linear_scale How To

Bulk Upload Labor Schedules

When using the Bulk Upload feature, labor schedule lines included in the upload file will become the employee's new Labor Schedule.  Any existing Labor Schedule lines on that employee's record will automatically be end-dated, and any future Labor Schedule lines will be deleted (where applicable).

Bulk Upload Labor Schedules

Only authorized users with the proper authority and training can upload labor schedule changes using the Labor Schedule system in Oracle Financials. Access is restricted to the user's organization per Authority Manager.

To view short video demonstrations of common Labor Schedules tasks, see Labor Schedules Task Demonstrations.

  1. Enter in the browser
  2. Select Login
  3. As prompted, log in using SUNet ID and password

  1. Select SU Labor Scheduler (Salary or Non-Salary View)

Do not use your browser forward or back buttons to navigate within the Labor Scheduler system, you may lose your work.

  1. Click the Mass Create/Update page link located in the upper left of the screen under the Labor Scheduler drop-down list
  2. In the Select type of update pane, select Bulk Upload
  3. Click Next 

 Upload files must be in .csv format and include the following column headers in the order listed: Assignment Number, Project Number, Task Number, Award Number, Exp. Type, %, Start Date and End Date. If you haven’t already done so, click the Download Template button and ensure your upload file is properly formatted

The system will validate the file format. If an error is detected, the line text will be red and an error message description will be displayed at the top of the page. To Edit a line, click the pencil icon. To Delete a line, click the trash can icon 

  1. Once all errors have been corrected, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Continue button

  1. For each labor Schedule line you create, the LD Approver, Task Manager and Action (Insert, Delete, Add) will be shown
  2. To notify someone other than the LD Approver and Task Manager of changes to the Labor Schedule, enter their name (last, first), email or SUNet ID in the Additional FYIs field and click the Add FYI button
  3. To include customized comments in the FYI Notification, enter them in the Comments field

Comments will be visible to all recipients.

  1. Click the Submit button
What Happens Next?
  • Existing labor schedules will be end dated to one day prior to the new Start Date and schedule lines with a Start Date after the current pay period will be deleted.
  • Labor schedule lines will be created/updated with the new PTA(s), Start Date, End Date, and Allocation %.
Last Updated: Dec 17, 2021


S&RO (Systems and Reporting Operations)
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