linear_scale How To

Create, View or Maintain Vacation Rules in Oracle

Approvers may follow these instructions to create and maintain Oracle Vacation Rules. These rules are used to select someone to act on the approver’s behalf for a specified period of time when the approver is planning to be away from work (e.g., on vacation, at a conference or on family leave) and will not easily be able to act on approval workflow notifications.

Create Vacation Rules in Oracle

You need a SUNet ID and password to log in to Oracle Financials. It is the approver’s responsibility to select the right person with whom to delegate their Oracle Approval Worklist. Understand the rules for delegating or sharing an Oracle Approval Worklist and roles and responsibilities of financial approvers.

  1. Enter in the browser
  2. Select Login
  3. As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password

  1. Select the Vacation Rules link under Worklist on the Oracle Home page or Full Worklist

  1. Select the Create Rule button
  2. Use the drop-down menu on the Vacation Rule: Type page to select the workflow notification Type to which the new rule will apply (the notification type that will activate the rule)

    Vacation Rule workflow notification types do not match one-for-one to the way approval authority is granted in Authority Manager as noted in the following table.

    Oracle Vacation Rule
    Workflow Notification Type
    Authority Manager 
    Approval Authority
    All (of the below) N/A
    iBudgets Budget Control
    iJournals Expense Journals
    Labor Distribution Adjustment Labor Distribution
    Expense Requests (includes Expense Reports, TCard, Advances, Non-PO Payments and Petty Cash)  Requisitions (includes iProcurement Non-Catalog, SmartMart and Amazon Business, Expense Request system and PCard transactions)
    PCard Approval
    Requisitions (includes iProcurement Non-Catalog, SmartMart and Amazon Business)

    Additional Information: To streamline the delegation process, you can grant “All” Oracle Workflows to an individual and then pull specific types out as exceptions to be handled only by you and not others.

  3. Select the Next button to proceed
  4. Select the Type
    • If you select All as the Type for the rule, the Vacation Rule: Response page will appear
      1. Go to Step 4
    • If you select a specific workflow Type, the Vacation Rule: Notification page will appear
      1. Leave the Notification set to All
      2. Select the Next button
      3. Go to Step 4

  1. Enter values in the Start Date and End Date fields to specify the period that this rule should be active. Use the calendar icon to select a specific date in the future. If you do not override the Start Date, the rule is effective immediately. Also, the Start and End Date requires an effective time as well as date. Time is entered based on a 24-hour clock as HH:MM:SS. Enter 00:00:00 for a rule to start or end at midnight. If you select a future date from the calendar icon, the time that comes with it is the current time; it may need to be adjusted.Additional Information: Once a workflow is delegated, it "belongs" to the delegatee. If your delegation rule expires before the delegatee acts, the transaction will not revert to your worklist. It will remain on the delegatee's worklist. There is a way to act on delegated transactions. Refer to How To: Access Your Delegated Oracle Transaction Approvals for more information.
  2. In the Message field, enter any text that you want to append to the notification when the rule is applied. The comments appear in a Special Comments field when the notification is reassigned.
  3. Choose the individual to whom notifications should be forwarded
    1. Select Delegate to forward the notification to a designated user. This person will then act on your behalf. This is the only action available when you are delegating ALL workflows.
    2. Select Deliver notifications to me regardless of any general rules to designate a specific workflow type(s) to be handled only by you regardless of any previously defined rules. If you previously set a vacation rule for All workflow types, you can exclude a certain subset of notifications by selecting this option for a workflow type.
  4. Select the flashlight to find a person. A search window will open, allowing you to search and select users by Name, User Name (SUNet ID) or Email.
  5. Enter an appropriate search word
  6. Select the Go button
  7. Select the Quick Select icon next to the name of the person you want to choose
  8. Select the Apply button to complete the delegation process and return to the Vacation Rules page. The delegation you just completed will display, along with any others you have set up.

Since you can define different rules for the same workflow to be effective at different times, Oracle Workflow allows you to define multiple rules for the same workflow(s). This allows you to set up a delegation to one person for a period and at the same time, to set up another delegation to someone else for a different period, which might be necessary with overlapping vacations. You should be careful to ensure that rules for the same workflow(s) do not overlap in their effective dates. If multiple rules are effective for the same notification, Oracle Workflow picks one rule at random to apply (you will not be able to predict who will receive the workflow).

What Happens Next?
  • Transactions which would have routed to you will route to your delegatee for the workflow types and the timeframe specified. Refer delegatee to How to: Act on Delegated Oracle Transaction Approvals for more information.
  • If you return sooner than expected or need to act on delegated transactions, refer to How to: Access Your Delegated Oracle Transaction Approvals for more information.
  • For iBudgets, iJournals, Expense Requests, Labor Distribution Adjustment or PCard workflows approved by your Vacation Delegatee, your name will show as the approver, but the Action History will show the SUNet ID of the actual approver in the Comments field, after any comments they entered themselves.
  • For requisitions approved by your Vacation Delegatee, the Approval History will include Delegated in the row with your name (for the original approver), and the Notes will include the message you entered when you established the Vacation Rule. The name in the next row is the person to whom you delegated and their actions appear in the status column.
  • To view a list of transactions handled on your behalf, refer to Oracle Vacation Query for more information.

View or Maintain Vacation Rules in Oracle

You need a SUNet ID and password to log in to Oracle Financials. It is the approver’s responsibility to select the right person with whom to delegate their Oracle Approval Worklist. Understand the rules for delegating or sharing an Oracle Approval Worklist and roles and responsibilities of financial approvers.

  1. Enter in the browser
  2. Select Login
  3. As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password

  1. Select the Vacation Rules link under Worklist on the Oracle Home page or Full Worklist

  1. Update a rule by selecting the Update icon for the Rule Name you want to change This feature allows you to change the dates on an existing active rule to end it early or re-use an inactive rule to delegate to the same person for a future vacation period.
  2. Delete a rule by selecting the Delete icon for the Rule Name
  3. Respond to the on-screen prompt, confirming that you want to make the change you entered To create a new delegation, refer to Create Vacation Rule for more information.
Last Updated: Jan 23, 2025