An invoice may be placed on hold by Accounts Payable and require action to release the hold. Invoice hold notifications, which include instructions on how to release the hold, appear within Oracle Financials. They may also be sent via email if a user enables their email notifications within Oracle Financials. Refer to How To: Set Up iProcurement Preferences for Deliver-To Location, Allocations and Approvers for more information.
This Resource page also includes descriptions of invoice holds that do not prompt a hold notification email and typically do not require action, but may display in the Hold Reason field of the Requisition and Purchase Orders query tool.
Please refer to the sections below for more details on invoice holds that require action as well as those invoice hold that generally do not require action.
Common Invoice Holds That Require Action
The table below describes the most common types of invoice hold notifications that require action, what they mean, and how to release the hold. For other types of holds, and any action required, please contact the Financial Support Center.
Hold Reason (displayed in Requisition and Purchase Orders Query tool) and AP Invoice Hold Description (displayed in OBI)
Subject Line of Email Notification | Hold Reason (displayed in Requisition and Purchase Orders Query tool) and AP Invoice Hold Description (displayed in OBI) | Actions Required to Release the Hold |
This invoice requires action (receiving) | Enter receiving information in iProcurement. Actions required to release hold. | Receiving information must be entered in iProcurement for this type of purchase. Refer to How To: Receive Goods for more information. If no action is taken in seven (7) days, a reminder notification is sent to preparers and/or department uploaders. Financial approvers, who are not also the purchase order preparer and/or department uploader, will only receive invoice hold notification emails after 28 days to allow sufficient time for the preparer and/or uploader to take action. |
This invoice has been placed on a temporary department hold for your review | Invoice on five business-day temporary hold for department review | Because the invoice amount is between $5,000 and $9,999, it has been placed on a temporary hold for five (5) business days to allow for department review. Preparers of the requisition can take one of the following options: After the department reviews the invoice, the preparer of the requisition or the financial approver can take one of the following actions:
You have requested to extend a hold on an invoice between $5,000 and $9,999 | You have requested to extend a hold on an invoice between $5,000 and $9,999 | The department requested to extend a hold on an invoice between $5,000 and $9,999 to confirm that the goods or services have been received. The preparer of the requisition or the financial approver can take one of the following actions: If the department is ready to release the hold, it can be released immediately through the invoice hold notification. If the department is not ready to release the hold, the invoice will remain on hold and the notification will be sent every seven (7) days. If the department does not release the hold before 28 business days, the financial approver will receive the notification. |
This invoice amount requires financial approval | Invoice amount requires financial approval | An invoice between $5,000 and $9,999 was placed on a five (5) business-day temporary hold (see hold reason above) and was sent directly to the financial approver after 28 days because the invoice does not have an active preparer or uploader. If the invoice is valid and accurate, the financial approver can release the hold immediately through the invoice hold notification. If the invoice is not valid and/or is inaccurate, the financial approver can submit a support request. |
This invoice amount requires action (department approval) | Invoices $10,000 or greater require approval by preparer or financial approver. | Because the invoice amount is 10,000 or greater, it requires department confirmation and approval that the goods or services have been received. Approvers with the appropriate authority (the preparer of the requisition or a financial approver listed on the requisition) must access and review the invoice details that are hyperlinked from the hold notification. If no action is taken in seven (7) days, a reminder notification is sent to preparers and/or department uploaders. Financial approvers, who are not also the purchase order preparer and/or department uploader, will only receive invoice hold notification emails after 28 days to allow sufficient time for the preparer and/or uploader to take action. |
This invoice requires action (PI approval) | Requires Principal Investigator approval and other actions to release hold. | The invoice requires approval from the Principal Investigator (PI) for the subaward who must certify that the charges on the invoice appear reasonable, and progress to date on the project is satisfactory and in keeping with the statement of work. The prescribed approval statement and PI signature must be included with each subaward invoice uploaded for payment in accordance with the policy and processes outlined by the Office of Sponsored Research. Refer to Managing a Subaward for more information. Once the certification statement and PI approval is added to the invoice, please submit a support request, attaching the invoice with the certification statement and PI approval, and the Financial Support Center will take the action of attaching the approved invoice to the original uploaded file for this invoice, and the hold will be released If no action is taken in seven (7) days, a reminder notification is sent to preparers and/or department uploaders. Financial approvers, who are not also the purchase order preparer and/or department uploader, will only receive invoice hold notification emails after 28 days to allow sufficient time for the preparer and/or uploader to take action. |
This invoice requires action (insufficient amount on PO) | Insufficient amount on the purchase order. Actions are required to release hold. | There are not enough funds on the purchase order to process the invoice. If the PO will no longer be used after this invoice, add enough funds to the PO to equal the total of all invoices through a change order. After the invoice is paid, the department can Finally Close the existing PO. If the PO will be used to pay future invoices, add enough funds to the PO to equal the expected total of the required future invoices for the remaining time on the PO through a change order or a contract amendment. For blanket purchase orders, create a new PO. The change order will generate a new requisition number. Enter the requisition number in the form hyperlinked from the notification to indicate that you have taken action and do not need to receive reminder notifications. If no action is taken in seven (7) days, a reminder notification is sent to preparers and/or department uploaders. Financial approvers, who are not also the purchase order preparer and/or department uploader, will only receive invoice hold notification emails after 28 days to allow sufficient time for the preparer and/or uploader to take action. |
This invoice requires action (PO is finally closed) | PO is Finally Closed, invoice cannot be paid. Actions required to release hold. | Purchase Order for an invoice has been finally closed. When creating a new PO to pay this invoice, enter into the Purchase Order Description field, "For invoice payment purposes only" to avoid the supplier duplicating the shipment. Then click on the form hyperlinked from the notification to provide the Requisition Number used to create the new PO. If no action is taken in seven (7) days, a reminder notification is sent to preparers and/or department uploaders. Financial approvers, who are not also the purchase order preparer and/or department uploader, will only receive invoice hold notification emails after 28 days to allow sufficient time for the preparer and/or uploader to take action. |
This invoice requires action (invalid PTA - insufficient funds) | PO has invalid PTA lines. Action may be required to release hold. | The PTA for a PO has expired and there are not enough funds on the PO to process the invoice. If this PO will no longer be used after this invoice, add enough funds to the PO to equal the total of all invoices on hold through a change order. After this invoice is paid, the department can Finally Close the existing Purchase Order. If the PO will be used to pay future invoices, add enough funds to the PO to equal the expected total of the required future invoices for the remaining time on the PO through a change order or a contract amendment. For blanket purchase orders, please create a new PO. The change order or contract amendment will generate a new requisition number. Once the change order process is complete, which includes requisition approval and updating as well as approving the purchase order, the invoice hold will be released. If no action is taken in seven (7) days, a reminder notification is sent to preparers and/or department uploaders. Financial approvers, who are not also the purchase order preparer and/or department uploader, will only receive invoice hold notification emails after 28 days to allow sufficient time for the preparer and/or uploader to take action. |
This invoice requires action (closed or unavailable PTA) | PO has invalid PTA lines. Action may be required to release hold. | The PTA that is referenced on the PO is closed or not available for this invoice and a PTA change to a valid PTA is required. The alert is sent to the Preparer, Approvers, and Task Manager. The department should select one person to take action. Please complete and submit a change order request to change the PTA to a valid PTA within seven (7) days. The Change PTA self-service functionality is not available for invoices with an “on hold” status. If the change order request is not processed and finalized within the timeframe, the invoice will be charged to the default AP PTA for your task-owning organization. Once the change order process is complete, which includes requisition approval and updating and approving the purchase order, the invoice hold will be released. |
Not applicable. There is no email notification for this invoice hold | Department requested invoice hold. Contact FSC to release the invoice hold. | The department requested that a hold be placed on the invoice. The department must submit a support request to release the invoice. |
Invoice Holds That Generally Do Not Require Action
There are numerous invoice holds that do not prompt a hold notification email because they are typically resolved by Accounts Payable, or in conjunction with another department, within two to fifteen days. If the school or unit sees any of the following Hold Reasons in the Requisition and Purchase Orders Query tool, the actions specified in the table below should be taken:
Hold Reason | Definitions and Actions Required to Release the Hold |
Under review. Contact FSC if hold not released 2 business days after HOLD DATE | Accounts Payable or another department is reviewing and working to resolve the invoice hold and no action is generally required. If action is required, Accounts Payable will contact the department. Schools and units should contact the Financial Support Center only if the invoice hold is not resolved two business days after the invoice hold date (not the invoice date or the purchase order (PO) date). |
Under review. Contact FSC if hold not released 5 business days after HOLD DATE | Accounts Payable or another department is reviewing and working to resolve the invoice hold and no action is generally required. If action is required, Accounts Payable will contact the department. Schools and units should contact the Financial Support Center only if the invoice hold is not resolved five business days after the invoice hold date (not the invoice date or the purchase order (PO) date). |
Under review. Contact FSC if hold not released 15 business days after HOLD DATE | Accounts Payable or another department is reviewing and working to resolve the invoice hold and no action is generally required. If action is required, Accounts Payable will contact the department. Schools and units should contact the Financial Support Center only if the invoice hold is not resolved 15 business days after the invoice hold date (not the invoice date or the purchase order (PO) date). |
If no other holds, contact FSC if not released 5 business days after HOLD DATE | There may be underlying invoice holds that are causing additional invoice holds. Schools and units should ensure and confirm that all underlying invoice holds have been resolved. After all other invoice holds have been resolved, contact the Financial Support Center only if this invoice hold is not resolved five business days after the invoice hold date (not the invoice date or the purchase order (PO) date). |
If schools and units have any urgent questions before the invoice hold date, please submit a support request.