Woman looking at a receipt and using a calculcator

Tax Reminders and Resources

Whether it’s where to find tax documents or how to look up or change withholding allowances, below are commonly used resources to refer to in the new year.

In addition to the following information, review the overview of Annual Tax Form Distribution and the Cardinal at Work article describing the tax forms you may receive and where to learn more about each one.

W-2 forms will be available in Axess by Wednesday, Jan. 15. Note the second pay period in December (Dec. 16–31) is not included in the 2024 W-2 Form because it is included in the first paycheck of 2025, on Tuesday, Jan. 7.

Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), employers are required to report the cost of coverage under an employer-sponsored group health plan. This item will be part of the 2024 W-2, reported in Box 12DD. This amount is included for informational purposes only; it is not taxable. See Form 1095 below.

W-2 Distribution

  • Current Employees:
    • Online W-2 forms will be available in Axess by Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2025. Visit Axess, select Employee Center, scroll down to the Taxes section, select View All W-2 Forms
    • Forms will be mailed by Wednesday, Jan. 31 to active employees who have not opted into online delivery using the address that was listed in StanfordYou as of Tuesday, Dec. 31, 2024.
  • Former Employees: W-2s are mailed to all former employees and retirees who worked at Stanford in 2024 using the address that was listed in StanfordYou as of Tuesday, Dec. 31, 2024. To ensure W-2s and other payroll information, benefits and checks are mailed to the correct address, former employees and retirees must contact their former supervisor or department HR administrator to update their mailing address in their personnel file. This will notify Payroll and their W-2 will be updated and mailed accordingly, as well as any other University mailings. To request a reprint once the address has been updated, retirees and former employees should contact the Financial Support Center for assistance.


Paychecks issued for the 12/31/24 pay period will be issued in the 2025  tax year, and payday will be Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2025. Social Security taxes are withheld again for those employees who reached the maximum withholding in 2024. 2025 benefit deductions, including retirement contributions, also begin with this paycheck.

Federal and/or state income tax withholding allowances can be updated at any time by clicking View/Edit Withholdings from the Employee Center in Axess

Note: If you claimed exemption from federal and/or state income tax withholding for tax year 2024 and wish to continue for tax year 2025, you are required to file an updated Form W-4/DE-4 in Axess by Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025.


Form 1099-NEC, Nonemployee Compensation, is a form that payers must file for nonemployees to report nonemployee compensation of at least $600 for services performed during the course of the year.

Form 1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Information, is the form that payers must file for persons who are paid the following during the course of the year:

  • At least $10 in royalties
  • At least $600 or more in prizes and awards, rents, etc.

Form 592-B, Resident and Nonresident Withholding Tax Statement, is a form that payers must file for persons who received a payment with California state tax withholding. Items of income that are subject to withholding include but are not limited to payments to independent contractors, recipients of rents, endorsement income, or royalties.


The Form 1042-S is to report the tax withheld under chapter 3 on certain income of foreign persons, including nonresident aliens, foreign partnerships, foreign corporations, foreign estates, and foreign trusts. 1042-S tax forms are mailed by Monday, March 17, 2025.


As part of the Affordable Care Act employer mandate, Stanford is required to notify eligible employees and the IRS of available medical coverage. This notification is called the IRS Form 1095.


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