The Capital Accounting and Debt Management System (CADMS) provides reports to assist business users with analysis and decision making. CADMS supports the university's management of it’s internal debt portfolio and to be in compliance with IRS rules governing the use of tax-exempt debt.
CADMS is an Oracle-based application that tracks all capital project costs, bonds outstanding, debt awards and computes debt service for debt-funded projects. In addition, CADMS provides customized management reports with roll-up and drill-down functionality and forecasting capabilities.
Gaining Access to CADMS
There are two levels of authority for CADMS.
SU CADMS User: This is the authority granted for campus users who run reports for PTAs for which they are authorized.
SU Capital Asset Manager: This gives access for all capital project awards and is reserved for central office users, such as Capital Accounting, Fund Accounting and Office of the Treasurer.
To gain access to CADMS, your manager will need to send an email to David Whalin or Christine Saint Georges for requesting authority to be granted.
- The 10 Year Forecast Report displays 10 years of forecast data for debt service, including principal, interest and remaining balance.
- The Award Balance and Project Expenditures Report displays award balances and related project expenditures for capital projects as of a fiscal period. The report can be run by project task, award or no subtotal.
- The Fund Authorization Report provides summary information at the project-task level for capital construction projects, including project authorization information. funding sources, budget, estimated debts and costs.