Follow these instructions to submit requests to add new organization (org) codes to the university org code hierarchy, modify org code attributes, inactivate org codes, or move org codes within the hierarchy.
Request Changes to the Organization Code Hierarchy
Before You Start
- Only authorized budget officers may request new org codes or request changes to existing org codes using the Organization Code Hierarchy Tool.
- Refer to the quarterly deadlines for submitting org code change requests to the University Budget Office (UBO) and for an understanding of when approved org code changes will be implemented in university systems.
- Learn more about using the Organization Code Hierarchy Tool.
- Enter in the browser
- Select Login
- As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password
- Select the SU Inquiry Tools and Forms folder from the Oracle Financials Home page Navigator section
- Select the Organization Code Hierarchy Tool from the list
- Select Org Code Hierarchy Change Request from the Main menu
- Select the Target Hierarchy (upcoming quarterly cycle or future fiscal year-end cycle) from the drop-down list
Changes in the Organization Code Hierarchy Tool are not immediately reflected in the Cardinal Planning and Budgeting (CPB) system, which is based on quarterly snapshots that are implemented per the published schedule.
- Enter the Reason for Request (e.g., Reorganization of Program XYZ)
The content you enter here is visible to anyone viewing Organization Code Details > View Organization Code History. You can submit multiple org code changes in one request. As a best practice, do not commingle cross budget unit requests with requests to make changes within an organization.
For field definitions, please refer to the Org Code Hierarchy Data Dictionary.
- Click Add Row
- Enter new four-character alphabetical Org Code
- Enter Official Name
- Enter Display Name
- Enter 30 Char Name
- Select Parent Org
The A/P Default PTA, Org Suspense PTA, and OSA Sweep PTA are auto-populated from the Parent Org if they exist and adhere to Allowed Suspense Account Award Types rules. A/P Default PTA is required. Org Suspense/OSA Sweep PTAs are not required for orgs that will not include employee assignments.
- Enter A/P Default PTA
- Enter Org Suspense PTA
- Enter OSA Sweep PTA
- As needed, enter up to three Custom Fields
Custom fields are defined by the budget unit. For example, they can be used to identify various levels of an organization like a unit, school, or department. Custom fields are included in Org Code Attributes and hierarchy exports.
- Click Create
Validation Messages will display when applicable to inform the requester of missing required fields.
- Repeat steps a. through k. to include other new org codes in the request
- Click Add Row
- Enter and select the Org Code
Current attributes that are available for update will be displayed.
- As needed, modify the Official Name
- As needed, modify the Display Name
- As needed, modify the 30 Char Name
- As needed, modify Custom Fields
- Click Create
- Repeat steps a. through g. to include other org code attribute modifications in the request
- Click Add Row
- Enter and select Org Code
- Click Create
- Repeat steps a. through c. to include other org code inactivations in the request
System validations will prevent you from inactivating an org that has active descendents (child orgs) reporting to it.
Org code moves within a budget unit can be submitted during the fiscal year for publication within a quarterly update cycle. Org code moves across budget units are only allowed for inclusion in the Sept. 1 hierarchy for implementation in the new fiscal year (i.e., effective Sept.1).
- Click Add Row
- Enter and select Org Code
The current Parent Org will be displayed.
- Update the current Parent Org with the new Parent Org
- Click Create
- Repeat steps a. through d. to include other org moves in the request
- Click Add Attachments (e.g., documentation or communications supporting the change request)
- Click Choose Files
- Browse to locate and select your file and click Open. Repeat to add additional files.
- When all files are uploaded, click Close
- Click Preview to review requested changes to be included in the future state hierarchy before submitting for approval
The preview will open in a new pop-up window. To view the preview, ensure that browser pop-up blockers are disabled
i. Click Expand Only Changes
Requested org changes are highlighted in yellow and marked with an asterisk. Parent orgs are highlighted in blue and marked with a plus sign. Due to Firefox browser limitations, the color highlights are not displayed when using Firefox.
ii. Click on the changed org to view the Organization Code Details
iii. Close the preview pop-up window when finished
- To save your changes and submit the request later, click Save
- If the request is complete and no other changes are required, click Submit
Any conflicting changes within the request or conflicts with other submitted or approved requests will trigger new Validation Messages that must be reviewed and resolved before the request can be successfully submitted. To edit or delete request lines, see Step 7.
As needed, edit or delete request lines to address validation messages or complete a saved request before submitting.
- Click the pencil icon in the Edit column next to the request line
- Click Delete to remove the request line from the request
- Or enter your edits in the pop-up window and click Apply Changes
To Preview, Save, or Submit the request, see Step 6.
- View the status of your Pending Requests and Completed Requests from the Organization Code Hierarchy Home page.
- You can withdraw pending requests from the Organization Code Hierarchy Home page prior to approval. UBO approves requests as they are received rather than waiting for the submission deadline. Approved requests will be implemented following the submission deadline.
- To undo a change that has been approved, you must create a new change request.