Stanford Financial Management Services has partnered with University IT to update Labor Schedules (LS) email notification functionality and distribution to improve user experience and reduce administrative burden for LS system users, which comprise labor schedulers, labor distribution adjusters, and Organization Suspense Account (OSA) task managers. The enhancements launched Jan. 12, 2023.

About Labor Schedules and email notifications
Labor Schedules (LS)
is a system within Oracle Financials that allows authorized users to create and update labor schedules to define the allocation of all employees’ earnings to the appropriate project-task-award (PTA, also known as an account). LS system users receive several types of LS system-generated email notifications when action may be required on an employee’s labor schedule.

Project Enhancements

  • User-friendly email notifications (formatting and functionality)
    Previously, LS email notifications are in text-only format. The new notifications have HTML functionality that supports tables, text formatting, and hyperlinks and can present more information in a user-friendly format (such as tables containing PTA segment numbers, start dates, end dates, allocation percentages, and clickable links to resources) to help users efficiently resolve labor schedule issues.
  • Reduced number of emails (streamlined distribution)
    Previously, email notifications are generated for each employee whose labor schedule may need action, meaning LS system users could receive many notifications at once, one for each employee in their department. The new process reduces the number of emails LS users receive by consolidating the email notifications about impacted employees by org code, thereby reducing administrative burden. For example, users will now receive one email with a table listing all employees in their org code missing a labor schedule, instead of receiving multiple emails that each mention an employee missing a labor schedule.

Resources and Support

Learn More and Stay Informed

Stay tuned to this page for updates about the LS Notifications Enhancement Project, or stay informed in these ways:

  • Follow our Slack channel, #Stanford-FMS-news for the latest on this project and more.
  • Contact the project lead, Rubi Paredes, Core Financials Lead, Financial Systems & Reporting.
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