This page provides instructions to upload cash and personal credit card expense lines in Expense Requests via an Excel spreadsheet.
Copy and Paste Expense Lines from Excel
Before You Start
Before beginning an expense report for SU or Non-SU payees, the cash and personal credit card expense lines may be organized in an Excel spreadsheet. Then, when ready to enter the expense report in Expense Requests, copy and paste the expense lines from the spreadsheet directly into the expense report. Travelers may use these templates to record expenses for the preparer to paste into an expense report. This is an optional organizational and time-saving feature.
- Download the Excel template by selecting the type of expense report from the following drop-down menu
- SU Payee Expenses (Domestic US)
- SU Payee Expenses (Foreign)
- SU Payee Human Subjects
- SU Payee Human Resources Only
- SU Payee Relocation
- Non-SU Payee Expenses (Domestic US)
- Non-SU Payee Expenses (Foreign)
- Non-SU Payee Human Subjects
- Athletics Use Only SU Payee
- Athletics Use Only Non-SU Payee
These templates are also available from Expense Requests, Transaction Lines, Paste from Excel option.
Using this template is not mandatory. Any Excel spreadsheet will work as long as it contains these four columns in the order Date, Amount, Expense Type and Remarks and data is entered in the exact format for upload.
Demo: Expense Line Upload from Spreadsheet (Older ORACLE window but actions are the same.)
- Open downloaded spreadsheet
- Enter Date when expense occurred Date format must be one of the following and be the same for the entire spreadsheet:
*3/14/16 - Enter expense Amount
Do not add a dollar sign $ to the Amount field. - Use the exact Expense Type name provided on the spreadsheet – spelling and case must match Expense Request System
- Enter Remarks as needed (limit to 240 characters)
Expense Types that require Details are indicated at the end of the row, and details must be entered in Expense Requests if required. - Continue to add expense line data in the Excel Sheet until ready to add lines to transaction
Paste from Excel can only be used once per transaction so add all lines in the spreadsheet before selecting "Paste from Excel" or add other lines manually in the Transaction Lines step
- Select Paste from Excel button on the Transaction Lines page
- In the spreadsheet, select and copy (Ctrl + C) only the Date, Amount, Expense Type and Remarks columns (including the header row)
Do not select the entire row; select only these four columns with column headers.
- Select the date format used in the spreadsheet in the Paste from Excel window
- Select Paste from Clipboard field
- Paste (Ctrl + V) expense content in the Paste from Clipboard field
- Fields from Excel should appear in transaction lines
If there are errors in the upload report, close the report window, fix errors in spreadsheet and copy and paste again.
- Review all transaction lines uploaded
- Add Details Required for each line that requires specific details.
List of errors will appear after a few seconds at the top of the transaction lines page showing what information is needed for each line (See below).
- Continue with the remaining expense report pages
- Lines from Excel Spreadsheet should be added to Transaction Lines. After all Required Details are provided for each line requiring them, the next steps in the transaction may be completed and the transaction submitted.