You received an email indicating an iProcurement cart has been assigned to you, the new owner of the cart. This page provides instructions of locating and taking the actions.
Locate and Act on an iProcurement Cart Assigned to You
Before You Start
The cart number will be the requisition number when the iProcurement order is submitted.
- Enter in the browser
- Select Login
- As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password
- Select SU Internet Procurement
- Click My Assigned Carts icon in the header section of iProcurement
- Select All carts assigned to me (Incomplete) from View drop-down menu on Assigned Carts screen
- Click Go
- Locate the Cart Number provided in the email notification
- Click the icon in the History column to review the assigned requisition history (optional)
- Click the radio button of the Cart Number
Complete the Requisition
- Click Complete button to open the cart in the Edit and Submit Requisition page
- Review and edit the information (See instructions starting Step 5 – Verify Requisition Information on the How To: Create a Standard Non-Catalog Requisition page)
- Save or Submit the requisition
Once the order is completed, the Cart Number will show as the Requisition Number.
The Created by name will be the person who submitted the Requisition, not the original requester. The only way to identify the original requester is by the person who submitted the requisition.
Unassign the Cart
- Click Unassign button
- Enter the reason why you are not able to complete the requisition in the Notes to Assigner field
- Click Unassign
The cart is removed from your Assigned Carts queue.
What Happens Next?
- The requisition is routed to the designated financial approver(s) when completed.
- Upon approval, the order is placed with the suppliers.
- An email will be sent from the supplier to you confirming the order and giving the estimated time of arrival.