linear_scale How To

Review or Approve Escalated Expense Requests and PCard Transactions

Business Expense auditors may choose to escalate financial transactions for dean-level review when the cost of the expenditure seems excessive or the expense is outside of standard policy. For more information, refer to Topic Overview: Financial Transaction Approval. Escalation designees can follow these instructions to review, approve, request more information or reject an escalated transaction.

Review or Approve Escalated Expense Requests System Transactions

  • You need a SUNet ID and password.
  • Review Purchasing Policies and Guidelines, Business and Travel Expense Policies and Proper Use of Funds.
    • When the escalation designee approves a transaction, they are attesting that their dean's office or unit finance office supports the expenditure and the amount paid. 
  • How will you know that a transaction was escalated and requires your approval?
    • If you have email enabled in your Oracle Preferences, you will be notified via email.
    • If you do not have email enabled in your Oracle Preferences, you must log in to Oracle to see the Workflow Notification in your Worklist.

  1. Enter in the browser
  2. Select Login
  3. As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password

From the Oracle Home Page Worklist
  1. Select the notification from the list

    The most recent three notifications display on the Home page.

  2. Select Full List as needed to view the complete list of your notifications
From the Oracle Home Page Navigator Menu
  1. Select SU Workflow Notifications
  2. Select Workflow Notifications
  3. Select Notifications
  4. Select the notification from the list

  1. Review the Note from Business Expense (in red text) to understand the nature of the escalation
  2. Review transaction details and attachments:
    1. Review Business Purpose
    2. Access Full View and review applicable details
    3. Review attachments

To Approve the Transaction
  1. Scroll to the bottom of the notification
  2. Enter a Note that clarifies or explains why the cost is justified
  3. Select Approve on the notification
To Request More Info from the Preparer

If you need a better explanation from the preparer, or if a receipt or document is missing, you can send a request directly to the preparer:

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the notification
  2. Enter a Note to the preparer that describes exactly what information or attachment(s) you need
    • Refer to the expense lines in question by expense type and line number
    • Be as specific as possible about the information or attachment needed
  3. Select Request More Info
To Reject the Transaction (Expense Report, Advance or Non-PO Payment)
  1. Scroll to the bottom of the notification
  2. Select one or more Rejection reason(s)
  3. Enter Notes to further explain the reason for the rejection and what must be done for approval
  4. Select the Reject button

    Select Other as the rejection reason if no other listed reason applies. Be sure to explain in the notes.
    Reminder: In Notes, refer to expense lines using the Expense Source (Travel Card [TCard], Cash, Per Diem or Mileage) and the line number.

Additional Information
  • If Returned for More Info, the preparer will receive a notification containing your request to which they can reply directly. When the preparer replies with the information you requested, you will receive another notification to review and approve.
  • If Rejected, the preparer of the transaction will receive a notification, including the rejecting approver's note. The preparer can then address the reason for rejection and resubmit the transaction for approval.
  • If Approved, the transaction is routed for payment.

Review or Approve Escalated PCard Transactions

  • You need a SUNet ID and password.
  • Review Purchasing Policies and Guidelines, Business and Travel Expense Policies and Proper Use of Funds.
    • When the escalation designee approves a transaction, they are attesting that their dean's office or unit finance office supports the expenditure and the amount paid. 
  • How will you know that a transaction was escalated and requires your approval?
    • If you have email enabled in your Oracle Preferences, you will be notified via email.
    • If you do not have email enabled in your Oracle Preferences, you must log in to Oracle to see the Workflow Notification in your Worklist.

  1. Enter in the browser
  2. Select Login
  3. As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password

From the Oracle Home Page Worklist
  1. Select the notification from the list

    The most recent three notifications display on the Home page.

  2. Select Full List as needed to view the complete list of your notifications
From the Oracle Home Page Navigator Menu
  • Select SU Workflow Notifications
  • Select Workflow Notifications
  • Select Notifications
  • Select the notification from the list

  1. Review Action History for comment from PCard Auditor about unusually high cost
  2. Review transaction details and attachments:
    1. Review Business Purpose
    2. Review Expense Type and Number of Attendees
    3. Review attachments

To Approve the Transaction
  1. Scroll to the bottom of the notification
  2. Enter Additional Information that clarifies or explains why the cost is justified
  3. Select Approve on the notification
To Request More Info from the Verifier

If you need a better explanation from the verifier, or if a receipt or document is missing, you can request more information:

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the notification
  2. Enter a comment in the Additional Information field that describes exactly what information or attachment(s) you need
    • Be as specific as possible about the information or attachment needed
  3. Select Request More Info

Your request will be sent to the PCard Auditor, who will then send the request to the verifier.

When the verifier replies with the information you requested, you will receive another notification from the PCard Auditor to review and approve.

To Reject the Transaction
  1. Scroll to the bottom of the notification
  2. Enter Additional Information to further explain the reason for the rejection and what must be done for approval
  3. Select the Reject button
What Happens Next?
  • If Returned for More Info, your request will be sent to the PCard Auditor, who will then send the request to the verifier. When the verifier replies with the information you requested, you will receive another notification from the PCard Auditor to review and approve.
  • If Rejected, the verifier of the transaction will receive a notification, including the rejecting approver's note. The verifier can then address the reason for rejection and resubmit the transaction for approval.
  • If Approved, the transaction is routed for payment.
Last Updated: Jun 6, 2023