Department personnel use this form to request setup for a new expenditure type or object code. The COA committee will review and approve the request. It may take up to two weeks before the approved expenditure codes / objects are available for use in Oracle Financials. Your request must be received by the 1st to be reviewed by the 15th of each month. Submissions made between August 1 and October 31 will be reviewed by November 15th, when the COA committee meets and evaluates the request. View the monthly summary of new expenditure types and object codes, and changes to existing expenditure types and object codes.Please contact Financial Systems and Operations Support (FSOS) immediately if you submit the request by the 15th AND you do not hear from Systems and Reporting Operations or FAIR by the end of the same month (except for submission made during August 1 and October 31. See year-end close temporary freeze). To request changes to the attributes of an existing Expenditure Type or Object Code, fill out the Request to Change Existing Expenditure Type or Object Code Form. Instructions and Assistance Complete all fields but do not modify or manually enter information in the auto-fill fields (name, email, phone), which will result in errors. Make sure the Visibility Settings for the auto-fill fields at StanfordYou web site is set to 'Public' for this request. You should see an acknowledgement page after submitting the form, and will also receive a copy of the submission by email. Request Information Requester is the person completing this form. Requester's Full Name Requester's Email Requester's Phone Number Requester's School / Department Need Request Completed before the Close of Which Month? Request Timing Constraint? Yes No Please explain the timing constraint Expenditure Type / Object Code Information Prior to requesting a new Expenditure Type or Object Code, please review the Object Code Listing, or the Object Codes: 46XXX Revenue Definitions to ensure a code is not available to meet your needs. Select the type of new code you are requesting? Expenditure Type Code Balance Sheet Object Code Revenue Object Code Preferred Expenditure Type or Object Code Desired Expenditure Type or Object Code Title Official Description for the New Expenditure Type or Object Code? Explain why a new expenditure type or object code is needed? For Balance Sheet Object Code Request Only? Object Code owner and his/her department/organization name. Owner Name Department / Organization Name Approximately how much money will post to this new expenditure type/object code annually? For Expenditure Type Request Only Do you expect to use the new Expenditure Type on sponsored projects? Yes No Is this a Salary Code? Yes No Should this Expenditure Type or Object Code be available for payment activities Expense Requests Yes No iProcurement Yes No PCard Yes No Specify which iJournals responsibilities should be granted access to this Expenditure Type of Object Code? iJournals Public Yes No iJournals Specialist Yes No iJournals Central Yes No Comments and/or Questions Important: Please verify that all fields have been completed using the required format before submitting. Depending upon your browser configuration, incomplete data may not be saved when you return to this form. Submit Leave this field blank