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Report Subprocess Sample Business Questions
O Operating Statement and Clinical Trials Statement

Revenue and Fund Management Reporting (RFM) dashboard

(formerly FIN_OP_101_Operating_Detail & FIN_OP_101A_SPO_Clinical_Trials_Statement)

Review GA and GL summary and transaction details including break even percent (Non-customizable)

  • As a Service Center org what is my break even between revenue and expense?
  • What is the reconciliation between GA and GL?
O Operating Statement Month by Month

Revenue and Fund Management Reporting (RFM) dashboard

(formerly FIN_OP_284_Mo_By_Mo _Month-by-Month)

Review summary report by GL Period and Object Code/Expenditure Type (Non-customizable)

  • What is my revenue and expense month by month by object code?
  • What are my gains/losses month by month?
  • What is my summary information about assets and liabilities?
O Operating Statement Year by Year

Revenue and Fund Management Reporting (RFM) dashboard

(formerly FIN_OP_284_Mo_By_Mo_Year-By-Year)

Review summary report by fiscal year and Object Code/Expenditure Type (Non-customizable) 

  • What is my revenue and expense year by year by object code?
  • What are my gains/losses month by month?
  • What is my summary information about assets and liabilities?
O Org Inquiry

Reference Data and Inquiry (INQ) dashboard

Review organization hierarchy information

  • What is my organization's hierarchy lineage? Who are my parent, sibling and children orgs?
  • Who in my organization can grant me OBI Report Viewer and/or Intermediate Ad Hoc User authority?