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Point-of-Sale Solutions for Stanford Merchants

Department merchants can use a physical point-of-sale (POS) device or terminal to accept in-person and/or mail-order-telephone-order (MOTO) card payments.

Merchants can also use Point-to-Point Encrypted (P2PE) keypads (aka: SREDKeys) for processing transactions via Cybersource virtual terminals. These keypads are intended to improve workflow, making it easier for the team to process transactions, while also simplifying and improving security.

Merchant Services (MS) recommends using Personal Card Industry (PCI)-validated P2PE (point-to-point encryption) solutions whenever possible, as they are the most secure processing systems currently available, offering the highest security for cardholder data and significantly reducing annual validation costs and resource requirements for the university. This page outlines device types, usage, and maintenance.

Clover Flex

An all-in-one device that:

  • is portable and easy to use
  • Accepts magnetic stripe, EMV chip, contactless payments
  • It can email, text or print receipts and uses P2PE.


  • Hardware: $540.00 + sales tax
  • Monthly Fee:  Clover requires a monthly service plan.
Clover Service Plan Description Current Monthly Price
Payments The basic plan offers payment acceptance, employee management, and transaction reports.

$0 for the first device
$7.95 for each additional device


Essentials The plan offers advanced features such as order management, customer management, and basic inventory management and reporting. Plus all Payments features.  $14.95 for the first device
$11.95 for each additional device

Note: The Clover pricing is subject to change.


Running a sale on a POS device initiates the authorization side of the transaction. To begin a sale, your customer may offer a card for payment in one of three ways:

  • By inserting a chip card into the dip slot at the front of the device or PIN pad
  • By swiping the card through the magnetic stripe reader
  • By tapping a contactless card or phone

Learn how to complete a transaction on your Clover device.


A void is a type of refund that is done before a transaction is settled.

Learn how to void a transaction on your Clover device prior to closing the batch.


If a transaction has already settled and you need to refund the cardholder, your only option is to perform a refund.

Learn how to refund a transaction on your Clover device from a closed batch.


A batch is a single submission to the merchant bank of a group of transactions (sales and credits) for settlement. A batch usually represents a day's worth of transactions. 

Learn how to close out batch on your Clover device manually.


When the internet connection is down or weak, you can continue to take payments up to a pre-authorized limit, by enabling the offline payments option. When a connection becomes available, the Clover device automatically submits offline payments for authorization. Once authorized, you receive the funds and customers receive receipts. Please refer to Clover help center for more information on getting funded for offline transactions.

Please note that when you take an offline payment, you assume the risk of a declined transaction when the device is back online up to the limit you have pre authorized for each transaction. For example, if a credit card is expired or canceled, or if the PIN is incorrect, the payment will be declined once back online. If a payment is over the limit, it will be declined in the offline status at the time the card is presented.

There is no way of validating an offline transaction. It is ultimately a business decision by the department owner on whether to allow offline payments or not, and how much the limit should be. Sometimes it is better to capture an offline transaction versus not to capture payments at all.

Network Connectivity 

Depending on the model types, POS equipment usually connects over a secure analog dedicated phone line, cellular network, secured Wi-Fi, open Wi-Fi (for P2PE only) or Ethernet. For merchants using Clover devices, you can choose any of these methods to securely connect your devices to the internet with:

  • AT&T cellular connection through the device's mobile SIM card
  • Personal hotspot through your mobile device with required password
  • Off-campus secured Wifi such as hotel or event venue with required password
  • Ethernet cable that you plug in from a router to the device. Please contact MS for setup instructions.
  • On-campus “eduroam” WiFi with instructions. Merchants can connect to the secure network “eduroam” WiFi option available on the Stanford campus. MS asks that the merchant: 
    • Assign a device manager who has a SUnet ID who will be responsible for the device. Only a Stanford stakeholder with a SUnet ID may access the eduroam WiFi network. Have the device manager log in to Eduroam using their credentials, using Clover Flex Connection instruction.
    • If needed, sponsor a base SUNet ID for the person, if they are not already part of Stanford. 
    • Ensure that anyone who will handle the credit card transaction complete the PCI compliance training, including casual, temp, student workers, and/or third-party vendors.


Visa does not require signatures on EMV chip cards, but signatures are still required if cards are swiped. It is up to the merchants to verify cardholders, but to reduce friction at the point of sale, merchants can verify the cardholders with the following:

  • Merchants are not required to check security features on the chip card.
  • Merchants are not required to verify that the signature on the receipt matches the one on the chip card.
  • Merchants do not need to treat chip cards with unsigned/blank signature panels differently from other transactions.
  • Merchants must not refuse payment based on how the payment is presented. For example, a contactless-capable merchant cannot choose to accept near-field communication-enabled mobile devices without accepting a physical contactless-enabled card.

Merchants may also stop seeing a signature panel on the back of a MasterCard because cards with chips eliminate the need to compare signatures. The three-digit security code will remain.


EMV stands for Europay, MasterCard and Visa, a global standard for inter-operation of integrated circuit cards (IC cards or chip cards). EMV cards or chip cards are a more secure form of payment for customers. EMV-enabled equipment allows customers to dip their cards instead of swiping. The chip on the card encrypts card information, so it’s more difficult for thieves to steal cardholder data. 

POS merchants who use EMV-capable equipment can process contactless payments using Near Field Communication (NFC) technology. Both contactless card and mobile wallet (e.g., Apple Pay) enabled smart devices to communicate payment information directly when hovering closely over the NFC-enabled POS equipment.

Benefits of Contactless Payments:

  • Fast: Enables faster and more convenient transactions
  • Secure: Transactions are protected by encryption technology and minimize fraud
  • Safe: Avoids physical contact with the POS device

Set Up Support

Below are quick reference guides for Clover devices available through Wells Fargo. 

If you have additional questions concerning your setup, please contact the Wells Fargo help desk at 800-622-0842 or visit the Online Clover Help Center.

MS recognizes that some departments may only have a temporary need for accepting credit or debit card payments; therefore, MS created a POS equipment program where departments can temporarily check out a mobile card machine. The rental program is only for Stanford-sponsored events and all funds will first be deposited to the Office of the Treasurer's bank account, then transferred into departments’ PTA on a monthly basis.

Rental Device Option

  • If you need up to three devices, you can rent Clover Flex from MS.
  • If you need more than three devices, MS will help you contact Wells Fargo.


  • Processing Fee: 2.5 to 3 percent of amount transacted.
  • PCI fee: 0.8 percent of amount transacted .



  1. Submit a support request to MS along with the completed  loaner terminal application form. All personnel who will operate the device will be enrolled for PCI compliance training.
  2. Arrange a pick up date and time with MS. MS will provide the basic training and visual inspection to the department staff during the hand off.

  1. Proceed with your event using the device. If you have an issue, please contact Wells Fargo helpdesk at 800-622-0842. 
  2. After all daily transactions have been entered, perform the batch out process per the instruction. This will send all transactions to settlement so that payments are processed. Until batching is done, all transactions will stay pending and the bank will not process the payments. 
  3. Save the daily transaction receipts and batch receipt.
  4. If an event lasts for more than one day, please store the device in a locked environment. The device battery may need to be recharged; however, please do not leave it plugged in overnight. 

  1. Return the device to MS in a timely manner. Submit a support request to MS to arrange drop off. 
  2. Provide both transaction detail and total batch amount to MS for reconciliation purposes.
  3. Ensure everything that was in the box when you picked it up is returned. MS will perform a visual inspection with the department staff during the hand off.

Receipt Paper Orders 

If you use Wells Fargo POS equipment (Clover), call the Wells Fargo help desk at 800-622-0842, Monday to Friday, 5:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. PST to order receipt paper. You will need to have the following information prior to making your call:

  • Merchant ID number 
  • Merchant name
  • Merchant address

If you have POS equipment from another third party vendor, contact that vendor for ordering instructions.


For existing merchants, if their POS equipment has stopped working, reached its end of life or they need an additional device, please submit a Support Request to MS to order a new or additional device. MS facilitates the ordering of the new Clover equipment through Wells Fargo. The equipment is owned by, and therefore the responsibility of each merchant that purchased it.

Software Updates

Periodically, merchants should refresh their equipment to maintain compliance and ensure the latest software is updated.


POS merchants are encouraged to clean and disinfect their card reader devices, kiosks and vending machines frequently. 

Tips for a cleaner payment experience:

Do Don't
Turn off the device and disconnect it from the power source before cleaning. Attempt to perform any service, adjustments or repairs on the device.
Use cleaners with 70 percent to 90 percent strength Isopropyl alcohol to clean the device. Use abrasive cleaners or solvents that can harm rubber parts and damage the device.
Apply the disinfectant to a soft cloth before cleaning the device or use a disinfecting wipe. Spray cleaning solution directly on the device.
Wipe down device surfaces and pay careful attention to the keypad, display and anywhere that might be touched. Allow any disinfectant or water into the device's openings where cards are dipped, swiped or where cables connect.

For merchants using Clover devices, please follow the instructions specific to cleaning a Clover device.


Pursuant to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) requirement 9.9, which states, merchants accepting face-to-face and/or MOTO card payments via a physical POS device are required to:

  • Maintain an up-to-date inventory of the equipment.
  • Periodically inspect the equipment to ensure they are operating as intended.
  • Train personnel to be aware of suspicious behavior and to report tampering or substitution when it occurs.

MS provides the POS Equipment Inspection Guidance to help merchants better comprehend the expectations of this requirement and implement appropriate processes to comply with industry standards.


If you have any unused Clover POS equipment that you wish to dispose of, follow the steps below to ensure any stored data is erased.

  • Call Wells Fargo help desk at 800-622-0842 and request that the data for the equipment number provided be erased. They will walk you through the steps.
  • Contact Surplus Property Sales (SPS) to arrange a time for pick-up.


A SREDKey (secure reading and exchange of data) is an encrypted keypad with an LCD and an encrypted MagStripe reader that offers merchants  a complete and reliable security solution that meets the PCI-PTS certification. The keypad enables you to enter card data and plugs into any computer via a standard USB port. The SREDKey ensures all data transactions are protected through secure point-to-point encryption (P2PE) reducing fraud and data compromises.

One device can be used by various people or across multiple accounts. SREDKeys will be configured for Stanford’s environment as a whole, so they can be shared within units, provided that those using the keypad are all granted proper permissions on the Cybersource virtual terminal back end (Merchant Services will assist with this).

Learn about costs, benefits, ordering and set up procedures for an Encrypted Keypad for Virtual Terminal.

Last Updated: Jan 10, 2025


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