the dollar amount in the Itemized Receipt Amount field
    4. Select Add Another Row (if necessary)
    5. Select Miscellaneous from Expenditure Type drop-down list
    6. Enter the item description in the Remarks field
    7. Enter the dollar amount in the Itemized Receipt Amount field
    8. For additional itemization repeat steps

  8. Select Return to List
  9. Select Next
Other Transportation
  • The Other Transportation expense type is for transportation expenses such as train, ferry, carpooling, and fuel for car or truck rental, etc. Transportation methods such as airfare, car rental or truck rental, taxi, limousine, should be entered under another appropriate Expense Types (Airfare, Airfare Ancillary Fee, Ground Transportation or Car Rental).
  • Refer to Ground Transportation for more information.

  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Other Transportation from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Enter a description of transportation in the Remarks field
  5. Missing Original Receipt
    Receipts are required for all expenses of $75 or more, or according to departmental guidelines (some departments require receipts for all expenses). If a required receipt is missing or lost, a copy must be requested from the merchant. If a copy cannot be obtained from the merchant, continue with the following steps:

    1. Select Details icon
    2. Select Original Receipt Missing checkbox
    3. Provide an explanation in Remarks field
    4. Select Return to List

  6. If the expense included other business or personal expenses, itemize expenses:

    Itemize Expenses or Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

    1. Select Details
    2. Select Itemize
    3. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
    4. Enter description in the Remarks
    5. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense
    6. Select Return to List 

    Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

    Demo: How to Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

  7. Select Next
Parking Fees
  • The Parking Fees Expense Type is used when a Stanford employee travels for business  and has expenses for parking. This does not include regular, employee, commute costs for parking at Stanford which are not reimbursable.
  1. Select Parking Fees from Expense Type drop-down list
  2. Optionally, enter a description of the parking fees in the Remarks field
  3. If no receipt will be submitted with the expense report: 

Missing Original Receipt
Receipts are required for all expenses of $75 or more, or according to departmental guidelines (some departments require receipts for all expenses). If a required receipt is missing or lost, a copy must be requested from the merchant. If a copy cannot be obtained from the merchant, continue with the following steps:

1. Select Details icon
2. Select Original Receipt Missing checkbox
3. Provide an explanation in Remarks field
4. Select Return to List

  1. If the expense included other business or personal expenses, itemize expenses: 

Itemize Expenses

1. Select Details
2. Select Itemize
3. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
4. Enter description in the Remarks
5. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense
6. Select Return to List

Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

Travel Meal - Single Meal
  • The Travel Meal – Single Meal expense type is used to enter a single meal (e.g., breakfast, lunch or dinner) that does not include alcohol, incurred while traveling.
  • When alcohol is part of a travel meal, use the Travel Meal – Single Meal with Alcohol or Travel Meals – Daily Total with Alcohol expense types.
  • For more information, refer to Topic Overview: Travel Meals.
  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Travel Meal – Single Meal from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Enter the meal type in Remarks (optional)
    • Breakfast
    • Lunch
    • Dinner
    • Total
  5. If the expense included other business or personal expenses, itemize expenses:

    Itemize Expenses or Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

    1. Select Details
    2. Select Itemize
    3. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
    4. Enter description in the Remarks
    5. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense
    6. Select Return to List 

    Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

    Demo: How to Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

  6. Select Next
Travel Meal - Single Meal with Alcohol
  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Travel Meal – Single Meal with Alcohol from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Enter the meal type in Remarks (optional)
    • Breakfast
    • Lunch
    • Dinner
  5. If the expense included other business or personal expenses, itemize expenses:

    Itemize Expenses or Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

    1. Select Details
    2. Select Itemize
    3. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
    4. Enter description in the Remarks
    5. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense
    6. Select Return to List 

    Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

    Demo: How to Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

  6. Select Next
Travel Meals - Daily Total
  • The Travel Meal – Daily Total expense type is used to enter the total cost of all meals for a specific day, on one expense line. Use only if there was no alcohol the entire day.
  • Do not use in combination with any other Travel Meal expense type on a specific day (e.g., there cannot be a Daily Total and a Single Meal on the same day).
  • For more information, refer to Topic Overview: Travel Meals.
  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Travel Meals – Daily Total from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Enter the meal type in Remarks – Total (optional)
  5. If the expense included other business or personal expenses, itemize expenses:

    Itemize Expenses or Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

    1. Select Details
    2. Select Itemize
    3. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
    4. Enter description in the Remarks
    5. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense
    6. Select Return to List 

    Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

    Demo: How to Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

  6. Select Next
Travel Meals - Daily Total with Alcohol
  • The Travel Meals – Daily Total with Alcohol expense type is used to enter the total cost of all meals for a specific day, entered on one expense line, including food, alcohol, tax and tip. Use if there was alcohol at any meal that day.
  • Meals that include alcohol should be coded using unallowable expenditure types. Refer to Topic Overview: Purpose and Use of Expenditure Type Codes
  • Refer to Topic Overview: Travel Meals for more information.
  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Travel Meal – Daily Total with Alcohol from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Enter the meal type in Remarks – Total (optional)
  5. If the expense included other business or personal expenses, itemize expenses:

    Itemize Expenses or Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

    1. Select Details
    2. Select Itemize
    3. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
    4. Enter description in the Remarks
    5. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense
    6. Select Return to List 

    Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

    Demo: How to Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

  6. Select Next
Mileage Expenses

Mileage refers to miles travelled in a personal automobile. Refer to Mileage Reimbursement Rates for more information. 

  1. Select Mileage Expenses tab
  2. Enter Expense Date
  3. Select Mileage from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Enter From and To Locations in Remarks field
  5. Determine distance in miles using Google Maps
  6. Enter Miles
  7. Select Calculate
  8. Select Next

Designate PTAEs on Allocations and Approvers screen using any combination of these 3 options:

Manually Enter PTAEs
  1. Enter Project, Task, Award information for each line
  2. Select Expenditure Type for each line A commonly used expenditure type may appear. If the field is blank, select from the drop-down list.
Apply My Allocations Preferences
  1. Select the radio button to select one, multiple or all expense lines
  2. Select one of the pre-set expense allocations from My Allocation drop-down list Refer to How To: Set My Allocation Preferences for more information.
  3. Select Apply
  4. Verify that the desired expenditure type has been applied to each expense line before submitting the transaction – correct as needed using the drop-down list

Demo: PTAE Allocation Preferences

Update/Split Allocations
  • To enter a new PTA (not in My Allocations) and allocate to one, multiple or all expense lines and/or
  • To enter a split PTA allocation and allocate to one, multiple or all expense lines
  1. Select the radio button to select expense lines to be allocated
  2. Select Update Allocation
  3. Select an Allocation Method
    • Mass Allocation or Single PTA
    • Equal Split
    • Amount Split
    • Percentage Split
  4. Select the plus sign on table to add a new row for each PTA for a split allocation
  5. Enter the Project, Task, Award information (PTAs)
  6. Enter Amount or Percentage of split for each PTA, if necessary
  7. Enter Allocation Reason to describe the reason for allocation to multiple PTAs (optional) Save Allocation in My Allocation Preferences
    You may save this allocation in your My Allocation Preferences for use again. 

    1. Select Add Allocation Set to My Allocations checkbox
    2. Enter the Allocation Name
  8. Select Apply
  9. Select Expenditure Type for each line A commonly used expenditure type may appear. If the field is blank, select from the drop-down list.

 Demo: Split Allocation

Designate approver(s) on Allocations and Approvers screen using any combination of these 3 options:

Apply My Approvers Preferences
  1. Select one of the pre-set approvers from My Approvers drop-down list
  2. Select Apply
  3. Enter the approver's sequence or send in parallel (enter 1, 2, 3 for sequence; assign all approver's "1" for in parallel routing)
  4. Enter Notes to each approver (if needed)
  5. Select Next when the Approver Routing List is complete

FYI Recipients do not "approve" the expense report.

If an approver has been deleted by mistake, select Populate/Refresh to return to original default approver.

If an approver is incorrect for a PTA, please have that approver submit a Support Request to have the authority updated. 

Populate Default Approver(s)
  1. Select Populate/Refresh to add default PTA approver(s) 
    Approvers that display when Populate/Refresh is selected will have the appropriate approval authority for the PTAs. If expense lines have been allocated to more than one PTA, there could be more than one approver showing in the approver routing list.
  2. Enter the approver's sequence or send in parallel (enter 1, 2, 3 for sequence; assign all approver's "1" for in parallel routing)
  3. Enter Notes to each approver (if needed)
  4. Select Next when the Approver Routing List is complete

FYI Recipients do not "approve" the expense report.

If an approver has been deleted by mistake, select Populate/Refresh to return to original default approver.

If an approver is incorrect for a PTA, please have that approver submit a Support Request to have the authority updated. 

Manually Add Approver(s)/FYI Recipient(s)/Pre-Approvers
  1. Select the plus sign on table to add an approver
  2. Select the magnifying glass icon
  3. Enter the approver's name (Last name, First name)
  4. Select Go
  5. Select Quick Select icon next to the approver's name
  6. Select Approver, FYI or Pre-Approver from Approver/FYI drop-down list
  7. Enter the Approval Sequence number (enter 1, 2, 3 for sequence; assign all approver's “1” for in parallel routing, assign Pre-Approvers 1).
  8. Enter Notes to each approver (if needed)
  9. Select Next when the Approver Routing List is complete

FYI Recipients and Pre-Approvers do not "approve" the expense report, but will receive notifications regarding the transaction.

If an approver has been deleted by mistake, select Populate/Refresh to return to original default approver. There must be a "Yes" displaying in the default approver column for at least one approver per PTA.

If an approver is incorrect for a PTA, please have that approver submit a Support Request to have the authority updated. 

All expense reports must include receipts and other supporting documentation. If an expense has been pre-approved, supporting documentation must be obtained from the Pre-Approver and attached to the expense line or to the transaction.

An attachment for Expense Requests and PCard Transactions must be a legible copy of the entire receipt and clearly show: 

  • All text
  • Receipt Date
  • Location (when available)
  • Vendor/Business Name
  • Entire Receipt (Additional screenshots may be needed to include all of a lengthy receipt.
    Use the Event/Reason  to capture the reason and add pg. 1, pg. 2, etc. to clarify.)

You can upload an image directly to the transaction, add attachments via the eReceipts application or fax the document using a BarCode Cover Sheet.

Expense reports must have attachments uploaded to the individual transaction line for Airfare, Lodging and Conference Registration.

Demo: Attach/View Receipts

Upload Attachments Directly to a Line on the Review Page
  1. Scan or use a smartphone to photograph required receipts and documents to be attached to the transaction into a file

    Allowed file formats include: .heic, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .pdf, .txt, .doc, .docx, .html, .rtf, .xml, .xls, .xlsx.

  2. Select green plus sign (if available)
  3. Select Browse to navigate to file
  4. Select file  (or multiple files)
    • Allowable special characters to use in file names, includes:
      • parenthesis ()
      • dash/hyphen –
      • underscore _
      • dollar sign $
      • period .
      • comma ,
      • ampersand &
      • apostrophe '
      • plus sign + 
  5. Select Open
  6. Select Upload file(s) File(s) will appear in View Attachments.
  7. Select Close
    • Green plus sign changes to paper clip to indicate file(s) attached to that line
Upload Attachments to the Transaction Using Attach/View Receipts
  1. Scan or use a smartphone to photograph required receipts and documents to be attached to the transaction into a file
  2. Name each file with a unique name and save on the computer 

    Allowed file formats include, .heic, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .pdf, .txt, .doc, .docx, .html, .rtf, .xml, .xls, .xlsx.

  3. Select Attach/View Receipts button to open the Attachments window
  4. Do Not select a line
  5. Select Browse to navigate to file
  6. Select file (or multiple files)
    • Allowable special characters to use in file names, includes:
      1. parenthesis ()
      2. dash/hyphen –
      3. underscore _
      4. dollar sign $
      5. period .
      6. comma ,
      7. ampersand &
      8. apostrophe '
      9. plus sign +
  7. Select Open
  8. Select Upload file(s) File(s) will appear in View Attachments.
  9. Files attached to the transaction display N/A in the Expense Source and For Transaction Line(s) columns
  10. Select Close to close the Attachments window

    Reassign Attachments to a Line (if required)
    1. Click Attach/View Receipts button to open the Attachments window
    2. Scroll down and select the Reassign icon for the attachment
    3. Select the Document Type
    4. Select the line to which the attachment is to be reassigned
    5. Click Save
    6. Repeat for all uploaded attachments that must be reassigned to a line

Attach from eReceipts application
  1. Select Attach/View Receipts on the Transaction Review screen
  2. Select Add eReceipts to view all eReceipts shared with you for that Category (PCard or TCard/Personal Funds)
  3. Select the correct receipt(s) associated with the transaction 
  4. Click Add Receipt button at the bottom
Fax Attachments
  1. Select Attach/View Receipts on the Transaction Review screen
  2. Select Bar Code Cover Page on the Attach/View Receipts window and print

    Faxed receipts and documents must include the Barcode Cover Sheet to attach to the transaction. The fax number (650-721-3072) is on the Barcode Cover Sheet page.

  3. Close the Bar Code Cover Page window
  4. Send an individual fax for each line that requires an attachment
  5. Send a fax containing all other receipts and documents The Bar Code Cover Page should be the first page of the Fax so that it attaches to the correct transaction.
  6. Select Attach/View Receipts to open the Attachments window Faxes will display in the View Attachments section, attached at the transaction level.
  7. Select Close to close the Attachments window

    Reassign Attachments to a Line (if required)
    1. Click Attach/View Receipts button to open the Attachments window
    2. Scroll down and select the Reassign icon for the attachment
    3. Select the Document Type
    4. Select the line to which the attachment is to be reassigned
    5. Click Save
    6. Repeat for all uploaded attachments that must be reassigned to a line

Demo: Fax Attachments

  1. Review the transaction carefully for completeness, accuracy and policy compliance. 
    • Refer to the tabs marked Expense Lines, Expense Allocations, Approvers and Approval Notes for additional information.
    • Use the Back button, if necessary, to return to previous pages for corrections.
  2. Attach all receipts and backup documentation (Received of Petty Cash Form) by selecting Attach View Receipts or the Attach icon for a specific expense line
  3. Select Submit to submit the transaction once all receipts and backup documents have been attached
What Happens Next?
  •  The expense report will be routed to the appropriate approver and if approved, then sent to Business Expense for approval and payment. 
  • Business Expense may audit the transaction and if necessary, reject or return the transaction to the preparer. For more information, see How To Handle Rejected or Returned Transactions and Request for More Info.
    • If there is a minor issue with a transaction, the auditor may approve the transaction and add a note about that issue. A notification email is sent to the preparer and the approver so both are aware of alterations/corrections that should be made on future transactions.
      • Review guidance in the Approval Notes.
      • Take appropriate action to revise your process for future transactions.
      • Submit a support request with any questions.
  • The expense report will be routed to the appropriate approver.
  • Retain hard copy receipts until the receipts have been verified as uploaded successfully and confirmed payment processing is complete. Refer to Administrative Guide Policy 3.1.5: Retention of Financial Records.

Create Expense Report for Foreign Visitor Expense Reimbursement

  • All expenses for a trip or that pertain to a single business purpose should be included in one expense report.
  • Applying a Foreign Event to a Foreign Expense Report is mandatory.
  • Collect all receipts for a trip or that pertain to one business purpose, organize them by TCard or Cash and by expense type, then scan and save them by individual expense type on the computer desktop. Upload the files as soon as the expense report is ready to submit. Faxing receipts and supporting documents is available, if necessary.
    • Create individual files for all airfare, conference registration and lodging receipts, as these will need to be attached individually to the corresponding line in the expense report.
    • All other receipts and supporting documents can be scanned into a single file, if desired.
  • If an expense has been pre-approved, obtain supporting documentation from the Pre-Approver (which must be attached to the transaction), and add the Pre-Approver to the Approver Routing List.

  1. Enter in the browser
  2. Select Login
  3. As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password

  1. Select SU Expense Requests

  1. Select Non-SU Payee under Expense Report in the Create New Transaction column
  2. Select Expenses (Foreign) Non-SU from the Category drop-down list

Payee Already Set Up in the Payee Database
  1. Enter the Payee's name (last name, first name, or business name)
    • Or search and select the payee by clicking the search icon (magnifying glass)
Payee Not Yet Set Up in the Payee Database
  1. Select Add New Payee to enter payee information
  2. Select Supplier or Visitor
  3. Select the radio button next to the correct Citizenship/Residence status
  4. Enter First Name and Last Name (Middle Name is optional)
  5. Select Country of Address
  6. Enter Address Line 1 (Address Line 2 is optional)
  7. Enter City
  8. Select State/Province if required
  9. Enter Postal/Zip Code if required
  10. Select Default Payment Method
    • To request payment by check, wire or foreign draft, select Check or Wire
    • To request payment by ACH/direct deposit to US bank, select Electronic
  11. Enter Payee /Agent Email
    • Email address will auto-populate with the name of preparer if the Country of Address is outside of U.S.
    • Enter payee email address if payee is a domestic visitor
  12. Click Apply to save new payee data Click Clear to delete all entered payee data.

The Payment Method is auto-filled based upon what the Stanford payee has set up (Electronic or Check) with Payroll. If both Electronic and Check are available for a payee (as for some DAPER staff), select preferred method from the drop down.

  1. Select Yes or No in the Rush Processing drop-down menu 
    Will Call Check > Rush Processing

    Will Call check delivery option is handled via rush processing. Select Yes in the Rush Processing field. The Will Call locations will then display as the check delivery options. Select the Will Call location where the check will be picked up.  A $35 processing fee will apply.

    On the Allocations and Approvers page, supply a PTA to which the $35 processing fee will be charged. Some PTAs are restricted (sponsored projects) and will not allow a processing fee to be charged to them (Awards that begin with P, Q, R, S, R, U, V, W). Check with the PTA approver or the department Financial Analyst before requesting a rush processing fee.
  2. Select a Check Delivery Option (available when the payment method is Check)
    The Payment Method is auto-filled based upon what the payee has setup (Electronic or Check).

  1. Select Special Payment Type and Delivery Options (optional) if one of the following is desired:
    • Foreign Draft
    • Wire Domestic
    • Wire Foreign

    Refer to Select Special Payment Type and Delivery Option

  1. Enter Business Purpose
  2. Select Event Name (mandatory for foreign expense reports) from the drop-down menu or, If a new event is needed, select Create New Event (refer to How To: Create New Event for details). To display the selected event details below the Event Name field, select Show Event
  3. Select Next

On the Transaction Lines screen, note the three available tabs:

  1. Transaction Lines – use this tab to report cash and personal credit card expenses
  2. Per Diem Expenses – not allowed for Non-SU Payees
  3. Mileage Expenses – use this tab to report Mileage expenses

Be sure you are on the tab appropriate for the expenses being reported.

Select expense types that apply to your expenses to see customized instructions:

Transaction Lines
Adjusted Per Diem
  • Adjusted Per Diem is used to enter less than the standard Per Diem found in the Per Diem Tab. Adjusted Per Diem may be used for department mandated lower amount Per Diem or to calculate the reduced Per Diem for stays over 30 days.
  • The expense report Preparer must calculate the reduced rates for stays over 30 days (0.55 x listed rate) and enter the adjusted amount in the Expense Requests system via the Adjusted Per Diem expense type in transaction lines. The system will not calculate the reduced rate if over 30 days.
  • If both meals and lodging are being paid adjusted per diem, the adjusted amount should be entered on a single line with information in the Remarks field regarding how the calculations were made.

  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Adjusted Per Diem from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Click Details
  5. Enter the hotel/lodging and whether the amount includes meals in the Remarks field
  6. If no receipt will be submitted with the expense report: Missing Original Receipt
    Receipts are required for all expenses of $75 or more, or according to departmental guidelines (some departments require receipts for all expenses). If a required receipt is missing or lost, a copy must be requested from the merchant. If a copy cannot be obtained from the merchant, continue with the following steps:

    1. Select Original Receipt Missing checkbox
    2. Provide an explanation in Remarks field

  7. Select the Country of Activity and Foreign Activity Type defined in events preferences from the drop-down menus in the Additional Information section

  8. Click Return to List
  9. Select Next
Airfare - Foreign and Domestic
  • If the expense is for baggage fees, change the expense type from Airline to Ancillary Airline Fee and refer to the Ancillary Airline Fee instructions.
  • Be sure to prepare an individual airfare receipt file to upload directly to this line before submitting the expense report.
  • Refer to Topic Overview: Airfare for details.
  • For the airfare expense type, enter the last day of travel as the date of the expense.
  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Airfare – Foreign and Domestic from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Select the Details icon
  5. If no receipt is provided, please contact the airline for duplicate Airfare receipts are always required at the line item level.

Select the Country of Activity and Foreign Activity Type defined in events preferences from the drop-down menus in the Additional Information section

  1. Select the Class of Ticket, if not pre-populated 

    Business and first class require an explanation in Remarks.
    When Airfare Class of Ticket is Business or First, the expense must be allocated to an unrestricted award and an unallowable expenditure type for the upgrade fee. In the event documentation of a Coach fare was unavailable, allocate one-third of the cost to an allowable expenditure type and the remaining two thirds to unallowable. For the university policy on international business class travel, refer to Fly America Act and Open Skies Exceptions.

  2. Enter the Departure and Destination Airport codes
  3. Indicate if the flight was round trip or one way
  4. Select the Travel Booking Method
  5. Select the Airline

If the airline expense is for a multi-leg trip, refer to the instructions below: Itemize a Multi-leg Trip
A multi-leg trip is defined as a trip in which an overnight stay was required en route to the final destination.

The total airfare amount should be listed as the first itemized expense line (e.g., Line 1-1) in the Itemized Business Expenses section, the rest of the lines should be 0.00 for the Itemized Receipt Amount. Note the departure and destination of each leg in the Itemized Remarks field.

1. Select Itemize
2. Select Add Another Row
3. Select Airfare - Foreign and Domestic from the Expense Type drop-down list
4. Select the Country of Activity and Foreign Activity Type defined in events preferences from the drop-down menus in the Additional Information section
5. Select the Class of Ticket
6. Enter Departure and Destination Airport codes of the first leg
7. Select the Travel Booking Method
8. Select the Airline
9. Repeat Steps 2 through 8 until all legs are listed

  1. If the airline expense contains another expense that needs to be itemized, refer to the instructions below: 

Itemize Expenses or Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

1. Select Itemize
2. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
3. Enter description in the Remarks
4. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense

Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

Demo: How to Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

  1. Select Return to List
  2. Select Next
Ancillary Airline Fee

The Ancillary Airline Fee is to be selected for charges that come in as Airfare, but are actually for some other fee charged by the airline, for example:

  • Upgrade from Coach to Economy Plus
  • Checked baggage
  • Reserved seat
  • Inflight meals
  • Wi-Fi
  • Curb-side check-in
  • Early boarding
  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Ancillary Airline Fee from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Select Details
  5. Enter a description of the fee in the Remarks field
  6. If no receipt will be submitted with the expense report: Missing Original Receipt
    Receipts are required for all expenses of $75 or more, or according to departmental guidelines (some departments require receipts for all expenses). If a required receipt is missing or lost, a copy must be requested from the merchant. If a copy cannot be obtained from the merchant, continue with the following steps:

    1. Select Original Receipt Missing checkbox
    2. Provide an explanation in Remarks field

  7. Select the Country of Activity and Foreign Activity Type defined in events preferences from the drop-down menus in the Additional Information section

  8. Select Return to List
  9. Select Next
Business Meal
  • A Business Meal is defined as a meal at which faculty, staff, students and/or guests are present for the purpose of conducting university business. This applies to food brought into a meeting or a business meal that takes place at a restaurant.
  • Each business meal event should be entered individually as its own expense line.
  • Do not use the Business Meal expense type if alcohol was consumed with the meal. When alcohol is part of a Business Meal, use the Business Meal with Alcohol expense type.
  • Any requests to exceed per-person meal expense guidelines must be pre-approved by the school or unit's dean's office. For more information, refer to Topic Overview: Business Meals.
  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Business Meal from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Select Details icon
  5. Enter the full business purpose (who, what, when, where and why) for the meal in the Remarks field, including the attendee names and Stanford Affiliation (employee or student) For groups of 10 or less, list attendees in Remarks. For 11 or more, attach an attendee list.
  6. If no receipt will be submitted with the expense report: Missing Original Receipt
    Receipts are required for all expenses of $75 or more, or according to departmental guidelines (some departments require receipts for all expenses). If a required receipt is missing or lost, a copy must be requested from the merchant. If a copy cannot be obtained from the merchant, continue with the following steps:

    1. Select Original Receipt Missing checkbox
    2. Provide an explanation in Remarks field

  7. Select the Country of Activity and Foreign Activity Type defined in events preferences from the drop-down menus in the Additional Information section

  8. Enter the Number of Attendees at the meal
  9. Select the Meal Type in the drop-down
    • Breakfast
    • Lunch
    • Dinner
  10. Enter the Meal Category (optional)

    Meal Category Definition
    Donor Event An event with the specific purpose of discussing existing and future gifts with a current or prospective donor.
    Employee Morale An event with the specific purpose of gathering colleagues together for team building activities.
    Faculty Recruit A meal with a potential faculty member where employment with the university is discussed.
    Invited Speaker A meal with an invited speaker, hosted by their campus sponsor, and may include six or more attendees.
  11. If the expense includes other business or personal expenses, itemize expenses:

    Itemize Expenses or Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

    1. Select Itemize
    2. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
    3. Enter description in the Remarks
    4. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense

    Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

    Demo: How to Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

  12. Select Return to List
  13. Select Next
Business Meal with Alcohol
  • The Business Meal with Alcohol Expense Type is used when reporting expenses for a group meal where alcoholic beverages were consumed and during which business was conducted. This applies to food brought into a meeting or a business meal that takes place at a restaurant.
  • Any Business Meal with Alcohol expense type must select an unallowable expenditure type at Allocation.
  • Any requests to exceed per-person meal expense guidelines must be pre-approved by the school or unit's dean's office. Refer to Topic Overview: Business Meals for more information.
  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Business Meal with Alcohol from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Select Details icon
  5. Enter the full business purpose (who, what, when, where and why) for the meal in the Remarks field, including the attendee names and Stanford Affiliation (employee or student). For groups of 10 or less, list attendees in Remarks. For 11 or more, attach an attendee list.
  6. If no receipt will be submitted with the expense report: Missing Original Receipt
    Receipts are required for all expenses of $75 or more, or according to departmental guidelines (some departments require receipts for all expenses). If a required receipt is missing or lost, a copy must be requested from the merchant. If a copy cannot be obtained from the merchant, continue with the following steps:

    1. Select Original Receipt Missing checkbox
    2. Provide an explanation in Remarks field

  7. Select the Country of Activity and Foreign Activity Type defined in events preferences from the drop-down menus in the Additional Information section

  8. Enter the Number of Attendees at the meal
  9. Select the Meal Type in the drop-down
    • Breakfast
    • Lunch
    • Dinner
  10. Enter the Meal Category (optional)

    Meal Category Definition
    Donor Event An event with the specific purpose of discussing existing and future gifts with a current or prospective donor.
    Employee Morale An event with the specific purpose of gathering colleagues together for team building activities.
    Faculty Recruit A meal with a potential faculty member where employment with the university is discussed.
    Invited Speaker A meal with an invited speaker, hosted by their campus sponsor, and may include six or more attendees.
  11. If the expense includes other business or personal expenses, itemize expenses:

    Itemize Expenses or Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

    1. Select Itemize
    2. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
    3. Enter description in the Remarks
    4. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense

    Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

    Demo: How to Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

  12. Select Return to List
  13. Select Next
Car Rental
  • Stanford faculty, staff, and students over the age of 25 should not elect additional car rental insurance within the continental United States. Stanford students between the ages of 21-25 may elect additional car rental insurance within the continental United States. Stanford students, under the age of 21, should purchase all available insurance for car rentals.
  • All Stanford travelers should accept additional car rental insurance in foreign countries and Hawaii.
  • Use the first day of rental as the expense date.

View the Topic Overview: Ground Transportation for more information.

  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Details icon
  4. Select the Country of Activity and Foreign Activity Type defined in events preferences from the drop-down menus in the Additional Information section

  5. Select Itemize
  6. Enter Number of Days for the length of the rental period in the Itemized Business Expenses section Based on a 24-hour day, round to the nearest whole day count.
  7. If no receipt will be submitted with the expense report: Missing Original Receipt
    Receipts are required for all expenses of $75 or more, or according to departmental guidelines (some departments require receipts for all expenses). If a required receipt is missing or lost, a copy must be requested from the merchant. If a copy cannot be obtained from the merchant, continue with the following steps:

    1. Select Original Receipt Missing checkbox
    2. Provide an explanation in Remarks field

  8. Itemize car rental insurance if purchased:

    Itemize Expenses or Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

    1. Select Itemize
    2. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
    3. Enter description in the Remarks
    4. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense

    Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

    Demo: How to Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

  9. Select Return to list
  10. Select Next
Conference Registration
  • Be sure to prepare an individual conference registration receipt file and a conference agenda file to upload directly to this line before submitting the expense report. For details, refer to Topic Overview:  Other Business ExpensesReimbursable Expenses section.
  • If a student is presenting at a meeting or conference, a program noting the student's name is acceptable documentation. Refer to Policy: Student Travel for more information.
  • If an individual is reimbursed prior to the conference, the conference registration’s expense date would be the date the payment was actually made. If the conference registration is reimbursed as part of a reimbursement after travel is completed, the conference registration’s expense date would be the first day of travel.
  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Conference Registration from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Enter all conference attendees and the amount of the payment applicable to each in Remarks field If no receipt is provided, please contact the conference facilitator for duplicate copy. Conference Registration receipts are always required.
  5. Select the Country of Activity and Foreign Activity Type defined in events preferences from the drop-down menus in the Additional Information section

  6. If the expense included other business or personal expenses, itemize expenses:

    Itemize Expenses or Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

    1. Select Details
    2. Select Itemize
    3. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
    4. Enter description in the Remarks
    5. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense
    6. Select Return to List 

    Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

    Demo: How to Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

  7. Select Return to List
  8. Select Next
Ground Transportation
  • The Ground Transportation expense type is for transportation expenses such as taxi, limousine, Uber, and car service, etc. Use other transportation expense types for  airfare, car rental or truck rental, fuel for car or truck rental.
  • Refer to Topic Overview: Ground Transportation for more information.

  1. Select Ground Transportation from Expense Type drop-down list
  2. Optionally, enter a description of transportation in the Remarks field
  3. If no receipt will be submitted with the expense report: 

Missing Original Receipt
Receipts are required for all expenses of $75 or more, or according to departmental guidelines (some departments require receipts for all expenses). If a required receipt is missing or lost, a copy must be requested from the merchant. If a copy cannot be obtained from the merchant, continue with the following steps:

1. Select Details icon
2. Select Original Receipt Missing checkbox
3. Provide an explanation in Remarks field
4. Select Return to List

Group Travel Meal
  • Use Group Travel Meal expense type when a group of Stanford personnel share an ordinary and necessary travel meal.
  • When alcohol is part of a group travel meal, use the Group Travel Meal with Alcohol expense types.
  • For more information, refer to Topic Overview: Travel Meals.
  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Group Travel Meal from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Select Details icon
  5. Enter remarks with details about the meal If less than 5 attendees, enter names in Remarks. If more, attach a list to backup.
  6. If no receipt will be submitted with the expense report: Missing Original Receipt
    Receipts are required for all expenses of $75 or more, or according to departmental guidelines (some departments require receipts for all expenses). If a required receipt is missing or lost, a copy must be requested from the merchant. If a copy cannot be obtained from the merchant, continue with the following steps:

    1. Select Original Receipt Missing checkbox
    2. Provide an explanation in Remarks field

  7. Select the Country of Activity and Foreign Activity Type defined in events preferences from the drop-down menus in the Additional Information section
  8. Enter the Number of Attendees 
  9. Select Meal Type from the drop-down
    • Breakfast
    • Lunch
    • Dinner
  10. Select Return to List
  11. Select Next
Group Travel Meal with Alcohol
  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Group Travel Meal with Alcohol from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Select Details icon
  5. Enter remarks with details about the meal If less than 5 attendees, enter names in Remarks. If more, attach a list to backup.
  6. If no receipt will be submitted with the expense report: Missing Original Receipt
    Receipts are required for all expenses of $75 or more, or according to departmental guidelines (some departments require receipts for all expenses). If a required receipt is missing or lost, a copy must be requested from the merchant. If a copy cannot be obtained from the merchant, continue with the following steps:

    1. Select Original Receipt Missing checkbox
    2. Provide an explanation in Remarks field

  7. Select the Country of Activity and Foreign Activity Type defined in events preferences from the drop-down menus in the Additional Information section
  8. Enter the Number of Attendees
  9. Enter the Meal Type in the drop-down
    • Breakfast
    • Lunch
    • Dinner
  10. Select Return to List
  11. Select Next
Lodging - Foreign and Domestic
  • Be sure to prepare an individual lodging receipt file to upload directly to this line before submitting the expense report.
  • Refer to Policy: Lodging for more information. 
  • For lodging, the expense date should always be the first day of travel.
  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Lodging – Foreign and Domestic from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Select Details icon
  5. Select Itemize
  6. If no receipt is provided, please contact the hotel for a duplicate copy Lodging receipts are always required.
  7. Enter Number of Nights in the Itemized Business Expenses section to reflect the length of the stay The Daily Rate will adjust accordingly.
  8. Select the Country of Activity and Foreign Activity Type defined in events preferences from the drop-down menus in the Additional Information section

  9. Enter Location using the search function in the Additional Information section
    1. Type the name of the city in the field
    2. Select the magnifying glass
    3. Select the city from the pop-up window to verify the selection
    4. Use the percent (%) sign as a wildcard before and after the search criteria to broaden the results
  10. Enter the name of the Hotel
  11. Enter any additional relevant information in the Remarks field
  12. Select Add Another Row button to itemize expenses other business or personal expenses
  13. Select Return to List
  14. Select Next
Miscellaneous - Foreign
  • The Miscellaneous expense type may be applied to supplies, postage, photocopies, publication printing, books, DSL charges, overseas faculty support and employee recruitment. For more information, refer to Topic Overview:  Other Business Expenses, Reimbursable Expenses section for more information.
  • Itemization is required if more than one item was purchased on the receipt.

Details are required for the Miscellaneous - Foreign expense type.

  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Miscellaneous - Foreign from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Select Details icon
  5. Enter a description of the items purchased in the Remarks field (required)
  6. If no receipt will be submitted with the expense report: Missing Original Receipt
    Receipts are required for all expenses of $75 or more, or according to departmental guidelines (some departments require receipts for all expenses). If a required receipt is missing or lost, a copy must be requested from the merchant. If a copy cannot be obtained from the merchant, continue with the following steps:

    1. Select Original Receipt Missing checkbox
    2. Provide an explanation in Remarks field

  7. Select the Country of Activity and Foreign Activity Type defined in events preferences from the drop-down menus in the Additional Information section

  8. If more than one item was purchased on the receipt:

    Itemize Expenses or Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

    1. Select Itemize
    2. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
    3. Enter description in the Remarks
    4. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense

    Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

    Demo: How to Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

  9. Select Return to List
  10. Select Next
Other Transportation
  • The Other Transportation expense type is for transportation expenses such as train, ferry, carpooling, and fuel for car or truck rental, etc. Transportation methods such as airfare, car rental or truck rental, taxi, limousine, should be entered under another appropriate Expense Types (Airfare, Airfare Ancillary Fee, Ground Transportation or Car Rental).
  • Refer to Ground Transportation for more information.

  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Other Transportation from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Select Details icon
  5. Enter a description of transportation in the Remarks field
  6. Missing Original Receipt
    Receipts are required for all expenses of $75 or more, or according to departmental guidelines (some departments require receipts for all expenses). If a required receipt is missing or lost, a copy must be requested from the merchant. If a copy cannot be obtained from the merchant, continue with the following steps:

    1. Select Details icon
    2. Select Original Receipt Missing checkbox
    3. Provide an explanation in Remarks field
    4. Select Return to List

  7. Select the Country of Activity and Foreign Activity Type defined in events preferences from the drop-down menus in the Additional Information section

  8. If the expense included other business or personal expenses, itemize expenses:

    Itemize Expenses or Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

    1. Select Itemize
    2. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
    3. Enter description in the Remarks
    4. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense

    Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

    Demo: How to Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

  9. Select Return to List
  10. Select Next
Parking Fees
  • The Parking Fees Expense Type is used when a Stanford employee travels for business  and has expenses for parking. This does not include regular, employee, commute costs for parking at Stanford which are not reimbursable.
  1. Select Parking Fees from Expense Type drop-down list
  2. Optionally, enter a description of the parking fees in the Remarks field
  3. If no receipt will be submitted with the expense report: 

Missing Original Receipt
Receipts are required for all expenses of $75 or more, or according to departmental guidelines (some departments require receipts for all expenses). If a required receipt is missing or lost, a copy must be requested from the merchant. If a copy cannot be obtained from the merchant, continue with the following steps:

1. Select Details icon
2. Select Original Receipt Missing checkbox
3. Provide an explanation in Remarks field
4. Select Return to List

  1. If the expense included other business or personal expenses, itemize expenses: 

Itemize Expenses

1. Select Details
2. Select Itemize
3. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
4. Enter description in the Remarks
5. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense
6. Select Return to List

Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

Travel Meal - Single Meal
  • The Travel Meal – Single Meal expense type is used to enter a single meal (e.g., breakfast, lunch or dinner) that does not include alcohol, incurred while traveling.
  • When alcohol is part of a travel meal, use the Travel Meal – Single Meal with Alcohol or Travel Meals – Daily Total with Alcohol expense types.
  • For more information, refer to Topic Overview: Travel Meals.
  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Travel Meal – Single Meal from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Enter the meal type in Remarks (optional)
    • Breakfast
    • Lunch
    • Dinner
    • Total
  5. If the expense included other business or personal expenses, itemize expenses:

    Itemize Expenses or Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

    1. Select Details
    2. Select Itemize
    3. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
    4. Enter description in the Remarks
    5. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense
    6. Select Return to List 

    Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

    Demo: How to Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

  6. Select Next
Travel Meal - Single Meal with Alcohol
  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Travel Meal – Single Meal with Alcohol from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Enter the meal type in Remarks (optional)
    • Breakfast
    • Lunch
    • Dinner
  5. If the expense included other business or personal expenses, itemize expenses:

    Itemize Expenses or Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

    1. Select Details
    2. Select Itemize
    3. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
    4. Enter description in the Remarks
    5. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense
    6. Select Return to List 

    Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

    Demo: How to Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

  6. Select Next
Travel Meals - Daily Total
  • The Travel Meal – Daily Total expense type is used to enter the total cost of all meals for a specific day, on one expense line. Use only if there was no alcohol the entire day.
  • Do not use in combination with any other Travel Meal expense type on a specific day (e.g., there cannot be a Daily Total and a Single Meal on the same day).
  • For more information, refer to Topic Overview: Travel Meals.
  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Travel Meals – Daily Total from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Enter the meal type in Remarks – Total (optional)
  5. If the expense included other business or personal expenses, itemize expenses:

    Itemize Expenses or Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

    1. Select Details
    2. Select Itemize
    3. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
    4. Enter description in the Remarks
    5. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense
    6. Select Return to List 

    Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

    Demo: How to Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

  6. Select Next
Travel Meals - Daily Total with Alcohol
  • The Travel Meals – Daily Total with Alcohol expense type is used to enter the total cost of all meals for a specific day, entered on one expense line, including food, alcohol, tax and tip. Use if there was alcohol at any meal that day.
  • Meals that include alcohol should be coded using unallowable expenditure types. Refer to Topic Overview: Purpose and Use of Expenditure Type Codes.
  • Refer to Topic Overview: Travel Meals for more information.
  1. Enter Date of expense
  2. Enter receipt amount in Line Amount field
  3. Select Travel Meal – Daily Total with Alcohol from Expense Type drop-down list
  4. Enter the meal type in Remarks – Total (optional)
  5. If the expense included other business or personal expenses, itemize expenses:

    Itemize Expenses or Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

    1. Select Details
    2. Select Itemize
    3. Change the Itemized Receipt Amount field to the dollar amount of the business portion of the expense
    4. Enter description in the Remarks
    5. Select Add Another Row and repeat the process to itemize other business portions of the expense
    6. Select Return to List 

    Any remaining amount not put on an itemized line will show as Personal Expenses.

    Demo: How to Itemize a Partially Personal TCard Charge

  6. Select Next
Mileage Expenses

Mileage refers to miles travelled in a personal automobile. Refer to Mileage Reimbursement Rates for more information. 

  1. Select Mileage Expenses tab
  2. Enter Expense Date
  3. Enter From and To Locations in Remarks field
  4. Determine distance in miles using Google Maps
  5. Enter Miles
  6. Select Details icon
  7. Verify that Country of Activity and Foreign Activity Type are correct
  8. Select Return to List
  9. Select Calculate The reimbursable amount for mileage will display.
  10. Select Next

Designate PTAEs on Allocations and Approvers screen using any combination of these 3 options:

Manually Enter PTAEs
  1. Enter Project, Task, Award information for each line
  2. Select Expenditure Type for each line A commonly used expenditure type may appear. If the field is blank, select from the drop-down list.
Apply My Allocations Preferences
  1. Select the radio button to select one, multiple or all expense lines
  2. Select one of the pre-set expense allocations from My Allocation drop-down list Refer to How To: Set My Allocation Preferences for more information.
  3. Select Apply
  4. Verify that the desired expenditure type has been applied to each expense line before submitting the transaction – correct as needed using the drop-down list

Demo: PTAE Allocation Preferences

Update/Split Allocations
  • To enter a new PTA (not in My Allocations) and allocate to one, multiple or all expense lines and/or
  • To enter a split PTA allocation and allocate to one, multiple or all expense lines
  1. Select the radio button to select expense lines to be allocated
  2. Select Update Allocation
  3. Select an Allocation Method
    • Mass Allocation or Single PTA
    • Equal Split
    • Amount Split
    • Percentage Split
  4. Select the plus sign on table to add a new row for each PTA for a split allocation
  5. Enter the Project, Task, Award information (PTAs)
  6. Enter Amount or Percentage of split for each PTA, if necessary
  7. Enter Allocation Reason to describe the reason for allocation to multiple PTAs (optional) Save Allocation in My Allocation Preferences
    You may save this allocation in your My Allocation Preferences for use again. 

    1. Select Add Allocation Set to My Allocations checkbox
    2. Enter the Allocation Name
  8. Select Apply
  9. Select Expenditure Type for each line A commonly used expenditure type may appear. If the field is blank, select from the drop-down list.

 Demo: Split Allocation

Designate approver(s) on Allocations and Approvers screen using any combination of these 3 options:

Apply My Approvers Preferences
  1. Select one of the pre-set approvers from My Approvers drop-down list
  2. Select Apply
  3. Enter the approver's sequence or send in parallel (enter 1, 2, 3 for sequence; assign all approver's "1" for in parallel routing)
  4. Enter Notes to each approver (if needed)
  5. Select Next when the Approver Routing List is complete

FYI Recipients do not "approve" the expense report.

If an approver has been deleted by mistake, select Populate/Refresh to return to original default approver.

If an approver is incorrect for a PTA, please have that approver submit a Support Request to have the authority updated. 

Populate Default Approver(s)
  1. Select Populate/Refresh to add default PTA approver(s) 
    Approvers that display when Populate/Refresh is selected will have the appropriate approval authority for the PTAs. If expense lines have been allocated to more than one PTA, there could be more than one approver showing in the approver routing list.
  2. Enter the approver's sequence or send in parallel (enter 1, 2, 3 for sequence; assign all approver's "1" for in parallel routing)
  3. Enter Notes to each approver (if needed)
  4. Select Next when the Approver Routing List is complete

FYI Recipients do not "approve" the expense report.

If an approver has been deleted by mistake, select Populate/Refresh to return to original default approver.

If an approver is incorrect for a PTA, please have that approver submit a Support Request to have the authority updated. 

Manually Add Approver(s)/FYI Recipient(s)/Pre-Approvers
  1. Select the plus sign on table to add an approver
  2. Select the magnifying glass icon
  3. Enter the approver's name (Last name, First name)
  4. Select Go
  5. Select Quick Select icon next to the approver's name
  6. Select Approver, FYI or Pre-Approver from Approver/FYI drop-down list
  7. Enter the Approval Sequence number (enter 1, 2, 3 for sequence; assign all approver's “1” for in parallel routing, assign Pre-Approvers 1).
  8. Enter Notes to each approver (if needed)
  9. Select Next when the Approver Routing List is complete

FYI Recipients and Pre-Approvers do not "approve" the expense report, but will receive notifications regarding the transaction.

If an approver has been deleted by mistake, select Populate/Refresh to return to original default approver. There must be a "Yes" displaying in the default approver column for at least one approver per PTA.

If an approver is incorrect for a PTA, please have that approver submit a Support Request to have the authority updated. 

All expense reports must include receipts and other supporting documentation. If an expense has been pre-approved, supporting documentation must be obtained from the Pre-Approver and attached to the expense line or to the transaction.

An attachment for Expense Requests and PCard Transactions must be a legible copy of the entire receipt and clearly show: 

  • All text
  • Receipt Date
  • Location (when available)
  • Vendor/Business Name
  • Entire Receipt (Additional screenshots may be needed to include all of a lengthy receipt.
    Use the Event/Reason  to capture the reason and add pg. 1, pg. 2, etc. to clarify.)

You can upload an image directly to the transaction, add attachments via the eReceipts application or fax the document using a BarCode Cover Sheet.

Expense reports must have attachments uploaded to the individual transaction line for Airfare, Lodging and Conference Registration.

Demo: Attach/View Receipts

Upload Attachments Directly to a Line on the Review Page
  1. Scan or use a smartphone to photograph required receipts and documents to be attached to the transaction into a file

    Allowed file formats include: .heic, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .pdf, .txt, .doc, .docx, .html, .rtf, .xml, .xls, .xlsx.

  2. Select green plus sign (if available)
  3. Select Browse to navigate to file
  4. Select file  (or multiple files)
    • Allowable special characters to use in file names, includes:
      • parenthesis ()
      • dash/hyphen –
      • underscore _
      • dollar sign $
      • period .
      • comma ,
      • ampersand &
      • apostrophe '
      • plus sign + 
  5. Select Open
  6. Select Upload file(s) File(s) will appear in View Attachments.
  7. Select Close
    • Green plus sign changes to paper clip to indicate file(s) attached to that line
Upload Attachments to the Transaction Using Attach/View Receipts
  1. Scan or use a smartphone to photograph required receipts and documents to be attached to the transaction into a file
  2. Name each file with a unique name and save on the computer 

    Allowed file formats include, .heic, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .pdf, .txt, .doc, .docx, .html, .rtf, .xml, .xls, .xlsx.

  3. Select Attach/View Receipts button to open the Attachments window
  4. Do Not select a line
  5. Select Browse to navigate to file
  6. Select file (or multiple files)
    • Allowable special characters to use in file names, includes:
      1. parenthesis ()
      2. dash/hyphen –
      3. underscore _
      4. dollar sign $
      5. period .
      6. comma ,
      7. ampersand &
      8. apostrophe '
      9. plus sign +
  7. Select Open
  8. Select Upload file(s) File(s) will appear in View Attachments.
  9. Files attached to the transaction display N/A in the Expense Source and For Transaction Line(s) columns
  10. Select Close to close the Attachments window

    Reassign Attachments to a Line (if required)
    1. Click Attach/View Receipts button to open the Attachments window
    2. Scroll down and select the Reassign icon for the attachment
    3. Select the Document Type
    4. Select the line to which the attachment is to be reassigned
    5. Click Save
    6. Repeat for all uploaded attachments that must be reassigned to a line

Attach from eReceipts application
  1. Select Attach/View Receipts on the Transaction Review screen
  2. Select Add eReceipts to view all eReceipts shared with you for that Category (PCard or TCard/Personal Funds)
  3. Select the correct receipt(s) associated with the transaction 
  4. Click Add Receipt button at the bottom
Fax Attachments
  1. Select Attach/View Receipts on the Transaction Review screen
  2. Select Bar Code Cover Page on the Attach/View Receipts window and print

    Faxed receipts and documents must include the Barcode Cover Sheet to attach to the transaction. The fax number (650-721-3072) is on the Barcode Cover Sheet page.

  3. Close the Bar Code Cover Page window
  4. Send an individual fax for each line that requires an attachment
  5. Send a fax containing all other receipts and documents The Bar Code Cover Page should be the first page of the Fax so that it attaches to the correct transaction.
  6. Select Attach/View Receipts to open the Attachments window Faxes will display in the View Attachments section, attached at the transaction level.
  7. Select Close to close the Attachments window

    Reassign Attachments to a Line (if required)
    1. Click Attach/View Receipts button to open the Attachments window
    2. Scroll down and select the Reassign icon for the attachment
    3. Select the Document Type
    4. Select the line to which the attachment is to be reassigned
    5. Click Save
    6. Repeat for all uploaded attachments that must be reassigned to a line

Demo: Fax Attachments

  1. Review the transaction carefully for completeness, accuracy and policy compliance. 
    • Refer to the tabs marked Expense Lines, Expense Allocations, Approvers and Approval Notes for additional information.
    • Use the Back button, if necessary, to return to previous pages for corrections.
  2. Attach all receipts and backup documentation (Received of Petty Cash Form) by selecting Attach View Receipts or the Attach icon for a specific expense line
  3. Select Submit to submit the transaction once all receipts and backup documents have been attached
What Happens Next?
  •  The expense report will be routed to the appropriate approver and if approved, then sent to Business Expense for approval and payment. 
  • Business Expense may audit the transaction and if necessary, reject or return the transaction to the preparer. For more information, see How To Handle Rejected or Returned Transactions and Request for More Info.
    • If there is a minor issue with a transaction, the auditor may approve the transaction and add a note about that issue. A notification email is sent to the preparer and the approver so both are aware of alterations/corrections that should be made on future transactions.
      • Review guidance in the Approval Notes.
      • Take appropriate action to revise your process for future transactions.
      • Submit a support request with any questions.
  • The expense report will be routed to the appropriate approver.
  • Retain hard copy receipts until the receipts have been verified as uploaded successfully and confirmed payment processing is complete. Refer to Administrative Guide Policy 3.1.5: Retention of Financial Records.

Create Expense Report for Athletics (DAPER) Visitor Reimbursement

For Athletics Use Only

  • All expenses for a trip or that pertain to a single business purpose should be included in one expense report.
  • Collect all receipts for a trip or that pertain to one business purpose, organize them by TCard or Cash and by expense type, then scan and save them by individual expense type on the computer desktop. Upload the files as soon as the expense report is ready to submit. Faxing receipts and supporting documents is available, if necessary.
    • Create individual files for all airfare, conference registration and lodging receipts, as these will need to be attached individually to the corresponding line in the expense report.
    • All other receipts and supporting documents can be scanned into a single file, if desired.
  • If an expense has been pre-approved, obtain supporting documentation from the Pre-Approver (which must be attached to the transaction), and add the Pre-Approver to the Approver Routing List.

  1. Enter in the browser
  2. Select Login
  3. As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password

  1. Select SU Expense Requests

  1. Select Non-SU Payee under Expense Report in the Create New Transaction column
  2. Select Athletics Use Only Non-SU from the Category drop-down list

Payee Already Set Up in the Payee Database
  1. Enter the Payee's name (last name, first name, or business name)
    • Or search and select the payee by clicking the search icon (magnifying glass)
Payee Not Yet Set Up in the Payee Database
  1. Select Add New Payee to enter payee information
  2. Select Supplier or Visitor
  3. Select the radio button next to the correct Citizenship/Residence status
  4. Enter First Name and Last Name (Middle Name is optional)
  5. Select Country of Address
  6. Enter Address Line 1 (Address Line 2 is optional)
  7. Enter City
  8. Select State/Province if required
  9. Enter Postal/Zip Code if required
  10. Select Default Payment Method
    • To request payment by check, wire or foreign draft, select Check or Wire
    • To request payment by ACH/direct deposit to US bank, select Electronic
  11. Enter Payee /Agent Email
    • Email address will auto-populate with the name of preparer if the Country of Address is outside of U.S.
    • Enter payee email address if payee is a domestic visitor
  12. Click Apply to save new payee data Click Clear to delete all entered payee data.

The Payment Method is auto-filled based upon what the Stanford payee has set up (Electronic or Check) with Payroll. If both Electronic and Check are available for a payee (as for some DAPER staff), select preferred method from the drop down.

  1. Select Yes or No in the Rush Processing drop-down menu 
    Will Call Check > Rush Processing

    Will Call check delivery option is handled via rush processing. Select Yes in the Rush Processing field. The Will Call locations will then display as the check delivery options. Select the Will Call location where the check will be picked up.  A $35 processing fee will apply.

    On the Allocations and Approvers page, supply a PTA to which the $35 processing fee will be charged. Some PTAs are restricted (sponsored projects) and will not allow a processing fee to be charged to them (Awards that begin with P, Q, R, S, R, U, V, W). Check with the PTA approver or the department Financial Analyst before requesting a rush processing fee.
  2. Select a Check Delivery Option (available when the payment method is Check)
    The Payment Method is auto-filled based upon what the payee has setup (Electronic or Check).

  1. Select Special Payment Type and Delivery Options (optional) if one of the following is desired:
    • Foreign Draft
    • Wire Domestic
    • Wire Foreign

    Refer to Select Special Payment Type and Delivery Option

  1. Enter Business Purpose
  2. Select Event Name from the drop-down menu or, If a new event is needed, select Create New Event (refer to How To: Create New Event for details). To display the selected event details below the Event Name field, select Show Event
  3. Select Next

Designate PTAEs on Allocations and Approvers screen using any combination of these 3 options:

Manually Enter PTAEs
  1. Enter Project, Task, Award information for each line
  2. Select Expenditure Type for each line A commonly used expenditure type may appear. If the field is blank, select from the drop-down list.
Apply My Allocations Preferences
  1. Select the radio button to select one, multiple or all expense lines
  2. Select one of the pre-set expense allocations from My Allocation drop-down list Refer to How To: Set My Allocation Preferences for more information.
  3. Select Apply
  4. Verify that the desired expenditure type has been applied to each expense line before submitting the transaction – correct as needed using the drop-down list

Demo: PTAE Allocation Preferences

Update/Split Allocations
  • To enter a new PTA (not in My Allocations) and allocate to one, multiple or all expense lines and/or
  • To enter a split PTA allocation and allocate to one, multiple or all expense lines
  1. Select the radio button to select expense lines to be allocated
  2. Select Update Allocation
  3. Select an Allocation Method
    • Mass Allocation or Single PTA
    • Equal Split
    • Amount Split
    • Percentage Split
  4. Select the plus sign on table to add a new row for each PTA for a split allocation
  5. Enter the Project, Task, Award information (PTAs)
  6. Enter Amount or Percentage of split for each PTA, if necessary
  7. Enter Allocation Reason to describe the reason for allocation to multiple PTAs (optional) Save Allocation in My Allocation Preferences
    You may save this allocation in your My Allocation Preferences for use again. 

    1. Select Add Allocation Set to My Allocations checkbox
    2. Enter the Allocation Name
  8. Select Apply
  9. Select Expenditure Type for each line A commonly used expenditure type may appear. If the field is blank, select from the drop-down list.

 Demo: Split Allocation

Designate approver(s) on Allocations and Approvers screen using any combination of these 3 options:

Apply My Approvers Preferences
  1. Select one of the pre-set approvers from My Approvers drop-down list
  2. Select Apply
  3. Enter the approver's sequence or send in parallel (enter 1, 2, 3 for sequence; assign all approver's "1" for in parallel routing)
  4. Enter Notes to each approver (if needed)
  5. Select Next when the Approver Routing List is complete

FYI Recipients do not "approve" the expense report.

If an approver has been deleted by mistake, select Populate/Refresh to return to original default approver.

If an approver is incorrect for a PTA, please have that approver submit a Support Request to have the authority updated. 

Populate Default Approver(s)
  1. Select Populate/Refresh to add default PTA approver(s) 
    Approvers that display when Populate/Refresh is selected will have the appropriate approval authority for the PTAs. If expense lines have been allocated to more than one PTA, there could be more than one approver showing in the approver routing list.
  2. Enter the approver's sequence or send in parallel (enter 1, 2, 3 for sequence; assign all approver's "1" for in parallel routing)
  3. Enter Notes to each approver (if needed)
  4. Select Next when the Approver Routing List is complete

FYI Recipients do not "approve" the expense report.

If an approver has been deleted by mistake, select Populate/Refresh to return to original default approver.

If an approver is incorrect for a PTA, please have that approver submit a Support Request to have the authority updated. 

Manually Add Approver(s)/FYI Recipient(s)/Pre-Approvers
  1. Select the plus sign on table to add an approver
  2. Select the magnifying glass icon
  3. Enter the approver's name (Last name, First name)
  4. Select Go
  5. Select Quick Select icon next to the approver's name
  6. Select Approver, FYI or Pre-Approver from Approver/FYI drop-down list
  7. Enter the Approval Sequence number (enter 1, 2, 3 for sequence; assign all approver's “1” for in parallel routing, assign Pre-Approvers 1).
  8. Enter Notes to each approver (if needed)
  9. Select Next when the Approver Routing List is complete

FYI Recipients and Pre-Approvers do not "approve" the expense report, but will receive notifications regarding the transaction.

If an approver has been deleted by mistake, select Populate/Refresh to return to original default approver. There must be a "Yes" displaying in the default approver column for at least one approver per PTA.

If an approver is incorrect for a PTA, please have that approver submit a Support Request to have the authority updated. 

All expense reports must include receipts and other supporting documentation. If an expense has been pre-approved, supporting documentation must be obtained from the Pre-Approver and attached to the expense line or to the transaction.

An attachment for Expense Requests and PCard Transactions must be a legible copy of the entire receipt and clearly show: 

  • All text
  • Receipt Date
  • Location (when available)
  • Vendor/Business Name
  • Entire Receipt (Additional screenshots may be needed to include all of a lengthy receipt.
    Use the Event/Reason  to capture the reason and add pg. 1, pg. 2, etc. to clarify.)

You can upload an image directly to the transaction, add attachments via the eReceipts application or fax the document using a BarCode Cover Sheet.

Expense reports must have attachments uploaded to the individual transaction line for Airfare, Lodging and Conference Registration.

Demo: Attach/View Receipts

Upload Attachments Directly to a Line on the Review Page
  1. Scan or use a smartphone to photograph required receipts and documents to be attached to the transaction into a file

    Allowed file formats include: .heic, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .pdf, .txt, .doc, .docx, .html, .rtf, .xml, .xls, .xlsx.

  2. Select green plus sign (if available)
  3. Select Browse to navigate to file
  4. Select file  (or multiple files)
    • Allowable special characters to use in file names, includes:
      • parenthesis ()
      • dash/hyphen –
      • underscore _
      • dollar sign $
      • period .
      • comma ,
      • ampersand &
      • apostrophe '
      • plus sign + 
  5. Select Open
  6. Select Upload file(s) File(s) will appear in View Attachments.
  7. Select Close
    • Green plus sign changes to paper clip to indicate file(s) attached to that line
Upload Attachments to the Transaction Using Attach/View Receipts
  1. Scan or use a smartphone to photograph required receipts and documents to be attached to the transaction into a file
  2. Name each file with a unique name and save on the computer 

    Allowed file formats include, .heic, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .pdf, .txt, .doc, .docx, .html, .rtf, .xml, .xls, .xlsx.

  3. Select Attach/View Receipts button to open the Attachments window
  4. Do Not select a line
  5. Select Browse to navigate to file
  6. Select file (or multiple files)
    • Allowable special characters to use in file names, includes:
      1. parenthesis ()
      2. dash/hyphen –
      3. underscore _
      4. dollar sign $
      5. period .
      6. comma ,
      7. ampersand &
      8. apostrophe '
      9. plus sign +
  7. Select Open
  8. Select Upload file(s) File(s) will appear in View Attachments.
  9. Files attached to the transaction display N/A in the Expense Source and For Transaction Line(s) columns
  10. Select Close to close the Attachments window

    Reassign Attachments to a Line (if required)
    1. Click Attach/View Receipts button to open the Attachments window
    2. Scroll down and select the Reassign icon for the attachment
    3. Select the Document Type
    4. Select the line to which the attachment is to be reassigned
    5. Click Save
    6. Repeat for all uploaded attachments that must be reassigned to a line

Attach from eReceipts application
  1. Select Attach/View Receipts on the Transaction Review screen
  2. Select Add eReceipts to view all eReceipts shared with you for that Category (PCard or TCard/Personal Funds)
  3. Select the correct receipt(s) associated with the transaction 
  4. Click Add Receipt button at the bottom
Fax Attachments
  1. Select Attach/View Receipts on the Transaction Review screen
  2. Select Bar Code Cover Page on the Attach/View Receipts window and print

    Faxed receipts and documents must include the Barcode Cover Sheet to attach to the transaction. The fax number (650-721-3072) is on the Barcode Cover Sheet page.

  3. Close the Bar Code Cover Page window
  4. Send an individual fax for each line that requires an attachment
  5. Send a fax containing all other receipts and documents The Bar Code Cover Page should be the first page of the Fax so that it attaches to the correct transaction.
  6. Select Attach/View Receipts to open the Attachments window Faxes will display in the View Attachments section, attached at the transaction level.
  7. Select Close to close the Attachments window

    Reassign Attachments to a Line (if required)
    1. Click Attach/View Receipts button to open the Attachments window
    2. Scroll down and select the Reassign icon for the attachment
    3. Select the Document Type
    4. Select the line to which the attachment is to be reassigned
    5. Click Save
    6. Repeat for all uploaded attachments that must be reassigned to a line

Demo: Fax Attachments

  1. Review the transaction carefully for completeness, accuracy and policy compliance. 
    • Refer to the tabs marked Expense Lines, Expense Allocations, Approvers and Approval Notes for additional information.
    • Use the Back button, if necessary, to return to previous pages for corrections.
  2. Attach all receipts and backup documentation (Received of Petty Cash Form) by selecting Attach View Receipts or the Attach icon for a specific expense line
  3. Select Submit to submit the transaction once all receipts and backup documents have been attached
What Happens Next?
  • The expense report will be routed to the appropriate approver and if approved, then sent to Business Expense for approval and payment. 
  • Business Expense may audit the transaction and if necessary, reject or return the transaction to the preparer. For more information, see How To Handle Rejected or Returned Transactions and Request for More Info.
    • If there is a minor issue with a transaction, the auditor may approve the transaction and add a note about that issue. A notification email is sent to the preparer and the approver so both are aware of alterations/corrections that should be made on future transactions.
      • Review guidance in the Approval Notes.
      • Take appropriate action to revise your process for future transactions.
      • Submit a support request with any questions.
  • The expense report will be routed to the appropriate approver.
  • Retain hard copy receipts until the receipts have been verified as uploaded successfully and confirmed payment processing is complete. Refer to Administrative Guide Policy 3.1.5: Retention of Financial Records.
Last Updated: Nov 15, 2024