When a petty cash fund is no longer necessary, department heads or custodians can close the fund by replenishing the fund to its initial amount and depositing the full amount at the Wells Fargo bank.
Close a Petty Cash Fund
Before You Start
You must have access to the Petty Cash module in the Expense Requests System to replenish funds to the initial amount of the petty cash fund.
- Process outstanding receipts
- Reconcile the fund
- Submit the replenishment request to replenish the full amount of the account in the Expense Requests Petty Cash module (refer to How to: Replenish Petty Cash Fund)
- Receive replenishment check from Payment Services
- Submit a Support Request to notify Office of the Treasurer (OOT) of the closing of the Petty Cash fund
- From the Petty Cash Fund Option section, select Close a Petty Cash Fund
- Enter Petty Cash Fund Number
- Enter Petty Cash Fund Amount
- Enter PFOO*
- Select Submit
*The Financial Support Center can provide the Project, Task, Fund/Award and Object Code (PFOO) for the deposit if unknown.
- The department will deposit the cash and any uncashed replenishment checks following the instructions on How To Process and Deposit Department Receipts
When emailing the deposit details to paymentsoffice@lists.stanford.edu, please ensure to include:
- “Close Petty Cash Fund # 82XXX” in deposit description
- PTAE provided by FSC to credit the deposit
- Attach a copy of deposit receipt to the same Support Request submitted in Step 3
- Retain original deposit receipt with Petty Cash records
What Happens Next?
The OOT closes the petty cash fund and sends a confirmation email to the requesting department that the fund has been closed.