linear_scale How To

Close or Cancel a Capital Project PTA

This page provides instructions for initiating the closeout or cancellation of a capital project PTA (project, task and award). A capital project is a long-term, capital-intensive investment project in which the cost is capitalized and depreciated. For information about closing other types of PTAs (e.g., non-sponsored, sponsored projects, or service centers), see the PTA Close Requirements and Contacts section of Topic Overview: Close PTAs.

Close or Cancel a Capital Project PTA

  • To closeout a capital project PTA, the capital project must already be in service and all open purchase orders and work orders must be closed.
  • To cancel a capital project PTA, all open purchase orders and work orders must be closed.


  1. Enter in the browser
  2. Select Login
  3. As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and Password
  4. Select SU PTA Manager Capital Distributed User


  1. Select PTAC Closeout, New Request from top-left menu
  2. Select Closeout or Cancel for Transaction Type
  3. Select Project
  4. If there is more than one task associated with the project, select the Task(s) to include in the request.

If you are not including all tasks in the request (a partial closeout or cancel request), the project will remain open, and funds will not be returned to the project, until all tasks are closed or cancelled.

  1. Select Start Request
Image of the initial Capital Project Closeout/Cancel Request screen

  1. Review the In-Service Date for all tasks included in the request
Image of PTAC Closeout or Cancel In-Service Date tab
  1. If the In-Service Date is correct, select Confirm Flag “Yes”
  2. If the In-Service Date is incorrect, select Confirm Flag “No” and complete the information in the pop-up window
    1. Select the Revised In-Service Date using the calendar
    2. Enter Comments (e.g., terms of occupancy)
    3. Select Choose File and browse to locate any file(s) you wish to attach to the request
    4. Select Upload
    5. Select Send Email
Image of PTAC Closeout or Cancel Revised In-Service Date pop-up window

An email will be sent to the Capital Projects Closeout Administrator. Continue with your in-progress closeout request after the in-service date(s) have been revised.



  1. Select Open Purchase/Work Order tab

It may take a few seconds to search the purchase order and work order database and return results.

  1. If No Data Found message displays, proceed with Step 4
  2. To review the details of an open purchase order, select the blue Purchase Order Number hyperlink

Purchase order details from the Requisition and Purchase Order Query Tool will open in a separate browser window. Follow up to ensure that a) all goods and services have been fulfilled, b) no further transactions or changes will occur on the PO, c) all invoices are processed, and d) the purchase order is finally closed.

  1. Authorized users of the Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) system may review the details of an open work order by selecting the blue Work Order Number hyperlink.

Work order details from EAM will open in a separate browser window. Follow up to ensure that all open work orders are closed.

Image of PTAC Closeout/Cancel Open Purchase/Work Order tab

PTA Manager will block the request from proceeding, and you will receive weekly email notifications until all open purchase orders and work orders are closed.

  1. Select Financial Results tab
  2. Review financial results for the project in the header section
    1. Review Form1/Funding Agreement Amount
    2. Review Total GL Funded To Date
    3. Review Total Expenditures To Date
    4. Review Available GL Funding
  3. In the GA Funding, Budget, and Expenditures by Task section
    1. Review PTD Expenditures (project to date) total
    2. Review potential Remaining Budget
  4. As needed, review financials included in the GL Funding by Award section
Image of PTAC Closeout or Cancel Financial Results tab
  1. Make note of anything that seems amiss to include in Instructions for Accounting (Step 5)



  1. Select Instructions for Capital Accounting tab
  2. As needed, review helpful information included under Fingate Links
  3. To return any unused funding for the capital award or debt, in the Funding Adjustments section
    1. Double click Capital Award Number
    2. Select checkbox

For capital awards, the Destination Project Number and Destination Award Number will auto-populate and can be updated as needed. Debt does not require Destination Project Number and Destination Award Number.

                   iii. Enter Return % of Project Savings (optional)

  1. Enter Comments (e.g., specific closeout instructions for Capital Accounting)
  2. If applicable, select Choose File and browse to locate and Attach Approved Exception to Funding Guidelines file (e.g., email from the CFO of Business Affairs or funding agreement)
Image of PTAC Closeout or Cancel Instructions for Capital Accounting tab

For cancellation requests, the Expenditure Reclass section will display.

  1. For cancellation requests, reclassify expenditures to another project, task, and award (PTA) by completing the Expenditure Reclass section. If not completed, expenditures will be reclassified within the canceled project PTA. As needed:
    1. Select the Reclass to Another Project checkbox
    2. Click the blank field under Destination Project Number and select desired project
    3. Click the blank field under Destination Award Number and select desired award
    4. Click the blank field under Dest Top Task Number and select desired task
  2. Select Save
Image of PTAC Cancel Request, Instructions for Capital Accounting, Expenditure Reclass section

Other attachments may include internal department closeout documents.

  1. Select Attachment tab
  2. Select Add Attachment
Image of PTAC Closeout or Cancel Attachments tab
  1. Select Choose File and browse to locate the file(s) you wish to attach to the request
  2. Select Upload
Image of PTAC Closeout or Cancel Attachment pop-up window


Choose from one of the following workflow options:


Submit for Approval
  1. Select Workflow tab
  2. Select Approver
  3. Select FYI (optional)
  4. Enter Optional Comments
  5. Select Complete
Image of PTAC Closeout or Cancel Workflow tab
Reassign to Another Requester
  1. Under Actions, select Reassign
Image of PTAC Closeout or Cancel Actions Reassign or Terminate/Cancel Request
  1. From the pop-up window:

    1. Select Reassign To person

    2. Enter Comments necessary for the reassignee to follow up on the request

    3. Select Reassign Transaction

Image of PTAC Closeout or Cancel Reassign pop-up window

The assignee will receive an email notification to let them know that a capital project request has been assigned to them and is awaiting their action.


Terminate/Cancel Request
  1. Under Actions, select Terminate/Cancel Request
Image of PTAC Closeout or Cancel Actions Reassign or Terminate/Cancel Request
  1. From the pop-up window:
    1. Enter Comments describing the reason for terminating/canceling the request
    2. Select Terminate/Cancel Request
Image of PTAC Closeout or Cancel Terminate/Cancel Request pop-up window


What Happens Next?
  • Completed requests will be routed to the approver. If needed, the requester can pull the request back from the approver, by selecting Return to Initiator under Actions.
  • Approved requests will be routed to Capital Accounting. A Capital Projects Closeout Administrator will review and process your request, reaching out to you for additional information if needed.
  • You will receive an email notification from Capital Accounting when your request has been fully processed.
  • You can monitor the status of submitted requests from the PTA Manager Dashboard.   


Last Updated: Oct 6, 2023


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