linear_scale How To

Create or Update Individual Labor Schedule

When an employee is hired by Stanford, their job-related data, such as type of job held, rate of pay and the type of pay (salary or hourly) is entered into the PeopleSoft Human Resources Management system. Labor schedules are established in Oracle Financials and are used to establish the project-task-award (PTA) account or accounts to be charged for the employee's pay and how pay is allocated.

To create or update an individual labor schedule with salary cap, see How To: Create or Update Individual Labor Schedule with Salary Cap.

Create Individual Labor Schedule

Only authorized users with the proper authority and training can create or update labor schedules using the Labor Schedule system in Oracle Financials. Access is restricted to the user’s organization per Authority Manager.

To view short video demonstrations of common Labor Schedules tasks, see Labor Schedules Task Demonstrations.

  1. Enter in the browser
  2. Select Login
  3. As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password

  1. Select SU Labor Scheduler (Salary or Non-Salary View)

Do not use your browser forward or back buttons to navigate within the Labor Scheduler system, you may lose your work.

  1. Click the Individual Create/Update page link located in the upper left of the screen under the Labor Scheduler drop-down list
  2. Enter the Employee Name or Employee Number 
  3. Click the Search button
  4. In the Search Results section, click the pencil icon in the Edit/Add column

  1. Click the Add Line button
  2. Enter the Project Number, Task Number, Award Number, Expenditure Type, Start Date, End Date and Allocation %

The Start Date must begin in the current pay period.

  1. Click the Insert button
  2. Continue adding lines until the Allocation % of the Assignment Labor Schedule equals 100%
  3. To add an (optional) Pay Code Labor Schedule line, click the Pay Code Labor Schedule tab and complete steps a., b., and c.
  4. When you have inserted all applicable Assignment and Pay Code Labor Schedule lines, click the Continue button

  1. For each labor Schedule line you create, the LD Approver, Task Manager and Action (Insert, Delete, Add) will be shown
  2. To notify someone other than the LD Approver and Task Manager of changes to the Labor Schedule, enter their name (last, first), email or SUNet ID in the Additional FYIs field and click the Add FYI button
  3. To include customized comments in the FYI Notification, enter them in the Comments field

Comments will be visible to all recipients.

  1. Click the Submit button
What Happens Next?
  • For hourly employees, communicate any labor schedule changes to the Time and Leave Administrator to verify PTA entries in Axess Timecard
  • The next payroll disbursement will follow the Axess Timecard charging instructions for hourly employees
  • The next payroll disbursement will follow the new labor schedule for salary employees

Update Individual Labor Schedule

Only authorized users with the proper authority and training can create or update labor schedules using the Labor Schedule System in Oracle Financials. Access is restricted to the user’s organization per Authority Manager.

To Create or Update an Individual Labor Schedule with Salary Cap, see How To Create or Update Individual Labor Schedule with Salary Cap.

To view short demonstrations of common Labor Schedules tasks, see Labor Schedules Task Demonstrations.

  1. Enter in the browser
  2. Select Login
  3. As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password

  1. Select SU Labor Scheduler (Salary or Non-Salary View)

Do not use your browser forward or back buttons to navigate within the Labor Scheduler system, you may lose your work.

  1. Click the Individual Create/Update page link located in the upper left of the screen under the Labor Scheduler drop-down list
  2. Enter the Employee Name or Employee Number 
  3. Click the Search button
  4. In the Search Results section, click the pencil icon in the Edit/Add column for the line you wish to update

If the employee has more than one Labor Schedule set up, you will see multiple lines in the search results. They can be distinguished by the Type Code (A = Assignment, SUP = Supplemental, HAS = Housing Allowance Dept., HAP = Housing Allowance Univ.,  HCG = Housing Bay Area,  HCE = Housing Clinician Educator).

Before updating a Labor Schedule line with a new PTA, the current PTA must be end-dated.

  1. Select the appropriate tab (Assignment Labor Schedule or Pay Code Labor Schedule)
  2. Click the pencil icon in the Edit column
  3. Click the End Date field and enter new end date
  4. Click the Save button

  1. Click the Add Line button
  2. Enter the Project Number, Task Number, Award Number, Expenditure Type, Start Date, End Date and Allocation %

The Start Date must begin in the current pay period.

  1. Click the Insert button
  2. Continue adding lines until the Allocation % of the Assignment Labor Schedule equals 100%
  3. To add an (optional) Pay Code Labor Schedule line, click the Pay Code Labor Schedule tab and complete steps a., b., and c.
  4. When you have inserted all applicable Assignment and Pay Code Labor Schedule lines, click the Continue button

  1. For each labor Schedule line you create, the LD Approver, Task Manager and Action (Insert, Delete, Add) will be shown
  2. To notify someone other than the LD Approver and Task Manager of changes to the Labor Schedule, enter their name (last, first), email or SUNet ID in the Additional FYIs field and click the Add FYI button
  3. To include customized comments in the FYI Notification, enter them in the Comments field

Comments will be visible to all recipients.

  1. Click the Submit button
What Happens Next?
  • For hourly employees, communicate any labor schedule changes to the Time and Leave Administrator to verify PTA entries in Axess Timecard
  • The next payroll disbursement will follow the Axess Timecard charging instructions for hourly employees
  • The next payroll disbursement will follow the new labor schedule for salary employees Labor Schedules system
Last Updated: Oct 18, 2022


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