This document provides instructions for how to view requisitions, purchase orders and invoices.
View Requisitions, Purchase Orders or Invoices
Before You Start
Learn the differences between requisition and purchase order numbers:
Every order begins as a requisition when your request is created and submitted for approval. The system assigns the requisition a 7-digit requisition number (displayed in iProcurement and associated email notifications).
Upon approval, the system assigns a unique and unrelated 8-digit purchase order number. There could be more than one purchase order number associated with one requisition number if ordering from more than one supplier.
- Enter in the browser
- Select Login
- As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password
- Select SU Inquiry Tools and Forms
- Select Requisition and Purchase Orders Query
Search for Requisition
If you have the requisition number:
- Enter the 7-digit requisition number in the Requisition Number field (be sure there are no spaces before the number)
- Select Search
- If the requisition has been approved, select the PO Number(s) at the bottom of the requisition to view the Purchase Order Details
If you do not have the requisition number:
- Enter the appropriate Criteria from the list below. Enter only the minimum required to identify the requisition.
- Purchase Order Number (best search)
- Project
- Task (only if Project is also entered)
- Award
- Expenditure Type
- Originator
- Requester
- Approver
- Requisition Status
- Category
- Suggested Supplier
- Creation Date Range (from/to)
- Select Search
- All requisitions matching the entered criteria will appear.
- Select the Requisition Number or the Purchase Order Number to see details
Search for Purchase Order
- Enter eight-digit purchase order number in the Purchase Order Number field (be sure there are no spaces before the number)
- Select Search
- Select the Requisition Number under Requisition Details to view the requisition details This is an unofficial copy of the purchase order and should not be used to place the order with the supplier.
View Approval Status
- Enter the 7-digit requisition number in Requisition Number field (be sure there are no spaces before the number)
- Select Search
- When viewing the requisition, the Requisition Approval List will show all departmental approvers on the requisition and the status
- When all approvers show Approved, the requisition will automatically become a purchase order
- To view the Purchase Order, go to the bottom of the page, under PO Details and click on the PO #.
To expedite approval, contact the active approver.
View Buyer Approval
- Enter the 7-digit requisition number in Requisition Number field (be sure there are no spaces before the number)
- Select Search
- If the requisition has been approved by the department, it will have been assigned a purchase order (PO) number. Select the PO number at the bottom of the requisition page.
- The Purchase Order view will appear. The PO Authorization near the top of the page, shows the purchase order approval status.
- If it is incomplete, the buyer is still working on it.
- If it is approved, the buyer has approved and placed the order.
- Under PO Details, the name, phone and email of the buyer assigned to your standard order will be shown Amazon Business and SmartMart orders do not have a buyer. These orders are placed immediately by the system upon approval.
If the Amazon Business or SmartMart order requires a buyer's attention, please contact the Financial Support Center.
View Invoice Payment Status
- Enter the 7-digit requisition number in Requisition Number field (be sure there are no spaces before the number)
- Select Search
- Scroll to the PO Details section
- Select the PO number link in the PO # column
- Scroll to the Invoice Payment Details section. All invoices that have been applied against this PO are shown.

Column Definitions:
- Invoice #: (Interactive link)The number listed on the Invoice (may differ slightly to meet Stanford standards). If the interactive link is selected, a new page titled, Invoice Details appears.
- Check section shows check, electronic payment or wire number and paid date
- Hold section shows any holds on payment and date of hold
- Invoice Date: The date listed on the invoice or when not found, the date the invoice is received
- Invoice Amount: The total amount listed on the invoice by the Supplier
- Payment Status: Pending, Paid, Canceled, or Withdrawn
- Hold Status: On Hold or No Hold(s)
- Image: (may be interactive link) If available, a pdf copy of the invoice
- Payment Terms: The payment terms for this supplier (for example, Net 30 = payment will be made by 30 days after the invoice date on the Invoice).
- Scheduled Payment Due Date: The date the payment is scheduled to be paid (Invoice date + Terms)
- Payment Date: The date the payment was made
- Payment Cleared Date: If a check, the date it was cashed.
- Payment Method Name:Check, Electronic
For more information, refer to Resource: Managing Invoice Holds for hold notification details for the most active AP Holds.
What Happens Next?
- For support, contact the Financial Support Center.