A Stanford travel arranger can log into Egencia and add the traveler via the "Arrange and Approve" section under profile settings. Under profile settings there will be a "Manage" feature the arranger can click on to add the traveler's name. The traveler will then get an email request to add the arranger to their account. Below are screenshots for additional guidance.
How to Add a Traveler
Before You Start
You must be able to arrange travel in Egencia to become someone else's Travel Arranger. You can check under User Associations. If your role is not Arranger please submit a request to the Stanford Travel Team .
- Log in to your Egencia profile. All faculty, staff and students have an Egencia profile. If you are unable to log in, please submit a Get Assistance with a Travel Profile Support Request.
- Navigate to View Profile
Select View profile
- Click on Arrange and Approve on the left column
- Enter the name of the Stanford Traveler you wish to arrange travel
On the Arrange and Approve page, you may also add an Arranger who can book travel on your behalf and manage your profile.
- If you need booking support, an Egencia agent can assist via phone or email:
- 24 hours a day: 1-202-414-2334: stanford@customercare.egencia.com
- Monday through Friday, 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST