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Transfer Administration System (TAS)

The Transfer Administration System (TAS) facilitates the budgeting and forecasting of fund transfers as well as the actual transfer of funds. It also serves as a database for the University Budget Office (UBO) to manage one-time funding allocations from provost's and president's discretionary funds to budget units.

TAS sunset in summer 2025: In preparation for the launch of the Cardinal Planning & Budgeting (CPB) system’s transfers functionality, TAS will go into view-only mode before launch. We encourage staff to attend Transfers 1 training, when released, to start to familiarize themselves with the CPB functionality.

TAS users can create transfer records for orgs within or across budget units. TAS transfer records must be approved by a person with authority over the org that funds are transferring from/to.

TAS users can also create iJournals fund transfers from within TAS. iJournals fund transfers must be approved by a person with the proper journal approval authority and may be rejected, reversed or voided during the process.

The TAS Dashboard makes it easy for TAS users to track: 

  • Records ready for iJournals transfer. Note: Only approved records for the current fiscal year are eligible for iJournals creation.
  • Records awaiting my unit’s approval displays transfer records that require your unit's approval.
  • My records are transfer records created by you, including those that are approved or rejected by recipient unit and those pending others' approval. The status is separated into tabs.
  • My unit's records show all transfer records to and from your unit, regardless of the creators.

Access to the Transfer Administration System (TAS) is granted by the University Budget Office (UBO).

What a user can see and do in TAS is dependent upon other financial authority as indicated in the table below:

TAS TaskRequired Authority
View or create transfer records for orgs within a budget unit

Shared Applications & Non-OBI Reporting Privileges

Financial System > Shared Applications & Non-OBI Reporting > Salary View (Award) or Salary View (Project-Task)

Create iJournals fund transfers from within TAS

iBudgets Administrator or iBudgets Manager 

Note: These iBudgets privileges inherit iJournals Fund Transfer and iJournals Specialist privileges.

Approve TAS transfer records for orgs within a budget unit

TAS approvers must have at least one of the following authority privileges:

TAS users can further designate TAS access to members within their budget unit. The designation can be done through the TAS Authority Tab on the left panel. Only people with one of the Shared Applications & Non-OBI Reporting Salary roles defined above are included in the Unit Members list. TAS users may grant members access as a Viewer or a Creator. Creators can enter transfer records in TAS.

UBO offers open labs throughout the year in alignment with the phases of the annual budget cycle. TAS users may come to an open lab for support using TAS. Refer to the open lab schedule on the UBO Cardinal Planning and Budgeting (CPB) Training page. 
For one-on-one support or training, please submit a TAS Support Request to the University Budget Office. 

The Transfer Administration System (TAS) User Guide contains information about how to use TAS. The user guide includes general guidelines, authority, user designation, step-by-step task-based instructions, search and reporting information.

The TAS user guide is also available from within TAS in the Help menu as indicated below. 

Screenshot indicating TAS user guide's location within TAS in the Help menu


TAS users can leverage reporting tools in TAS, Cardinal Planning and Budgeting (CPB), Oracle and Oracle Business Intelligence (OBI).

TAS Reports

There are currently two reports available within TAS.

  • TAS-100 report is designed to give you a list of transfer records from your unit. You can narrow down the report results by defining Source Award, Recipient Unit and/or Record Status.
  • TAS-101 report is designed to give you a list of transfer records to your unit. Likewise, you can narrow down the report results by defining Destination Award, Source Unit and/or Record Status.

Additionally, users can export raw TAS data records for their own reporting using the Search feature. After executing a search (applying any specific filters), the resulting record list can be downloaded as a .csv or .xls file from the "Actions" button.

Screenshot indicating the "Actions" button where the resulting record list can be downloaded as a .csv or .xls file

CPB Reporting

Instructions for viewing transfers within the Cardinal Planning and Budgeting (CPB) system will be available when the Transfers module goes live (January 2025).

Oracle Fund Title Query

Use the Oracle Fund Title Query tool to quickly look up a fund by its title and review award attributes and fund purpose. For a more detailed description of the tool, view the Using the Fund Title Query job aid.

To access this inquiry tool and others, launch Oracle Applications and select the SU Inquiry Tools and Forms folder and link in the Navigator section of the Home page.

OBI Financial Reporting

Revenue and Fund Management (RFM) provides information about beginning fund balance, activity (e.g., receipts, transfers, expenses) and fund balance; as well as variance of budget vs. actual and iBudgets transaction details. 

For information about getting access to OBI, available training and resources, refer to OBI Financial Reporting.

Last Updated: Feb 4, 2025


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