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Effective Feb. 26, 2024, new self-service functionalities have been added to the Requisition and Purchase Orders Query tool for changing Project-Task-Award (PTAs) on an eligible and active Purchase Order and canceling eligible POs. These activities are often requested and required for proper purchase order management. By providing this new functionality, preparers will no longer need to submit support requests for these changes or in some cases, submit a change order request. More detail for each functionality is specified in the sections below.

Procurement Services is continuously examining opportunities to create self-service solutions that allow departments to initiate tasks directly in a secure and compliant manner. Changing a PTA and canceling a PO were identified as activities that could be completed independently by the user, increasing operational efficiency while preserving effective risk mitigation. 

Another example of self-service functionality is the Finally Closing of eligible POs. Since it was launched in 2020, schools and units have initiated the closing of thousands of purchase orders that are no longer in use, supporting financial excellence by reducing risk, releasing remaining commitments, and supporting accurate financial reporting. 

Department employees who are responsible for managing POs may have the need to update a PTA on a PO for multiple reasons, including:

  • The PTA has an end date (i.e., expiring)
  • An incorrect PTA was used originally by mistake
  • The funding source has changed

Previously, there were methods to complete a PTA change based on the total remaining commitment amount on the Purchase Order:

  • For PTA changes on a PO with a total remaining commitment amount of $1,000 or less, preparers submit a support request to the Financial Support Center (FSC). The FSC then initiates this task on the preparer’s behalf as financial approval is not required based on this PO total amount.
  • For PTA changes on a PO with a total remaining commitment amount of more than $1000, or for any other type of PO change such as adding funds or expenditure type changes, a change order requisition is required, including financial approval. 

New functionality in Requisition and Purchase Orders Query tool

Effective Feb. 26, 2024, upon searching for and retrieving a specific purchase order in the Requisition and Purchase Orders Query tool, a new Change PTA button will display on POs eligible for PTA changes, which allows preparers to complete this task directly (see screenshot below). If the PO is not eligible for PTA changes, a new Review Ineligibility to Change PTA button will display. See eligibility criteria in the POs eligible for a PTA Change section below. 


Preparers can change multiple PTAs on POs with multiple lines. However, the option of splitting a charge from one PTA into multiple PTAs is not available with this functionality. 

Please note: The Change PTA functionality cannot be used to change an expenditure type or add funds to a purchase order. These processes will still require a change order requisition

The tool will appropriately manage any required financial approval workflows, depending on the amount on the PO: 

  • For POs with a total remaining commitment amount of $1,000 or less, users have the option of including approver(s), though it is not required. 
  • For POs with a total remaining commitment amount above $1,000, approval is required. The tool will populate the new/changed PTA’s current approval workflow. The tool also provides the ability to add more approvers and FYI recipients. 

It is recommended that the PTA change is approved in a timely manner so that any pending invoices are charged to the correct and intended PTA.

PO eligibility for Change PTA functionality 

A Change PTA button will display if the PO is eligible for PTA change(s) and the PO:

  • Has no invoices
  • Has pending invoices with a “no hold” status.
  • Has invoices already paid.

The PTA change(s) will only apply to future invoices with a "no hold" status. If the invoice is already paid, use iJournals to transfer the expense to the correct PTA and/or Expenditure Type Code. 
Review Ineligibility to Change PTA button will display (see screenshot below) if the PO is ineligible for PTA change(s) and the PO:

  • Is tied to a Subaward
  • Has an Incomplete or Requires Reapproval status
  • Has pending invoices with an “on hold” status, including individual lines on a PO that have invoices with an “on hold” status. To change a PTA on a PO that has invoices with an “on hold” status, please submit a change order requisition
    • Additionally, for POs with a total remaining amount of $1,000 or less that have invoices with an “on hold” status, preparers will now need to submit a change order requisition rather than a support request to change the PTA .
  • Has a quantity (not amount) that is fully matched on an invoice with a “no hold” status and there are no funds remaining on the PO. In this case, funds need to be added to the PO through a change order requisition. 
  • Has $0 (zero dollars) remaining on the PO
  • Has a pending Change PTA or Cancel PO request using new Change PTA or Cancel PO functionality
  • Has been Finally Closed.


For more information and to get help

There are occasions when an approved purchase order cannot be fulfilled or invoiced. This may be a result of a supplier no longer being able to fulfill an order or, a department may no longer need the goods or services. Prior to canceling a PO in Stanford’s financial systems, departments should notify the supplier.

Previously, to cancel a PO in Stanford’s financial systems, which will release the commitment, preparers submitted a support request to the FSC to initiate the request. 

Effective Feb. 26, 2024, preparers will use a new Cancel PO button in the Requisition and Purchase Orders Query tool within Oracle Financials to initiate the cancel eligible POs directly (see screenshot below). Financial approval is not required for these requests. 

screenshot of cancel PO button

The Cancel PO functionality can only be used on approved POs with no invoice activity. A Review Ineligibility to Cancel PO button (see screenshot below) will display if the PO is ineligible to cancel and the PO:

  • Is tied to a Subaward
  • Is tied to a contract
  • Has an Incomplete or Requires Reapproval status
  • Has a receiving transaction
  • Has an invoice history, which means it must follow the Finally Close process
  • Has a pending Change PTA request using new Change PTA functionality
  • Has already been Finally Closed
screenshot of review ineligibility to cancel PO button  in the Requisition and Purchase Orders Query tool within Oracle Financials


For more information and to get help

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