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BI Publisher Reports

BI Publisher (BIP) reports are one-to-one conversions of former ReportMart3 (RM3) reports. They can be accessed from Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI) Dashboard report pages or directly from the catalog and use the same data but have a number of differences from dashboard reports.

Feature BI Publisher Dashboard
Customizable report (columns can be moved, included, excluded, subtotaled and moved to prompts and sections)  
Customizations can be saved and emailed to others  
Can be created from scratch in the ad hoc environment  
Reports look and work exactly like previous RM3 reports  
Scheduling available to run reports automatically and can send as an email attachment  
Every selection criteria field must have an entry  
Can only be created or modified by central programmers  

The Schedule option in the page options is one way to determine whether a report is a dashboard or BIP report. Only BIP reports have the Schedule function.

BI Publisher Page with Actions Menu open to schedule choice

BI Publisher page Screenshot showing selection criteria on left and actions menu gear icon at the top right opened and pointer to menu choice titled Schedule

  • The Selection Criteria panel is usually located on the left hand side of the screen. 
  • Every field must have an entry or % for no value; suggested entries like “XXXXX” in award number must be replaced with an actual value or percent.
  • Scroll the side elevator(s) down to display additional entry fields. Sometimes on small screens there are two elevators and you may need to use both to reach the bottom selection criteria.

  • Additionally, you may schedule report jobs for BIP reports, whereas you cannot do so for dashboard reports.  
    • Scheduled BIP reports are static reports that pull data from OBI using preset selection criteria at specified times and dates and produce reports in formats like PDF and Excel. These formats are emailed as attachments.
  • For more details, refer to Scheduling BI Publisher Report Jobs.
Last Updated: Oct 10, 2022


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