This page describes the steps to set up Expense Requests preferences: general field default, My Allocations, My Approvers and My Events.
To Change Preferences for specific applications: You must edit Preferences (select Settings > Preferences) while in iProcurement or Expense Requests to be able to modify pertinent fields for those applications.
General Field Default Preferences
Before You Start
It is recommended to create and save General Field Default Preferences for Expense Requests before creating a first transaction.
Specify a Default Source for future transactions.
- Selecting Prior Transaction sets the field defaults to your most recent transaction.
- Selecting Expense Preferences shows field defaults based on system defaults and those you enter. A default business purpose or a default per diem location can also be selected.
- Enter in the browser
- Select Login
- As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password
- Select SU Expense Requests
- Select Settings in the header banner
- Select Preferences in the top banner (upper right)
- Select General under Expense Requests Preferences
My PTAE Allocation Preferences
Before You Start
It is recommended to create and save Allocation preferences for Expense Requests in My Allocations before creating a first transaction.
Create an Allocation Set for PTAEs that are used frequently. When entering transactions, select the Allocation Set by name rather than entering PTAEs individually for each expense.
- Enter in the browser
- Select Login
- As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password
- Select SU Expense Requests
- Select Settings in the header banner
- Select Preferences in the top banner (upper right)
- Select My Allocations under Expense Requests Preferences
- Select the + icon on the table to add another row
- Enter a name for the allocation in Allocation Name
- Enter the Project, Task and Award
- Enter Expenditure Type (optional)
- Select the Apply button in the top right corner
- Select the + icon on the table to add another row
- Enter a name for the allocation in Allocation Name
- Enter the first Project, Task and Award
- Enter the first Expenditure Type (optional)
- Select the Split Criteria icon
- Select Equal Split or Percentage Split allocation method
- Enter the second Project, Task and Award
- Enter the second Expenditure Type (optional)
- Continue to select the + icon on the table to add another row and enter all other PTAEs if applicable
- If a Percentage Split, enter Percentage for each PTAE
- Enter a reason for the split in Allocation Reason (optional)
- Select OK
- Review changes to My Allocations
- Select the Apply button in the top right corner when complete
My Approver Set Preferences
Before You Start
It is recommended that you create and save Approvers preferences for Expense Requests in My Approvers before creating a transaction.
Create an Approver Set if there is need to use a specific approval routing list in transactions. When entering transactions, the Approver Set will be available by name rather than by entering approvers individually.
- Enter in the browser
- Select Login
- As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password
- Select SU Expense Requests
- Select Settings in the header banner
- Select Preferences in the top banner (upper right)
- Select My Approvers under Expense Requests Preferences
The My Approvers preference allows the setup and maintenance of lists of approvers and FYI (for your information) recipients (called Approver Sets) that can be applied quickly when entering a transaction.
- Select the + icon on the table to add lines
- Enter new Approver Set Name
- Select the Approvers icon
- Select the + icon on the table to add lines
- Enter Approver Name (search and select if necessary)
- Enter Approval Sequence number
- Select Approver or FYI
- Repeat these steps for all approvers in the set
- Select Apply on the Approver Set screen
- Select Save or Apply on the My Approver's screen, or select Revert to go back to the original setting for this line
- Select the Approver icon to access the Approval Sequence
- Select the + icon on the table to add a new line for another approver
- To remove an approver from a multi-approver Set:
- Select the Approver icon to access the Approval Sequence
- Select the REMOVE icon to remove that Approver
- Select REMOVE to remove the entire Approver Set
- Select Save or Apply on the My Approver's screen
My Event Preferences
Before You Start
It is recommended to create and save event preferences for Expense Requests in My Events before creating transactions associated with the event.
By creating an event, all associated transactions related to that event (e.g., conference, travel, etc.) can be more easily defined. This allows a query or report on all transactions for an event. Both domestic and foreign events can be created.
- Using Domestic Events is optional. Domestic Events can be associated with domestic expense transactions (domestic expenses, domestic advances and domestic non-purchase order [PO] payments).
- Using Foreign Events is mandatory for all foreign expense transactions (foreign expenses, foreign advances and foreign non-PO payments).
Events that are entered are unique to the preparer of Expense Requests transactions. Events cannot be shared by multiple preparers.
- Enter in the browser
- Select Login
- As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password
- Select SU Expense Requests
- Select Settings in the header banner
- Select Preferences in the top banner (upper right)
- Select My Events under Expense Requests Preferences
A domestic event consists of an Event Name (which can be created here) and Start and End Dates that define the duration of the event.
- Select the + icon to add event line
- Enter the Event Name
- Select Domestic as the Event Type
- Enter Event Start Date
- Enter Event End Date
- Select Save or Apply
Do not enter event lines (Country, Activity Type, etc.) for domestic events.
Applying an event is mandatory for foreign advance requests, expense reports and non-PO payments. A foreign event consists of an Event Name (which can be created here) and Start and End Dates that define the duration of the event. In addition, enter event lines that identify the country(ies), types of activities in the country and number of each type of person involved with each activity. Enter one event line for each activity.
- Select + icon to add event line
- Enter the Event Name
- Select Foreign as the Event Type
- Enter Event Start Date
- Enter Event End Date
- Enter Country of Activity, Activity Type, Start and End Dates for that activity and the number of each type of person involved with the activity
- Continue to select Add Event Lines until all unique activities have been entered A country may have multiple activities.
- Select Save or Apply
Foreign travel is defined as having either the origination or destination location outside the United States. If the travel is to the United States from a foreign location, the Country of Activity in the foreign event may be the United States.
For more information about foreign expenses, refer to Guidelines – Foreign Expenses.