linear_scale How To

Check SmartMart Catalog Suppliers Order Approval Status

These steps show you how to check approval status for an order in SmartMart Catalog Suppliers.

Obtain the 8-digit purchase order (PO) number from iProcurement or from an approval email.

SmartMart Catalog Suppliers orders are placed after all approvers have approved the requisition.

  1. Enter in the browser
  2. Select Login
  3. As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password

  1. Select SU Internet Procurement

Requisitions Personally Approved or Created
  1. Select My Requisitions on the top bar
  2. If the order has a status of In-Process, select on the status to see which approvers are still pending
  3. If the order has a status of Approved, check status by calling the SmartMart supplier and provide the 8-digit PO number
    Browse the full list of SmartMart Catalog Suppliers Contact and Shipping Information
Requisitions Not Personally Approved or Created
  1. Select Search button
  2. Fill in the known fields to help narrow your search
    1. Requisition Created By
    2. Requisition Created
    3. Requisition Number
    4. Order Number
    5. Requester
    6. Requisition Status
    7. Requisition Description
    8. Supplier
  3. Select Go
  4. Select the status of the requisition to see the approval history in the results page
Last Updated: Feb 10, 2022


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