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Organization Code Hierarchy Tool

Organization (org) codes are a way of defining Stanford's multilevel organizational structure and are used to define parent-child organizational relationships and group information such as employees and financial data. The Organization Code Hierarchy Tool is used to view and manage updates to the organization code hierarchy.  

For more information, read about the Organization Code Hierarchy Tool Project.

The university org code hierarchy is managed by the University Budget Office (UBO). Anyone at the university with an active Stanford University ID (SUNet ID) may view and download the org code hierarchy. The Organization Code Hierarchy Tool provides an interactive “tree view” of the org code hierarchy which identifies each organization by a four-character alphabetical org code. 

All university-wide applications (e.g., authority manager, financial systems and reporting, human resource management, budgeting, and numerous other systems) leverage the org code values from the hierarchy.   

Org codes are used to:

  • Prepare detailed business unit budgets.
  • Assign staff or PTAs (projects, tasks, awards) to an organization.
  • Report on revenues, expenses, and fund balances for an organization.
  • Consolidate and report university financial statements.
  • Manage the scope of granted authorities in Authority Manager.

Some schools and departments leverage the data from the org code hierarchy to integrate data from university-wide systems to unit-specific systems. With the appropriate access, school/department system administrators can preview pending changes to the university org code hierarchy and download versions of the org code hierarchy using file exports.  

Authorized budget officers may request new org codes or request changes to existing org codes using the Organization Code Hierarchy Tool. Refer to the quarterly deadlines for submitting org code change requests to the UBO and for an understanding of when approved org code changes will be implemented in university systems.

To learn more about Stanford’s accounting structure and organization (org) codes, see topic overviews:

There are three levels of access to the Organization Code Hierarchy Tool, based on roles, which determine the tasks that a user can perform using the tool. Some roles require special privileges that are granted by the UBO using the Authority Manager system. 

Role(s) Authority Manager Privilege User Tasks
Stanford Public Viewer
(includes all university users)
Authority is not required. An active SUNet ID is required.  
  • View current and past organization code hierarchies in Final status and view organization code details.
  • Export files (change request details, org code hierarchy, and summary of changes).
(School/department system administrators and designated financial staff)
SU Org Hierarchy Preview
  • Preview the organization code hierarchy in Published status.
  • View the organization code hierarchy in Final status.
  • Compare different versions of the org code hierarchy.
  • Export files (change request details, org code hierarchy, and summary of changes).

Authorized Budget Officers

SU Org Hierarchy Requests
  • Request a new org code.
  • Modify org code attributes.
  • Inactivate an org code.
  • Move an org code within the hierarchy.
  • Review and approve cross budget unit org code move request.  
  • Compare different versions of the org code hierarchy.
  • Export files (change request details, org code hierarchy, and summary of changes).
  • Preview the organization code hierarchy in Draft, In Review, and Published status.
  • View the organization code hierarchy in Final status.


Last Updated: Nov 30, 2023


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