linear_scale How To

Obtain Duplicate W-2 Form

Current Stanford employees can obtain duplicate W-2 Forms for the current tax filing year and up to 10 previous years, using the Stanford Axess website. Former employees should contact the Financial Support Center for assistance.

  • You need a SUNet ID and password to log in to Axess.
  • Two-step authentication is required to access your online W-2 Form. Visit Accounts to learn more or to set your two-step preferences.

  1. Enter in the browser
  2. Select Log In
  3. As prompted, enter SUNet ID and password

  1. Select Employee Center
  2. Scroll down to the Taxes section
  3. Select View All W-2 Forms
  4. Select Year End Form to view your W-2 Form for the current tax filing year, or select View a Different Tax Year to select a W-2 Form for a previous tax year (up to 10 years)
    Enable pop-ups for this page to be able to view the W-2.
  5. Select Employee Center to return to the portal
Last Updated: Sep 6, 2022


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