linear_scale How To

Mass Create or Replace Labor Schedule PTAs

The Replace Single PTA function replaces one PTA on an employee's existing Labor Schedule with a new PTA. The Create/Replace All PTAs function can be used to create Labor Schedules for employees who do not currently have one, such as a group of new hires.

Single PTA

The Replace Single PTA function replaces one PTA on an employee's existing Labor Schedule with a new PTA. This feature is useful when multiple employees need to have the same update performed; for example if one PTA is being closed and needs to be replaced with another PTA on all employees' Labor Schedules.

To view short video demonstrations of common Labor Schedules tasks, see Labor Schedules Task Demonstrations.

  1. Enter in the browser
  2. Select Login
  3. As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password

  1. Select SU Labor Scheduler (Salary or Non-Salary View)

Do not use your browser forward or back buttons to navigate within the Labor Scheduler system, you may lose your work.

  1. Click the Mass Create/Update page link Located in the upper left of the screen under the Labor Scheduler drop-down list
  2. In the Select type of update pane, choose Replace Single PTA

  1. In the Choose Level pane, choose Assignment Level Labor Schedules or Pay Code Level Labor Schedules

  1. In the Search Criteria pane, enter the Project Number, Task Number and Award Number. You may also enter additional search parameters, such as HR Assignment Org, Pay Group, Exp. Type and Assignment Status, if desired
  2. Click the Search button

The search results will return all employees who match the given parameters.

  1. In the Select Assignment Number pane, tick the checkbox for each employee whose Labor Schedules you wish to update, or tick the checkbox in the column header to select all employees
  2.  Click the Continue button

  1. In the Replacement PTA Entry pane, enter the replacement Project Number, Task Number, Award Number and enter a Start Date within the current pay period.

You are not required to enter an Allocation % with this feature, as the new PTA will automatically use the same Allocation % as the PTA being replaced on each employee's Labor Schedule

  1. For each labor Schedule line you create, the LD Approver, Task Manager and Action (Insert, Delete, Add) will be shown
  2. To notify someone other than the LD Approver and Task Manager of changes to the Labor Schedule, enter their name (last, first), email or SUNet ID in the Additional FYIs field and click the Add FYI button
  3. To include customized comments in the FYI Notification, enter them in the Comments field

Comments will be visible to all recipients.

  1. Click the Submit button
What Happens Next?
  • Existing labor schedules will be end-dated to one day prior to the new Start Date
  • Labor schedule lines will be updated with the new PTA and Start Date. The expenditure type, original end date, and percentage will remain the same

Multiple PTAs

The Create/Replace All PTAs function can be used to create Labor Schedules for employees who do not currently have one, such as a group of new hires.  It can also be used to replace existing Labor Schedule lines for employees who already have them. Using this function for employees who already have a Labor Schedule set up will cause all existing Labor Schedule lines to be automatically end-dated when these new lines are inserted.

To view short video demonstrations of common Labor Schedules tasks, see Labor Schedules Task Demonstrations.

  1. Enter in the browser
  2. Select Login
  3. As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password

  1. Select SU Labor Scheduler (Salary or Non-Salary View)

Do not use your browser forward or back buttons to navigate within the Labor Scheduler system, you may lose your work.

  1. Click the Mass Create/Update page link located in the upper left of the screen under the Labor Scheduler drop-down list
  2. In the Select type of update pane, choose Create/Replace All PTAs

  1. In the Choose Level pane, choose Assignment Level Labor Schedules or Pay Code Level Labor Schedules

  1. In the Search Criteria pane,  enter the HR Assignment Org.
  2. Click the Search button

The search results will return all employees who match the given parameters.

  1. In the Select Assignment Number pane, tick the checkbox for each employee whose Labor Schedules you wish to update, or tick the checkbox in the column header to select all employees
  2.  Click the Continue button

  1. In the Replacement PTA Entries pane, enter the replacement Project Number, Task Number, Award Number, Start Date (within the current pay period), End Date and Allocation %
  2. Click the Add Line button

Repeat this step until the allocation % totals 100%.

  1. For each labor Schedule line you create, the LD Approver, Task Manager and Action (Insert, Delete, Add) will be shown
  2. To notify someone other than the LD Approver and Task Manager of changes to the Labor Schedule, enter their name (last, first), email or SUNet ID in the Additional FYIs field and click the Add FYI button
  3. To include customized comments in the FYI Notification, enter them in the Comments field

Comments will be visible to all recipients.

  1. Click the Submit button
What Happens Next?
  • Existing labor schedules will be end-dated to one day prior to the new start date and schedule lines with a start date after the current pay period will be deleted.
  • Labor schedules will be created/updated with the new PTA(s), Start Date, End Date, and Allocation %.
Last Updated: Feb 10, 2021


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