linear_scale How To

Upload an Invoice

This page provides instructions for uploading an invoice. 

Upload an Invoice

Suppliers should mail invoices directly to Accounts Payable (suppliers should refer to Supplier Instructions for Submitting Invoices for more information). Uploading invoices should be the exception process. For more information, refer to Topic Overview: Purchase Order Invoice Processing.

In the event you receive an invoice, ensure the invoice meets Stanford's invoicing requirements before uploading it. Invoices for purchases made through Stanford's SmartMart Catalogs are electronically sent by the supplier to Accounts Payable and do not need to be submitted by the department.

If you have an electronic file of the invoice, follow the Upload Instructions below. If you only have a paper copy of the invoice, refer to How To: Mail an Invoice to Accounts Payable for more information.

Rush, Wire and Will Call payment processing fees must be charged to a non-sponsored PTA (award cannot begin with P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W).

  1. Enter in the browser
  2. Select Login
  3. As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password

  1. Select SU Inquiry Tools and Forms
  2. Select Requisition and Purchase Orders Query

  1. Enter the eight-digit Purchase Order number in the Purchase Order Number field (be sure there are no spaces before the number)
    • Alternatively, enter a seven-digit Requisition number in the Requisition Number field and then select the Purchase Order from that page 
  2. Select Search

Any invoices that have been applied against this PO will be listed in the Invoice Payment Details section at the bottom of the PO.

  1. Scroll to the Invoice Payment Details section
  2. Select the Invoice Number to see what has been paid on the invoice
  3. Select View Backup in the Invoice Payment Details section to view an image of the invoice if a PDF image of the invoice is available
  4. Close the PDF to return to PO view

  1. From the PO Details page and scroll to the Status of Uploaded Invoices Associated with this PO section
  2. Select Upload an Invoice for Payment Processing
  3. Select Browse to locate and choose the invoice file you wish to upload
    1. To upload additional invoice files associated with this purchase order, select Browse again and choose another file.
      Each uploaded file can only include one invoice and must be associated with the purchase order queried. Single files containing multiple invoices cannot be processed.
      As a best practice, rename the file to include the invoice number and supplier.
    2. Select Remove to delete a file before uploading
  4. Select Open

In the Select Desired Payment Handling Method section, select the payment handling method.

By selecting Will Call, payment will automatically receive Rush processing.


Select Standard to have the invoice processed within 3-5 business days and attached to the Purchase Order. The invoice will be paid according to the payment terms for this supplier. (Payment Terms are found in Requisition and Purchase Order Query after searching for the PO Number.) 


A Rush payment can be requested when the department would like to expedite the payment to a supplier made on a Standard Requisition or for a transaction in Expense Requests.

  • There will be a $35 fee applied to the payment handling method. Follow the instructions to provide the correct PTA for this charge by entering the non-sponsored PTA in, “Enter PTA for Payment Handling Fees”. The PTA must be validated as it is entered and Sponsored PTAs will not be allowed to be entered. 

When a Rush payment is requested while uploading an invoice, Accounts Payable will pay the supplier by check or electronic transfer within 48-72 hours, assuming the supplier has completed setup and there are no holds on the invoice. For more information, refer to Resource: Payment Handling Methods and Processing Times page.  Electronic payments and Check Payments are made within 48-72 hours and hard copy checks are sent via standard mail with the US Postal Service.


While uploading an invoice, an electronic wire payment may be requested on the page.

  1. After uploading the invoice file in Step 5
  2. Click the option Wire under Select Desired Payment Handling Method

If Rush processing as well as Wire is desired for this invoice, select one of these options, Rush or Wire and send a support request to the Financial Support Center to request both options. The handling fee $35 for each option, Wire and Rush for a total of $70 may be charged.

If you select Wire and wish to send the payment via a non-USD currency, send a support request to the Financial Support Center to request the specific foreign currency. FMS can send a Wire via selected foreign currencies and notification will be made via the support request if the country's currency requested is not available for Wire sent from Stanford University.

If requesting Wire payment for this invoice, the supplier/payee should already have wire information listed in their supplier/payee record with Stanford. If there are no wire instructions, send a support request to the Financial Support Center to request adding Wire information.

Redwood City Will Call

A Will Call check can be requested when a department would like to hand a check directly to the supplier.  The check can be picked up from Stanford Redwood City campus. There is a $35 process fee for this service. Follow the instructions in the next step to provide the PTA for this charge.

Accounts Payable will generate a check for Will Call in 48-72 hours as they do for Rush payments. For more information, refer to Resource: Payment Handling Methods and Processing Times page. Information regarding the options for Will Call will be offered in the Will Call Check Notification sent to the uploader.

Payment Services Will Call at Redwood City Campus

To request a Will Call check, follow the steps in How To Request Rush and Will Call Payments. When the check is ready, a “Will Call Check Notification” email will be sent to the requester listed on the transaction.

The “Will Call Check Notification” email provides information and instructions about each of the delivery options, which include FedEx, Standard USPS, or in-person pickup at the Stanford Redwood City campus (via appointment).

For assistance, please submit a support request to the Financial Support Center.

Redwood City Campus

A $35 fee will apply to Rush, Will Call or Wire payment handling methods. The fee must be charged to a non-sponsored PTA (award cannot begin with P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W).

If, Rush Wire or Redwood City Will Call is selected, a new section will appear, Enter PTA for Payment Handling Fees

  1. Enter a non-sponsored PTA in Enter PTA for Payment Handling Fees
    1. Each section of the PTA must be validated. (Can only enter non-sponsored PTAs)
  2. Confirm Upload, select Upload 
What Happens Next?
  • If the invoice meets specified criteria, Accounts Payable will process the invoice and schedule payment per the terms specified on the purchase order (e.g. Net 30 days from date of invoice). Refer to Resources & Job Aids: Payment Handling Methods and Processing Times for more information.
  • If the invoice does not meet specified criteria, Requisition Preparers will be notified of an invoice hold with the reason and required action.
  • The user who uploaded the invoice, will be notified when the invoice has been processed. The user should check the status of the invoice by returning to Requisition and Purchase Order Query to view the invoice and confirm there are no holds. 
  • Retain hard copy invoices until you have verified that the invoice uploaded successfully and you have confirmed payment processing is complete. For more information, refer to Administrative Guide Policy 3.1.5: Retention of Financial Records.
Additional Information

Invoice Approved for Payment  

An Invoice Approved for Payment checkbox is visible to the Requisition Originator and Authorized Approvers. When the box remains checked, it serves as department approval to pay.

If someone other than the Requisition Originator or Authorized Approver uploads an invoice and the receiving has not been completed for the line or item, the check box will not be visible. Invoices greater than $5,000 will be placed on hold by Accounts Payable and the Originator will be notified to contact the Financial Support Center to release the hold by providing their approval to pay.

A Delete button will display in the Action column of the Upload an Invoice for Payment Processing section of the PO inquiry page when it is okay to delete an invoice file uploaded in error. The invoice can only be deleted by the person who uploaded the invoice.

Last Updated: Feb 23, 2024


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